>government in Bogota and its murderous henchmen in the AUC.
>Members of the IAC delegation that visited San Vincente
>Caguan in liberated territory of Colombia now have the
>opportunity to arouse the movement here to the pressing need
>to show solidarity with the Colombian workers and peasants
>and to fight to end Plan Colombia. We urge our readers who
>can to attend the meeting in New York Dec. 12 as the first
>step in that direction.
>- END -
>(Copyleft Workers World Service: Everyone is permitted to
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>changing it is not allowed. For more information contact
>Workers World, 55 W. 17 St., NY, NY 10011; via e-mail:
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>Date: Wed, 6 Dec 2000 21:46:27 -0500
>Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
>Content-transfer-encoding: 7BIT
>Subject: [WW]  Jobs Threatened by Downturn
>Via Workers World News Service
>Reprinted from the Dec. 14, 2000
>issue of Workers World newspaper
>By Gary Wilson
>The U.S. economy has entered a rapid decline. Workers have
>been feeling it for months. Now the capitalist economists
>are admitting that it is happening.
>Liberal economist Paul Krugman, an adviser to the Clinton
>administration and ardent supporter of Al Gore, said in his
>column in the New York Times Dec. 5 that the economy has not
>only gone into a slowdown, but that a recession is
>"certainly possible."
>George W. Bush, the heir apparent to the presidential
>throne, acknowledges that the economy appears to be headed
>into a recession.
>Alan Greenspan, the unelected banking boss, would never call
>a recession a recession, at least not until after it's over.
>Instead, on Dec. 6, he cautiously said that this is "an
>economy that already has lost some momentum."
>The National Association of Manufacturers says that the
>manufacturing sector of the economy is in a full recession.
>For the fourth straight month, manufacturing has contracted.
>The president of the NAM said at a Washington news
>conference Dec. 1, "This economy is not as healthy as people
>What has hit is a capitalist crisis of overproduction. The
>"new economy," it turns out, is the same old capitalist
>The phenomenon of capitalist overproduction happens
>periodically. Although a crisis of overproduction can't be
>stopped, the usual answer to it is to make credit more
>easily available. This can sometimes lessen the impact of
>the crisis, but it drives the problems deeper into the
>economy. The only "solution" that will protect the profit-
>system is to shut down plants and lay off workers, sending
>the economy into a depression.
>As the bankers and big capitalists already know, any
>loosening of credit right now probably won't "soften" the
>downturn. That's because consumer debt is already high and
>corporate debt is even higher. Add onto this the record
>level of the U.S. trade deficit.
>Japan is still in a recession and the European capitalist
>economies are sluggish. So U.S. businesses won't be able to
>increase exports.
>This is a combination that could send the economy into an
>even deeper tailspin, of the kind that causes great social
>dislocation and political crisis.
>The high-tech stock market, NASDAQ, has practically crashed.
>The NASDAQ has dropped 40 percent from its all-time high
>earlier this year.
>Layoffs and shutdowns are rampant in the high-tech
>industries. Every Internet company is cutting back and
>laying off. Almost every Internet stock is down by at least
>75 percent from its 52-week high, according to a CNNfn.com
>report on Nov. 9. Only five of the top 280 Internet stocks
>are down less than 5 percent. None are up for the year.
>The stock market value of the top 280 Internet stocks has
>lost $1.755 trillion over the last year, with most of the
>loss taking place between March and September of this year,
>CNNfn.com reports.
>A recession hits the working class the hardest. It can also
>devastate small businesses. The rich, the big businesses and
>big bankers can wait out a recession and will even find a
>way to make profits from it. That's what often happens in a
>recession. That's why Paul Krugman, the liberal economist,
>can glibly say, "Even if we do have a recession, so what."
>With every severe downturn comes the capitalist propaganda
>meant to convince the people of this country that it is
>necessary for them to make sacrifices. The facts are
>falsified to support this propaganda and new enemies are
>created to divert attention from the rich capitalists in the
>U.S. who are responsible.
>Take the case of DaimlerChrysler. Already the Germans who
>bought Chrysler are being blamed while plant closings and
>layoffs are being proposed. Never mind that exactly the same
>plant closings and layoffs are being considered at Ford,
>another auto manufacturer that is owned by "Americans." The
>problem is not the Germans or any other foreign entity. The
>problem is right here in the United States. The problem is
>- END -
>(Copyleft Workers World Service: Everyone is permitted to
>copy and distribute verbatim copies of this document, but
>changing it is not allowed. For more information contact
>Workers World, 55 W. 17 St., NY, NY 10011; via e-mail:
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>Date: Wed, 6 Dec 2000 21:46:24 -0500
>Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
>Content-transfer-encoding: 7BIT
>Subject: [WW]  Jeb Bush's Racist Conspiracy to "Deliver Florida"
>Via Workers World News Service
>Reprinted from the Dec. 14, 2000
>issue of Workers World newspaper
>By Fred Goldstein
>Al Gore is drowning in Republican lawsuits and court
>decisions favoring George W. Bush. As he goes down he
>adamantly refuses to reach out for the one life preserver
>that could probably save him, or at least help him make his
>case with renewed energy. That is exposing the racist
>exclusion of tens of thousands of Black voters in Florida.
>The capitalist media have spent thousands of hours
>interviewing politicians, legal experts, professors,
>pollsters and assorted pundits. They have speculated on
>every aspect of law, court decisions, time schedules,
>dimpled ballots versus punched-through ballots, etc., ad
>nauseum. But the one subject that is virtually censored out
>of all the coverage is the massive exclusion of votes from
>the Black community.
>Gore's strategy had been to try to squeeze out a few hundred
>extra votes from manual recounts in three counties. But the
>fact is that racist exclusion resulted in many thousands of
>votes by African Americans being cast aside. These could
>very likely have secured his victory in Florida.
>But being part of the ruling-class establishment himself,
>Gore prefers political defeat to lifting the lid on the
>scandal of election racism and forcing the capitalist media
>to deal with it.
>When George W. Bush and his staff were planning their
>overall electoral strategy, they calculated that their
>fortunes would turn on winning in the state of Florida. Gov.
>Jeb Bush was given the assignment of "delivering Florida"
>for his brother.
>But already by mid-year Jeb's difficulties began. There was
>a massive NAACP voter registration drive in the Black
>community. With the Florida governor having outlawed
>affirmative action despite huge protests, the anti-Bush
>voter registration drive was signing up record numbers of
>new voters in the African American community.
>It was not long before Jeb's dilemma reached the critical
>point. How do you "deliver" a state in which the other side
>is clearly going to get the majority?
>The Bush team devised the only strategy available to it:
>Combat the massive voter registration drive with an equally
>massive voter disqualification campaign.
>With his access to the state's voter registration records,
>it was easy for Jeb to pinpoint the problem.
>According to the Dec. 3 Washington Post, the Black voter
>turnout in Florida set a record. 893,000 African Americas
>cast ballots--a 65-percent increase over 1996. Over 40
>percent of them were new voters. Jeb, as Florida's governor,
>had prior knowledge of where the anti-Bush votes were going
>to come from.
>The disqualification campaign started long before the
>election. In June Florida Secretary of State Katherine
>Harris, co-campaign manager for George W. Bush in Florida,
>sent out a list of over 700,000 so-called felons, according
>to Dec. 4 edition of the British Guardian. Under a racist
>19th century Florida law, petty offenses were branded as
>felonies and those convicted were disenfranchised for life.
>This disenfranchisement operated hugely in Bush's favor,
>since one third of those convicted were Black, the rest were
>poor, and poor people don't vote for Republicans.
>But Harris decided to expand the disenfranchisement.
>According to interviews conducted by the Guardian, "The
>names of many Black voters were wrongly added to the list,
>which included ex-convicts whose rights had been restored."
>On Election Day the racist disqualification campaign went
>into full swing. According to a statement by the Leadership
>Conference on Civil Rights, cited in a Dec. 5 Village Voice
>article, "Poll workers reportedly were instructed by their
>supervisors to be particularly 'strict' in challenging voter
>qualifications because of aggressive voter registration and
>turnout efforts that had been made in their communities."
>This explains why voters with registration cards were told
>they had not registered; why others were wrongly told they
>had been sent an absentee ballot and denied access; why
>other were illegally sent home at poll closing time after
>standing in line for hours; why others were put on long
>"problem lines" if they did not have photo identification;
>why help in filling out confusing ballots was denied to new
>voters; and why translators were denied to Haitian voters.
>The net effect of all this planned obstruction was tabulated
>by the Washington Post study. "In the most heavily white
>precincts, about 1 in 14 ballots were thrown out, but in
>largely Black precincts more than 1 in 5 ballots were
>spoiled--and in some Black precincts it was almost one-
>third." The one-third was in Jacksonville, in Duval County,
>where 27,000 votes were thrown out from the Black community.
>On Dec. 3 the Miami Herald published the results of a study
>of all 5,885 voting precincts in Florida. It found that
>without all the obstruction, Gore would have won by 23,000
>This racist disqualification campaign was how Jeb Bush
>conspired to "deliver" Florida and the presidency to his
>brother. Gore knows it. Bush knows it. The big-business
>media know it. But they won't say it.
>They all have a common commitment to concealing the fact
>that racism is rampant--not just on Election Day in Florida,
>but every day throughout the country.
>The Voting Rights Act and the Civil Rights Act were
>concessions made by the ruling class in the heat of the mass
>struggle for civil rights in the 1950s and 1960s. These
>concessions didn't mean that the bosses were giving up on
>racism. They waited for the struggle to die down so that
>they could begin taking the concessions back.
>The elections show that racism is still a primary tool of
>the bosses and, above all, that the time has come to open up
>a mass struggle against the entire racist capitalist
>And Gore? Anyone who prefers his own political demise to a
>struggle against racism is a true enemy of the workers and
>- END -
>(Copyleft Workers World Service: Everyone is permitted to
>copy and distribute verbatim copies of this document, but
>changing it is not allowed. For more information contact
>Workers World, 55 W. 17 St., NY, NY 10011; via e-mail:
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>Date: Wed, 6 Dec 2000 21:46:27 -0500
>Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
>Content-transfer-encoding: 7BIT
>Subject: [WW]  Free Leonard Peltier & Mumia Abu-Jamal
>Via Workers World News Service
>Reprinted from the Dec. 14, 2000
>issue of Workers World newspaper
>This December a critical juncture arrives for the movement to
>free two political prisoners: Leonard Peltier and Mumia Abu-
>After 25 years in a federal prison, and eight years after
>presidential candidate Bill Clinton promised to free him,
>Peltier's petition for executive clemency sits on outgoing
>President Clinton's desk. Under intense pressure from the
>progressive movement and world public opinion, Clinton is at
>last weighing the possibility of Peltier's release before he
>leaves office. A decision is likely before the winter
>holidays late this month.
>Meanwhile the FBI is mounting a propaganda campaign aimed at
>keeping Peltier behind bars, falsely claiming that he killed
>two federal agents at South Dakota's Pine Ridge Reservation.
>The FBI has set up a toll-free number and taken out full
>page ads in major newspapers for this purpose.
>Brother Peltier and his defense committee have appealed to
>all workers and progressives to call the White House
>comments line every single day and demand his release. That
>number is (202) 456-1111, and we urge our readers to call
>It is equally vital for the working-class movement to take
>action in the streets now to demand freedom for the
>political prisoners. An important march is scheduled for
>Dec. 9 in New York's Harlem community for Abu-Jamal, and
>marches are also planned in San Francisco, Seattle and other
>cities. On the following day, Dec. 10, there will be a march
>for Peltier to the United Nations in New York. Next Jan. 20,
>a national protest at the inaugural in Washington will
>target the prison system and demand freedom for political
>In the spirit of solidarity, the organizers of the two New
>York actions have joined forces. They have issued a joint
>leaflet and are taking other measures to maximize turnout at
>both protests.
>Peltier's and Abu-Jamal's cases are inextricably linked. As
>the two best-known political prisoners in U.S. jails, their
>names are virtual battle cries for those fighting racism and
>social injustice.
>Both activists were framed by arms of the racist capitalist
>state. In Peltier's case it was the FBI; in Abu-Jamal's it
>was the Philadelphia Police Department. And they were framed
>for the same reason. Both prisoners were--and are--dedicated
>fighters for the rights of their oppressed communities and
>for all poor and working people.
>Both men had sham trials. Both have been denied new trials
>by the courts despite overwhelming evidence of their
>innocence. Both are subject to racist disinformation
>campaigns by the cops and the big-business media.
>There's another similarity. Peltier and Abu-Jamal both face
>the equivalent of a death sentence.
>In Abu-Jamal's case its clear. He's on Pennsylvania's death
>But Peltier's life, too, is in considerable danger. For
>several years his health has been in decline. Prison
>officials have denied him access to qualified doctors. They
>even subjected him to a botched jaw operation that left him
>in constant pain and unable to eat solid food.
>Leonard Peltier must be freed now so that he can receive
>consistent medical care and return to his loving family and
>Because their cases are so closely linked, a victory in
>freeing Leonard Peltier would be a tremendous contribution
>to Abu-Jamal's freedom struggle. It would energize the
>movements against racism and the prison-industrial complex
>and be a blow against the forces of racism and reaction.
>The time to act is now. All out to free Leonard Peltier!
>Forward to freeing Mumia! Onward to the Jan. 20 march on
>- END -
>(Copyleft Workers World Service: Everyone is permitted to
>copy and distribute verbatim copies of this document, but
>changing it is not allowed. For more information contact
>Workers World, 55 W. 17 St., NY, NY 10011; via e-mail:
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>[EMAIL PROTECTED] Web: http://www.workers.org)


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