>Party chief praises Political General Department's Party Committee
>Party General Secretary Le Kha Phieu, who is also secretary of the Central
>Military Party Committee, praised the Political General Department's Party
>Committee and officers, soldiers and defence workers and State-employees of
>the general department for their great efforts in fulfilling their assigned
>tasks in the past years.
>The Party leader was speaking at the 15th Party Congress of the Political
>General Department of the Vietnam People's Army on December 6. He
>congratulated the general department for being presented the Gold Star Order,
>the noblest distinction bestowed by the Party and State on its 56th
>Traditional Day (December 22, 1944 - December 22, 2000.)
>The general secretary analysed the world situation as well as the national
>socio-economic, defence and security situation and pointed out the
>responsibilities of the Political General Department in building the People's
>Armed Forces and the People's Army, and especially in building a strong
>defence of the whole people in the coming years.
>He recommended the Political General Department's Party Committee to continue
>building a pure and strong Party committee. The success of the congress of the
>Political General Department's Party Committee would contribute to the success
>of the seventh Military Party Congress and the upcoming ninth National Party

>NA passes part of Draft Insurance Business Law
>National Assembly deputies discussed to pass, part by part, the Draft Law on
>Insurance Business in the plenary meeting chaired by the NA vice chairman Mai
>Thuc Lan yesterday, the 19th working day of the NA’s on-going session.
>At the opening of the meeting, Finance Minister Nguyen Sinh Hung, on behalf of
>the Drafting Board, the NA’s Standing Commission for Economy and Budget and
>Standing Commission for Laws and the session’s Secretariat read a report on
>receiving opinions of deputies in order to revise the Draft Law on Insurance
>Tran The Vuong, a member of the Secretariat read the Draft Law on Insurance
>Sixty-five deputies from 29 provinces and cities contributed their ideas to
>the Draft Law on Insurance Business. After discussion, the NA approved the
>name of the Law, its preface, chapters I and II. Deputies also gave their
>ideas to article 1 of chapter III.
>During the discussions, Finance Minister Hung gave explanations and received
>opinions from deputies on the Draft Law on Insurance Business.
>Today, the NA deputies continue their discussions for the approval of the
>Draft Law on Insurance Business.

>Asian Women for a Peaceful Culture seminar opened
>About 120 women, including politicians, social activists and researchers on
>women from Asia-Pacific countries gathered at a three-day conference entitled
>‘Asian Women for a Culture of Peace’ which opened in Hanoi yesterday.
>The conference was jointly held by the Vietnam United Nations Educational
>Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) National Committee, the Vietnam
>Women’s Union, UNESCO and the Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the
>Pacific (ESCAP).
>This was one of Vietnam’s activities to respond the International Year of
>Peaceful Culture 2000 and the International Decade for a Culture of Peace and
>non-Violence and for the world children launched by the United Nations.
>Speaking at the opening ceremony, Vietnam’s Vice President Nguyen Thi Binh
>praised the great contributions made by women to the global peace, social
>development and sustainable development as well as to the preservation and
>development of national cultural identity and family value.
>Vice President Binh also said that women and children were those who suffered
>the most losses in the world wars and conflicts in some nations and regions.
>Therefore, she said, they were also those who were deeply interested in peace,
>stability and development with a culture of peace, particularly in the current
>context when the negative impacts of the globalisation were seriously
>affecting the lives of women and children in developing countries.
>Delegates at the conference heard speeches by UNESCO general director, K
>Matsuura, the president of the UNESCO Executive Board, Sonia Mendieta de
>Badaroux, the chairman of the Hanoi People’s Committee, Hoang Van Nghien and
>some guests, highlighting marked achievements in increasing the women’s role
>in the region in building up a culture of peace, preventing conflicts and
>developing education.
>Delegates delivered speeches and discussed issues concerning peaceful culture;
>women’s role and position in the building up peace and implementation of
>non-violation in Asia; women’s participation in the information dissemination
>to fight against violence and build up peace; outlining strategies and
>initiatives and partners aiming at creating favourable conditions for women to
>get access to economic opportunities and eradicating hunger and reducing
>poverty, involve the gender issue in building up peace and planning policies.


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