>From: "dhkcbureau" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>1984: 4 martyrs
>1996: 12 martyrs
>2000: ?
>49th day - December 7
>50th day - December 8
>60th day - December 18
>In the prisons of Turkey, nearly 1,000 political prisoners started an
>Indefinite Hunger Strike to oppose the 'F' Type prison policy and a total of
>203 prisoners have turned this into a Death Fast, with 99 starting this on
>November 19 and 104 on December 2 and December 5. The 'F' Type prison cells,
>which are being called "of European standard", are designed to make
>revolutionary prisoners surrender their political identity. And in Germany,
>at Hamburg University, 40 million Deutschmarks were spent on special
>laboratories to research the effects on human beings who have undergone many
>years of isolation, and the results of these experiments were then put into
>practice. Since European public opinion was insensitive towards the cells
>and did not display a resolute attitude opposing them, these Cell-Type
>Prisons were put into operation. Eleven days later the deaths will start in
>the prisons of Turkey, and European public opinion is still silent. Eleven
>months ago, Ilhan Yelkuvan was on Death Fast in Hamburg Prison for 63 days
>to oppose isolation torture. What did European public opinion do to support
>Ilhan's demands? Nuri Eryuksel was also put in isolation for 14 months. He
>is 42 years old and he never spent a day of it far from the revolutionary
>struggle. Conditions of isolation for him are all the worse because he is
>kept all alone in a cell several square metres in size, is unable to see and
>does not know the German language. By putting into practice the Cell-Type
>Prison policy the state aims to put an end to the human personality and
>cause the target's hopes to waste away. The aim is to achieve the desired
>lasting solution through the practice of long-term torture. This is done
>through practising both physical and psychological torture. The state in
>Turkey wants to make the revolutionary prisoners surrender by importing the
>Cell-Type torture from Europe. To prevent isolation torture from being
>practised in Turkey, to prevent human honour from being trampled underfoot
>and prevent the annihilation of the human personality, 49 women and 154 male
>prisoners have gone on the Death Fast.
>- The closure of the 'F' Type prisons
>- The repeal of the anti-terror law No.3713, with all its consequences
>- The cancellation of the Tripartite Protocol
>- The closure of the DGMs (State Security Courts)
>- The judgement of those responsible at various dates for the slaughter and
>severe wounding of our friends in the jails of Buca, Umraniye, Diyarbakir,
>Ulucanlar and Burdur
>- The release of our friends who are suffering from illness, are plagued by
>the lasting after-effects of the 1996 Death Fast, were wounded in various
>attacks by guards in the prisons and have received no medical treatment
>- The bringing of the torturers to judgement
>- An end to repression and the repeal of all anti-democratic laws aimed at
>frustrating the people's struggle for democracy and freedom.
>At present these demands have not been accepted and we are awaiting news of
>the death of those on the Death Fast, a significant number of whom now
>suffer from serious health problems like loss of their sense of balance,
>rapid weight loss, impaired vision and constant vomiting.
>While the prisoners on this just and legitimate resistance have been given
>excellent support by the people and their families, the state is becoming
>isolated. Nobody can be found to defend the 'F' Type prison cells. That is
>why the state is lashing out wildly. It is making threats to intervene in
>the prisons (note: to stop the Death Fast), and is trying to cast aspersions
>on the honour of the resistance. For prisoners who have been on hunger
>strike for over 50 days, such physical intervention will itself amount to a
>Seeing the prisoners' demands as their own, the following have submitted
>their own bodies to hunger and death:
>While the Death Fast is in its 49th day, four TAYAD family members are on
>the 24th day of a Death Fast, five members of prisoners' families are on the
>17th day of an Indefinite Hunger Strike, in Bursa three members of prisoners
>' families are on the 16th day of an Indefinite Hunger Strike, in Adana
>three members of prisoners' families are on the 16th day of a Death Fast, in
>Ankara two members of prisoners' families are on the 19th day of a Death
>Fast, in Unye two people are on the 10th day of a Death Fast, in Izmir three
>people have started a Death Fast which is on its 9th day, an indefinite and
>alternating Hunger Strike at the offices of the CHP (Republican People's
>Party) in Istanbul/Alibeykoy is in its 10th day. At the Cemevi (Alevi centre
>of worship) in the Istanbul shantytown of Armutlu, an Indefinite Hunger
>Strike by Anatolia TAYAD and TAYAD family members is in its 5th day.
>They are thousands of kilometres away, but they feel the same love for their
>people and their homeland:
>Eight people are on Alternating Hunger Strike and four IKM (Izolasyona Karsi
>Mucadele - Committee For Struggle Against Torture Through Isolation) members
>are on Indefinite Hunger Strike in Cologne, Germany. In Stuttgart, a total
>of six people have been on Alternating Hunger Strike for 34 days while one
>IKM member has pursued an Unlimited Hunger Strike. In Berlin, while one IKM
>member has completed 17 days of an Unlimited Hunger Strike, four people have
>carried out Alternating Hunger Strikes. In London, IKM has pursued Hunger
>Strikes for 24 days, while DHKC London Information Bureau workers have been
>on Hunger Strike for 34 days (note by DHKC London Information Bureau: this
>has taken the form of Alternating Hunger Strikes, three days on, three days
>off). DHKC Brussels Information Bureau workers have been on Hunger Strike
>for 33 days. In Athens, an Indefinite Hunger Strike started by IKM on
>November 29 and involving six people is in its 9th day. In the city of
>Thessalonika (northern Greece), a Hunger Strike started on November 30, one
>person started an Indefinite Hunger Strike and two others began an
>Alternating Hunger Strike which is now in its 8th day. In Holland, in the
>city of Rotterdam, a Hunger Strike started on November 26 and is in its 12th
>day. In Vienna, Austria an Indefinite Hunger Strike started on December 3
>and is in its 4th day, while in Innsbruck an Indefinite Hunger Strike
>started on December 7.
>In the prisons of Europe, about 50 prisoners have engaged in solidarity
>Hunger Strikes lasting 20 days, or five days, three days and one day. At
>present, in the prisons of Holland four revolutionary prisoners and five
>ordinary prisoners have been on Indefinite Hunger Strike for 24 days. In
>Germany's Lubeck Prison, Reiner Dittrich and Mehmet Karsli have been on
>Alternating Hunger Strike for 43 days. In Rothenburg Prison, Ali San Turan
>has been on Indefinite Hunger Strike for four days.
>From Europe, let us also call upon all human beings who want a country that
>human beings can live in to support the prisoners who have submitted their
>bodies to hunger. Let us support the demands of the prisoners for an
>honourable life and future.
>We call on all those who call themselves human beings to support the
>continuing Death Fast resistance to the Cell-Type prisons by taking part in
>the marches on the European Parliament between December 7 and December 11.
>We wish to let all our people know that on December 7 in Berlin, Hamburg,
>Basel, Amsterdam, The Hague and London there will be torch-lit marches and
>the reading of press statements; on December 8 in Bielefeld, Dortmund, Ulm,
>Arnhem, London and Paris there will be torch-lit marches, information stands
>will be set up and concerts held; on December 9 there will be marches,
>meetings and concerts Duisburg, Stuttgart, Frankfurt, Rotterdam, Paris and
>Vienna; On Sunday December 10, in front of Cologne Cathedral at 1200, there
>will be a Grup Yorum concert, and also at the Alte Feuerwache there will be
>an exhibition and Cinevision, as well as a DETUDAK rally in London (starting
>from Hyde Park, near Speaker's Corner). On Monday December 11 in Brussels, a
>press conference will be held at the International Press Centre at 1100, and
>from there a march to the European Parliament will take place.
>Every time we give a martyr, we appeal to all our people to go to the Hunger
>Strike tents in Cologne, Berlin, Stuttgart, Paris and London to take part in
>the symbolic funeral ceremonies.
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