>NA passes Insurance Business Bill
>National Assembly deputies passed the Insurance Business Bill in the plenary
>meeting chaired by the NA vice chairman Mai Thuc Lan yesterday, the 20th
>working day of the NA’s on-going session.
>A member of the Secretariat, Tran The Vuong read the Bill.
>During the meeting, fifty two deputies from 19 provinces and cities
>contributed their ideas to the Insurance Business Bill. After discussion, the
>NA approved the full text of the Law on Insurance Business.
>During the discussions, Finance Minister Nguyen Sinh Hung gave explanations
>and received opinions from deputies on the Bill.
>Today, the NA deputies hold group discussions on the Fire Control and Fighting
>Bill in the morning and discuss in groups on the evaluation of the NA's eighth

>Vietnam, Russia agree to boost bilateral ties
>Vietnam and Russia have agreed to boost co-operation in energy, coal mining,
>the chemical industry, steel manufacture, mechanical engineering,
>pharmaceuticals, farm produce and food processing, science and technology,
>education and training.
>The agreement was reached at the seventh session of the Vietnam-Russia
>Inter-governmental Commission for Economic, Commercial, Scientific and
>Technological Co-operation in Moscow on December 5 and 6.
>The Vietnamese delegation was led by Deputy Prime Minister Nguyen Manh Cam,
>and the Russian delegation by Deputy Prime Minister Viktor Khristenko.
>The delegations agreed to focus their co-operation on oil and gas exploration,
>exploitation and processing. They devised plans to raise the efficiency of the
>Vietnam-Russia oil and gas joint venture, Vietsovpetro, boost co-operation in
>gas production and quicken the construction of the Dung Quat oil refinery in
>central Vietnam.
>They also reached agreement on the form of payment and debt re-payment in
>order to boost exports of goods and services from Vietnam to Russia and
>increase Russia's investment in Vietnam.
>Measures to raise the efficiency of the commission's sections were discussed
>at the session.
>The two-day session reviewed the implementation of the sixth session's
>resolution and agreements reached by the two sections' presidents in Hanoi in
>July and agreements reached during the Vietnamese Prime Minister's visit to
>Russia last September.
>The delegations expressed joy at the development of economic and commercial
>co-operation between the two countries and their mutual efforts to increase
>two-way trade and strengthen co-operation between localities of the two
>However, those relations have not yet matched the potential of the two
>Deputy Prime Minister Cam reaffirmed that Vietnam had always attached
>importance to boosting its traditional friendship and comprehensive
>co-operation with Russia which had always occupied a priority position in
>Vietnam's foreign policy.
>Deputy Prime Minister Khristenko expressed his wish to further enhance
>Russia-Vietnam multifaceted co-operation and said that Russia had always
>considered Vietnam a strategic partner in south-east Asia.
>The Deputy Prime Ministers signed the minutes of the session, affirming it
>would bring relations between the two countries to a new height.
>The commission decided to hold its eighth session in Hanoi next year. (VNA)


>Vietnam, Italy enhance relations
>The Vietnam-Italy Inter-government Committee's fourth session in Hanoi
>yesterday had opened a new stage in co-operation between the two countries,
>says Deputy Planning and Investment Minister Vo Hong Phuc.
>It was, he says, a vivid manifestation of the results of the Italy visit by
>the General Secretary of the Vietnam Communist Party Le Kha Phieu last May.
>Mr Phuc led the Vietnamese delegation to the session of officials from
>relevant ministries and branches.
>The Italian delegation included Deputy Foreign Minister Ugo Intini, Ambassador
>to Vietnam Luigi Solari, and officials from relevant Italian ministries.
>Mr Phuc briefed the participants about Vietnam's economic development in 2000
>and said the country had pursued an external policy of diversification and
>multilateralisation, and done its best to actively integrate with the
>economies of the region and world.
>He asked the Italians to accelerate their consideration and approval of agreed
>projects for disbursement.
>In response, Deputy Foreign Minister Ugo Intini spoke of the Italian
>government's strategy of economic development and international co-operation
>over the recent past and in the future.
>Regarding relations with Vietnam, Deputy Foreign Minister Intini said that
>Italy supports Vietnam in joining the World Trade Organisation and will boost
>the two countries' bilateral co-operation. Italy will reschedule Vietnam's
>debt and write off part of the debt, he added.
>The session will continue today during which the two sides will discuss the
>orientation for economic development between the two countries in the coming
>years. (VNA)


>Vietnam needs UNIDO’s further co-operation
>Vietnam hopes for further co-operation and assistance from the United Nations
>Industrial Development Organisation, UNIDO, as well as new co-operation
>programmes, says Deputy Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung.
>Mr Dung was speaking while receiving visiting UNIDO General Director Carlos
>Magarinos in Hanoi on December 7.
>MrDung briefed the General Director about Vietnam's planned socio-economic
>development in the next ten years, priority policies for the development of
>small to medium enterprises, the agro-forestry and sea product processing
>industry, exports, hunger and poverty eradication and the narrowing of the
>development gap.
>Foreign Minister Nguyen Dy Nien also received General Director Magarinos and
>expressed thanks for UNIDO's co-operation with and assistance to Vietnam over
>the recent years.
>He highly valued the reform of UNIDO initiated by the General Director.
>He said he hoped that UNIDO would continue to co-operate with and assist
>Vietnam by giving consultation about policies to develop industry, capital
>sources, and technical equipment and technology transfer.
>General Director Magarinos expressed his hope that UNIDO-funded programmes and
>projects and help will conform with the goals of Vietnam's socio-economic
>development and bring about practical results for the country's development.

>Deputy PM receives Belarus science-technology delegation
>Deputy PM Pham Gia Khiem (right)
>receives Mr  Boykov Vladimir Petrovich.
>Deputy Prime Minister Pham Gia Khiem praised the activities of the
>Vietnam-Belarus Committee for Science-Technology Co-operation during the past
>year while receiving a Belorussian science and technology delegation in Hanoi
>He said, committee's work had created the conditions necessary for scientists
>and producers to apply advanced technology and discuss and sign co-operation
>agreement between the countries.
>The Belorussian delegation was led by first deputy director of the Belorussian
>Science and Technology Committee and Chairman of the Belorussian section of
>the Belarus-Vietnam Committee for Science-Technology Co-operation, Boykov
>Vladimir Petrovich. The delegation was in Vietnam for the third session of the
>joint committee and seminars at an exhibition of Belarus science and
>Mr Boykov V Petrovich briefed the Deputy Prime Minister about the results of
>the third session and the exhibition which displayed more than 100 exhibits
>including wireless equipment, new materials and pharmaceuticals. (VNA)


>Vietnam hopes for early solution to Palestinian issue
>Vietnam is deeply worried about the prolonged violence and conflict in the
>Middle-East, that has caused great losses in lives and property and threatened
>peace and stability in the region, a Foreign Ministry spokesman told a regular
>news briefing in Hanoi yesterday.
>The spokesman emphasised that Vietnam hoped the turmoil would come to an early
>end and that all the parties would soon resume talks in order to continue the
>peaceful process aimed at bringing an equitable and durable solution to the
>Palestinian issue based on respect for the fundamental national rights of the
>Palestinian people, including the right to self-determination and the right to
>establish an independent Palestinian state. (VNA)


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