>From: dhkcbureau <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>LIE NO.1: "The lie that the Death Fast and the Hunger Strike have ended."
>"In Edirne 'F' Type Prison, those who wanted to carry out hunger strikes and
>Death Fasts soon abandoned their attempts." (Akit, December 23) LIE! In
>Edirne, Sincan, Kocaeli 'F' Type prisons and Bakirkoy prison for women and
>children, in Usak Prison where the political prisoners have not yet been
>sent to other prisons, and in all the hospitals where the Death Fast
>Akit, which is an Islamist newspaper: in these days of fasting: how can such
>lies be appropriate? (It is currently Ramadan in the Islamic world.) You can
>break your fast by drinking the blood of 30 revolutionaries (normally this
>is done by drinking water). Water does not suit you, the blood of
>revolutionaries does.
>LIE NO.2: "Ercan Kartal and Sadi Ozpolat, who were transported to Edirne 'F'
>Type Prison, have broken off their hunger strike." (Hurriyet and Milliyet,
>December 23) The resisters Ercan Kartal and Sadi Ozpolat are continuing
>their hunger strike. Those who create such news, write such news, have such
>news written and consent to having such news transmitted are COMMON LIARS.
>They are slanderers who strangers to decency, dignity, honour and respect.
>Again, the same newspapers write, "The stubborn attitude of the authorities
>caused them to be subjected to a body search and then be given a Number Zero
>haircut." This is not a stubborn attitude, this is torture! Look at Lie No.
>1 by Akit, and Lie No. 2 by Hurriyet. Islamic Akit and the very secular
>Hurriyet are united in the way they tell lies. How much they are side by
>side with the state when it slaughters revolutionaries, how much they labour
>to defend the slaughter of revolutionaries. Hurriyet is known to be the
>newspaper of MIT and most of its headlines are saturated with the
>contra-guerrilla mentality. Everyone remember Hurriyet's photographs at the
>time of the Ulucanlar massacre, captioned "Five minutes before the riot
>started." Of the sources given above, Hurriyet has the most previous
>convictions in this regard.
>LIE NO. 3: Ecevit said, "In this way, death actions have been removed in the
>whole of Turkey," (Statement dated December 22). "The Death Fast was fake"
>(Headline in Milliyet newspaper, and various writers) It is unnecessary to
>say too much about this. The reply to this comes every day from hospitals
>where it is declared that "those on the Death Fast are refusing medical
>treatment". The basic answer will be in the form of our deaths. What will
>those who say now that "the Death Fast is fake" say when it is shown that
>they themselves are the FAKERS? In 1996, Sevket Kazan also said, "They are
>eating," and then they started to die. Twelve prisoners died. Nobody
>believes what Sevket Kazan says any more. Everyone who is now like Kazan was
>then will be shown to be contemptible.
>LIE NO. 4: "The state knew what the situation was in the prisons before it
>went in. It knew that the prisoners were not on the "death fast". (Aksam,
>December 23, Emin Pazarci) Finally they are really doing badly. They are
>dreaming up new lies to cover their old lies. But there are so many lies
>that they cannot save themselves from the contradictions in them. So the
>state also knew that there was no Death Fast in the prisons. So why was it
>stated that the operation was aimed at "returning the prisoners to life"?
>Because the Health Minister is a member of the MHP and said on TV, "Let them
>kick the bucket," it cannot be expected that such a person would say
>something humane. Those people who continue to utter these lies have the
>same mentality as those who say "let them kick the bucket".
>LIE NO. 5: "The lie that 'we could not go into the prisons for 10 years'",
>"Those prisons we could not enter for 10 years." (All the daily newspapers
>and columnists which support the murderous assault share this same lie). The
>prison administration protocols, documents on the results of roll calls and
>search warrants are held by the Justice Ministry. All these documents must
>be revealed. The statements by protective custody officials, former
>prosecutors and justice ministers are available. When it became clear that
>such statements were too far-fetched to be believed, the Justice Minister
>said, "Actually we went in, carried out searches but it was never
> completed." This lie that they could not go into the prisons for 10 years
>had two aims. First, it made a massacre appear justified. Two, this gave the
>opportunity for the system parties to engage in infighting and blame the
>DYP-SHP government.
>WARNING TO THOSE WHO ARE TELLING LIES! What will you do if they stopped
>telling these lies and proceeded to come up with other explanations?
>For example, before the December 19 operation it was said to be an
>"operation to save the lives of the Death Fasters", now they are saying the
>"state knew there was not a Death Fast". Do not defend this state that tells
>lies and these ministers who defend massacres.
>LIE NO. 6: "They were eating, they were taking nutritional medication and
>vitamins." (Newspapers, ministers, various quacks...) During the Death Fast,
>water with sugar, salt and B1 vitamins were taken. Firstly, B1 has no
>nutritional value. It was only taken to reduce the amount of brain damage
>caused by hunger striking. Secondly: this was not a "secret". When the Death
>Fast prisoners informed the Justice Minister and the Medical Chamber of
>their wishes, all this was stated. Nobody should take vitamins as material
>for engaging in lies.
>LIE NO.7: The lie which says that it is "savagery" to protest against
>savagery: "In Canakkale Prison, Fidan KALSEN was set on fire by her
> friends." (All the newspapers and TV which sought to cover up the state's
>massacre). Fidan KALSEN made a protest against savagery. "Don't come. End
>the savagery," she said to the torturers and executioners. But the savagery
>did not stop and she set herself on fire to be able to stop it. The people
>who were engaging in savagery called her action of self-sacrifice savage.
>You are shameless. They are trying to conceal the fact that six people in
>Bayrampasa were set on fire by making it appear that they had done it
>themselves. Nobody should try to lie and clown around about this bravest of
>actions. You only have to read the December 23 issue of Milliyet to read the
>following lines: "On the first day of the operation, the corpse of the
>DHKP-C nurse Fidan Kalsen who had set herself on fire was found and she was
>giving the victory sign with both hands." Those who can think of nothing but
>dollars and only have the trash culture picked up from television are afraid
>and in the most servile manner they bow down before the authorities, and of
>course they cannot understand someone like Fidan Kalsen. Of course Fidan was
>not a child of the Susurluk state and the defenders of torture and murder,
>she was a child of the people.
>LIE NO. 8: The lie of Tantan: The great commander Tantan gave a briefing on
>December 23 about the December 19 operation: "We took the maximum care. That
>is why there were very few losses. Our police are successful." First of all
>he has to look like a caring commander of his own force whom he could not
>stop from going on a march earlier. He is a poor commander who cannot make
>his own forces obey him. Everybody remembers him from the 1980s in Istanbul
>when he was arresting transsexuals and taking them to Kilyos to have their
>hair forcibly shaved. Everyone remembers him walking around the streets with
>a sub-machine-gun like a really tough bully-boy. Now we know he is a damp
>squib. From December 19-22, he was the commander of the bulldozers. They
>showed maximum care. But they cannot say they broke the resistance within
>four days. As you will see, like the other liars he has no way of covering
>up his lies. He thinks he will find an opportunity for the police forces to
>hide their thefts, torture and immorality. He is using the equipment found
>in prisons as a tool for infighting with the Justice Ministry.
>LIE NO. 9: The lies caused by helplessness over the Umraniye Prison
>resistance. Again, Tantan said: "The prisoners had made alterations in the
>prison interior and because the authorities had a different blueprint for
>the prison, they were unable to get inside. Tantan said that the security
>forces had been working from a different plan to enter the prison." They are
>pathetic. They do not even know anything about their prisons. They are
>really poor. Do they think that the prisoners could change the location of
>the prison? You can only explain your helplessness in this peculiar manner.
>This is the best that Tantan can come up with. The fascist mentality is
>revealed: first they said they did not go inside because they did not want
>many casualties, and then they said alterations had been made inside the
>prison. This is kind of rubbish he comes out with.
>LIE NO.10: "They pretended to resist in Umraniye. 400 prisoners held 40 to
>45 people hostage and they pretended to resist." (Turkiye newspaper,
>December 23) "In Umraniye 378 prisoners were made to resist by 45 leaders."
>(Milliyet, December 23) "45 persons were forcibly directing 423 prisoners to
>continue their resistance action." (Sabah newspaper, December 23). They have
>lost all logic and are acting as though their lives depended on it, but it
>will inevitably end up as a comedy. On the one side, they were saying that
>there were 400 persons, on the other there were 45, and resistance lasted
>three days. This is a lie, and a pathetic one. We saw hundreds of people
>shouting slogans as the resistance ended. In the past there were one or two
>leaders, but there is no way to make it credible that one or two leaders
>force 378 people to engage in resistance, so they have to increase the
>number of leaders! See how half-witted they are.
>LIE NO. 11: "The permanent under-secretary of the Health Ministry, Haluk
>Tokucoglu, says that doctors who do not intervene in the case of Death
>Fasters and hunger strikers will be prosecuted for negligence (The press,
>December 23). So there is no Death Fast, but there can be intervention in
>the Death Fast.
>"It was reported that six persons who were brought to Izmir Ataturk Hospital
>and were on the Death Fast did not have the symptoms that Death Fasters
>would have." (December 22, the press)
>Four doctors who were said to have announced this news issued a denial.
>(Cumhuriyet newspaper, December 23) These lies can only be dispelled by
>people who have courage and responsibility and tell the truth. All doctors
>and journalists should tell the truth!
>LIE NO. 12: "Cengizhan Pilav who was on the Death Fast in Elbistan Prison
>said that he went on the Death Fast because of pressure from his stepmother,
>and he ended it." (Sabah newspaper, December 23) The list of people on the
>Death Fast was repeatedly published in the press. That name is on none of
>these lists. This is a lie made up to support the lie that the Death Fasts
>are ending.
>LIE NO. 13: The lie of "pressure from organisations". In Usak hospital, the
>Death Fast resister Sevgi Erdogan who was surrounded by soldiers, said to
>camera: "We are doing this of our own free will. Because we were brought
>here by force we are not taking any food. We will die in any case." This was
>televised on Channel D on December 22.
>Those who are carrying on their Death Fast in the 'F' Type INDIVIDUAL CELLS
>are televised on a daily basis. they are wounded, burnt, are alone among so
>many soldiers and they keep shouting, "Long live our Death Fast resistance"
>and giving victory signs. This reality, these pictures. If somebody is still
>saying this is a matter of pressure from organisation pressure, it must be
>from the torturers who have committed the massacres, but nobody else!
>LIE NO. 14: "The Rescue Lie": "We intervened to save prisoners from their
>organisations and from death." (December 19, Ecevit, Sami Turk) The reality
>was admitted four days later. "By putting the 'F' Type into practice, terror
>will be taken off the agenda in Turkey." (December 23, Interior Ministry and
>gendarme commander, Colonel Ali Aydin, at press conference)
>The aim was admitted quite openly in this operation. "In all the operations,
>over 20,000 gas bombs were used, 5,048 of them in Canakkale." (December 23,
>the newspapers.) That is the confession that the operation was not about
>rescuing prisoners, but about treating them savagely. "Umraniye also fell.
>four prisoners were killed." (Hurriyet, December 23) This was not a rescue,
>it was a war against the state's own prisons. After all this, if someone
>says it was done to save the prisoners, that person is either stupid or he
>thinks other people are stupid enough to believe it. A lying state and a
>lying media. We leave to your own judgement their minds, their logic, and
>who they are serving. The media is struggling to make the massacre appear
>innocent. This is the height of illogicality. Your problems, your efforts
>are entirely about saving the state. You won't be able to!
>December 24, 2000


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