New prospects for national development:
 PM Phan Van Khai

Prime Minister Phan Van Khai.

Prime Minister Phan Van Khai granted an interview to Nhan Dan newspaper on
the occasion of the New Year 2001. The full text is as follows:

Q: Would you please talk in brief about the success stories in fulfilling
the main socio-economic targets in 2000?

A: The countryıs situation in general and the economic situation in
particular in 2000 saw encouraging growth. Almost all the main targets set
for the socio-economic development by the National Assemblyıs Resolution
were fulfilled and overfulfilled, in which the growth rate of gross domestic
product (GDP) was increased by 6.7%, or 1% higher than planned. We were able
to check the declining pace of the economic growth tempo which had appeared
the year before; maintain the socio-political stability, security and
national defence and improve many aspects of the peopleıs life.

The common efforts of the entire Party and people, the close guidance and
leadership of the government and the efforts of branches, levels and
localities are attributable to these results. The government instructed and
monitored in an all-sided manner the key activities, while paying its
attention to guiding and resolving the urgent problems and the unforeseen
developments, to showing concern over the research and working out the
policies of long-term, fundamental significance. Attention had also been
paid to combining the socio-economic renovation with the administrative
reform, first of all, the renovation of the governmentıs activities, putting
forth the main measures to facilitate and support in an effective way the
development of production and business; consolidate the domestic market,
expand the foreign market, take initiative to push ahead the process of
international economic integration; continue to strengthen and renovate the
banking and financial system; accelerate the activities of science,
technology and environment; enhance the educational and training work;
develop the socio-cultural work, combining the economic growth with social
equality; reform the administrative work, raise the management capacity of
the State administrative apparatus; guarantee national defence and security,
social law and order.

Q: At the 6th session of the 10th National Assembly, it was decided that
administrative reform is the breakthrough link to implement successfully the
2000 tasks. So please, the prime minister, would you say if there were any
measures or policies to implement this breakthrough and the 2001 tasks?

A: In 2000, by implementing the resolution of the 7th Party Central
Committee, the administrative reform in the State apparatus had been
deployed in a more active manner than before. The most prominent result is
that the reform had been conducted in the area of the economic institution,
notably the promulgation and organisation of the implementation of the Law
on Businesses. The government had given a close guidance to the checking of
the function, the rights and obligations, the organisational structure and
the staffing of the ministries, the State Commissions, the agencies under
the government and the prime minister; the provincial Peopleıs Committees,
the cities under the central government in accordance with the plans made by
the government since early in the year, resulting in having found out many
overlappings concerning the function, task and authority so that the plan
had been made to rearrange the apparatus organisation and streamline the
staff in accordance with the resolution of the 7th Party Central Committee.

In a capacity as the prime minister, I signed a number of decisions on
dissolution and adjustment of 42 consulting organisations, and with the
inter-branch co-ordination, the work previously done by these organisations
had been transferred to the ministries and branches in a bid to raise the
State management responsibility of the ministries and branches; so, the
guiding work that did not need the direct guidance of the prime minister and
the deputy prime ministers had been reduced. In the 2000 year-end meeting,
the government considered treating 22 problems concerning the overlapping,
the unclear and unreasonable distribution of work in relation to the
function, tasks and authority of the ministries and branches at the central
level and 37 problems at the local administration level.

However, as I reported to the National Assembly, the deployment of the tasks
on the administrative reform remained slow; the apparatus organisation and
the contingent of cadres and employees showed tardy changes; the overlapping
of function and tasks was slowly resolved, the administrative discipline was
not strict enough, the perfunctoriness, carelessness and passivity in the
style of work had been seen popular in the State agencies.

2001 will see the 9th National Party Congress, which will make important
decisions on the State apparatus reform, in which there is the State
administrative apparatus. The National Assembly shall adopt the amendment of
the 1992 Constitution, the Law on the Government Organisation and the Law on
the Organisation of the Local Administration. For this reason, the
government as well as the whole State administrative system should make an
urgent and active preparation, thus making an effective contribution to the
amendment of the Constitution and the Laws, particularly the deployment of
all the important decisions of the Party and State on the administrative

For the immediate, the government shall concentrate to do well a number of
tasks, mainly the administrative reform, in which the first and foremost
task is to continue to enhance the building work of the institution,
especially the economic institution, thus creating a legal environment in a
more favourable and sufficient manner for the business activities, bringing
into full play all the resources, at the same time to enhance the State
management effectiveness, ensuring the law and order in the socio-economic

Q: The year 2001 occupies an important position. So would you please tell us
what problems the government will focus on settling so that our economy
could develop with a higher and firmer speed?

A: Entering 2001, the first year of the new century and millennium, the
worldıs economic and political background and even the climatic and
environmental situation will surely pose us many new challenges and threats,
but they will also bring us many advantages and new opportunities for

This is the first year when we start implementing the Resolution of the 9th
National Party Congress, the first year for the five-year and the ten-year
economic development plans with the general objectives being to push ahead
industrialisation and modernisation, thus taking our country out of the
underdevelopment state so that until 2020 our country will on the main
become an industrialised country and the peopleıs spiritual and material
life will be constantly raised.

>From these general objectives, the government has put forth nine main tasks
and policies for the socio-economic development in 2001, including the
creation of motive force for structural change and acceleration of
production and business; mobilisation of internal strength for national
development; the raising high of the effectiveness of the instruments and
policies of micro management; development of external economic relations and
taking the initiative of international economic integration; renovation in
the educational and training area; pushing ahead of scientific research and
environmental protection; development of health work and peopleıs health
care; resolution of urgent social problems; acceleration of administrative
reform, renovation of the apparatus organisation and improvement of the
capacity of the State management.

The government considers the more vigorous promotion of all resources, the
creation of more favourable conditions for all the economic sectors to
develop to the full their capacities to make their investments in production
and business development; the expansion and improvement of the effectiveness
of external economic relations; creation of active changes in education and
training and of a breakthrough in some key technological areas;
concentration of efforts to resolve urgent problems relating to
administrative reform as mentioned above will be the most essential
solutions to guarantee the economic growth rate, maintain the social and
political stability, strengthen security and national defence, improve the
peopleıs life, thus making a contribution to raising high the countryıs
position and prestige on the international arena.

I do believe that 2001 will open up many good prospects to take our
renovation and development to an ever stronger level.

On the occasion of the New Year, on behalf of the government, I would like
to extend my wishes to our compatriots and comrades throughout the country,
to the readers of Nhan Dan newspaper a Happy and Prosperous New Year.


Congresses of Army, Public Security and Thai Nguyen Party Committees open

Congresses of the Party Committees of the Vietnam People's Army, the Public
Security and Thai Nguyen province were held yesterday.

After an opening speech delivered by Politburo member, Minister of Defence,
Senior Lieutenant General Pham Van Tra who is also deputy secretary of the
Military Party Committee and a report by Politburo member, Senior Lieutenant
General Pham Thanh Ngan, who is also a member of the Military Party
Committee, General Secretary Le Kha Phieu reaffirmed that the Vietnam
People's Army, since its establishment, has always received an absolute and
direct leadership on all fields from the Party. With its staunch tradition,
unswerving character, and absolute loyalty, the Vietnam's People Army has
deserved the trust of the Party and the people and followed the beloved
Uncle Ho's instruction "loyal to the Party, dedicated to the people,
fulfilling every task, overcoming every difficulty and defeating any enemy".

Meanwhile, the third Party Congress of the Ministry of Public Security was
also opened yesterday with the participation of 248 delegates.

In an opening speech delivered at the congress, Politburo member, Minister
of Public Security and secretary of the Public Security Ministry's Party
Committee, Senior Lieutenant General Le Minh Huong highlighted the
leadership of the Party Committee in building up the forces, outlining sound
policies and resolutions and measures, in finding, fighting, preventing and
breaking all the schemes of hostile forces, contributing to maintaining
national security, social law and order and defending the national
construction and people's life. The Party building and strengthening work
has been frequently implemented and combined with the building of a heroic,
staunch, crack and pure police force. The report also mapped out
orientations and basic tasks of the Party Committee in the 2001-2005 term.

Also yesterday, the 16th Party Congress of Thai Nguyen province was held
with the attendance of permanent Politburo member and National Assembly
Chairman Nong Duc Manh.
NA Chairman Nong Duc Manh with delegates of the congress. 

Addressing the congress, Mr Manh emphasised that together with the outlining
of correct orientations and targets, the Party Committee of Thai Nguyen
province should work out positive and effective measures in order to realise
the Party's Resolution in life. NA Chairman Manh asked the Party Committee
to better exploit the province's available potentials and strong points to
rapidly develop the local economy. He also asked the province to do its
utmost to implement satisfactorily the industrialisation and modernisation
in the coming time.

The congress also heard a political report by Mr Ho Duc Viet, a member of
Party Central Committee and provincial Party committee secretary. The report
pointed out achievements as well as mistakes in the last term and outlined
measures to resolve the existing problems and the plans for the province's
socio-economic development.


'Uncle Ho with Dac Lac Children' statue completed

Dac Lac province held a ceremony on January 2 to unveil the statue entitled
'Uncle Ho with Dac Lac Children'.

This is to welcome the 13th provincial Party congress and the 9th upcoming
national Party congress.

The statue lies in 10,000 square metre public garden in the centre of Buon
Ma Thuot city.

Three metres high, it was made of brass in Hanoi.

Stemming from the feelings and aspirations of Dac Lac's Party Committee and
people, in the centre of Buon Ma Thuot city now stands an Uncle Ho statue, a
site of profound cultural significance.

The province also built a monument in the garden in honour of more than 100
revolutionary soldiers who sacrificed their lives when they came to attack
enemy troops in Buon Ma Thuot city on December 1, 1945.


Presenting gift to a child born at century spanning time

Tran Lisa, born at the spanning time of the new century in southern province
of Vinh Long, was presented with a gift by the provincial authorities.

Tran Lisa, born at 0:45 am on January 1, 2001 at the Vinh Long Clinic. She
is the first born child of Mrs Nguyen Thi Phuong, 29-year-old farmer in An
Thai Dong commune, Cai Be district.

Mr Nguyen Van Cuong, chairman of the provincial Peopleıs Committee and other
officials from the provincial Childcare and Protection Committee, the
Committee for Population and Family Planning and Healthcare Department were
present at the clinic to present the gifts to the girlıs family.

This was part of the activities to welcome the New Year.


Buddhist Sangha vice chairman passes away

The Vietnam Buddhist Sangha Vice Chairman Most Venerable Ma Ha Thach Sa Ray
died on January 2 of illness.

The 82-year-old Most Venerable is a member of the Vietnam Fatherland Front
(VFF) Central Committee, member of the VFF chapter in southern Tra Vinh
province, head of the provincial Buddhist Sangha's Executive Board, deputy
head of the provincial Association of Patriotic Monks, and head of the O
Rang Pagoda in Long Son commune, Cau Ngang district, Tra Vinh province.

Memorial services for the Most Venerable are being held at the O Rang Pagoda
from January 3-5. He will be cremated on January 5. (VNA)

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