Date: Sat, 6 Jan 2001 01:58:42 EST
Subject: What's up on Wall St? [STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

    Why are the stock markets failing? Because the system is failing.

    There is simply not enough of a  market for the millions of commodities
which are flooding the sated system.  As it is, the top 20% of the nations
the world consume 80% of the world's resources. But neither the Third World,
nor the newly capitalist and impoverished Eastern European nations can
to purchase the all goods that are presently available.

    Christmas was a bust. The stores are still chock full of junk no one
bought. Consumers are maxed out on their credit cards. Layoffs are
proliferating.  Bankruptcies are multiplying.

    They have failed to make a system that can work for even the minority of
humankind that benefits from it! So the stock market is carrying the last
believers in this system over this cliff.  Those "pundits" who believed in
Monetarism, the purpose of which was to keep inflation down and the banks
turn to Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan. They actually believe that by lowering
interest rates a financial and economic crisis will be averted. If money is
cheaper, they reason, then people will borrow it, will invest in factories,
oil wells, land, housing, office buildings.
    But they are not buying anything NOW. Would any sane person invest in
commodity production now, when no one is shopping for the goods that already

    All of NATO expansion was done quickly to get Eastern Europe and Asia
under the control of the IMF, World Bank, and the corporate investors before
an economic meltdown transpired. They figured Eastern Europe was going to be
a new market for the Gap and for McDonalds, and a lot of weapons!

    And they sent in  the NATO troops and sold them an expensive, expansive
arsenal to protect their "liberal economic reforms " against potentially
rebellious Eastern Europeans who might want socialism back. Because hardly
anyone could afford McDonalds or the Gap, and in Eastern Europe poverty
drowned millions of people in the first ten years of capitalism.The life
expectancy in Russia went from 70 to 54. The health care systems were
destroyed. Women and children became prostitutes. This made people very
depressed, and it could make them very angry.

    The great irony of January 5, 2001 is that DU, one of the new weapons
they used to gain control of ex-Yugoslavia, (NATO's foot in the door" as one
NATO diplomat called it )one of their weapons of choice for the new NATO
armies in Eastern Europe, backfired. They used it to bomb Bosnia, to
it illegally from Yugoslavia. They used it in Kosovo to support the
drug-running kleptocracy of the KLA; they used it to kill the  last
nation of Europe. In so doing, NATO-USA  endangered the health and lives of
the very troops placed there to protect privatization and IMF/World Bank
capitalist programs.   The US  used the young people of NATO nations to
in the Balkans to gain control of this strategic territory. The US didn't
think that the people of Europe would mind; Europe had  no Vietnam syndrome
(Americans don't like THEIR young men or women coming home in body bags) to
contend with. The Europeans would send their young men to war, saving them
from unemployment, and giving them uniforms and guns and ammunition and
prostitutes and whatever was necessary to keep them "on the ground" in the
Balkans. Ready to move East.

    The Europeans resented the Americans, and Germany exploits that
resentment. For those two nations are rivals for the same markets and
resources, and Volker Ruhe has said, "we do not want to remain number two
forever." So tension is building, and since the US supplied the DU in the
Persian Gulf War and in the Balkans, the Europeans are understandably angry.
Why the US closed its embassy in Rome in fear of European  reprisals!

    There is an economic crisis. There is inter-imperial rivalry. There are
enormous military build-ups. This is what the world experienced in 1914 and

    The late economist Sean Gervasi said, "The Western system is
a profound economic, social, and political crisis. And Western leaders
apparently see the exploitation of the East as the only large scale project
available which might stimulate growth. . . . They are prepared to risk a
great deal for it. The question is: will the world accept the risks of
East-West conflict and nuclear war in order to lock into one region the
economic arrangements which are already collapsing elesewhere?"

    What is to be done?

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