TODAY'S NEWS (January.06.2001 Juche 90)



Japan's wild design for overseas aggression under fire

Abolition of "Security Law" urged in S. Korea

Film show on 45th anniversary of Sudanese Independence

Annual meeting of Juche idea study organizations and friendly organizations
in Nepal

National reunification is sure to come true

For Spanish-speaking people


los coreanos deben unirse para lograr reunificacion

vana ilusion de japon


Japan's wild design for overseas aggression under fire
     Pyongyang, January 6 (KCNA) - The evermore reckless moves of the
Japanese reactionaries to realize their old dream of "Greater East Asia
Co-Prosperity Sphere" have come under fire in a signed commentary of Rodong
Sinmun today. it says:
    The recent meeting on national security and the cabinet meeting of the
Japanese government formally adopted a new "mid-term arms buildup plan" for
five years beginning from this year and decided to spend 25,160 billion yen
for its implementation or 930 billion yen more than the previous plan. Its
new plan envisages the deployment of air refuelling tankers, "F-2" fighters
and other new type combat equipment, the formation of new divisions of the
ground "Self-Defence Force," the creation of special forces and the
possession of biological and chemical war capabilities.
    While going ahead with nuclear weaponization, Japan is getting more
zealously involved in the us moves to establish the dangerous "Theatre
Missile Defense" system.
    This is a clear indication that the Japanese reactionaries are very busy
preparing themselves for reinvasion in a bid to realize their old dream of
"Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere," the commentary notes, and goes on:
    Japan has become one of the world's leading military powers through the
implementation of a series of arms buildup plans. Having got ready for a war
militarily, economically and politically, the Japanese reactionaries are now
only watching for a chance of going into action for overseas aggression.
Precisely for this reason they are calling for "coping with emergencies in
areas surrounding Japan." Under this pretext they seek to use forces in vast
areas of Asia to put them under their military control and domination. The
Korean peninsula is made their immediate target.
    Their attempt to launch re-conquest to revive their old empire is little
short of a suicide, warns the commentary.


Abolition of "Security Law" urged in S. Korea
     Pyongyang, January 6 (KCNA) -- The South Korean newspaper Choongang
Ilbo (internet) on Wednesday carried an article headlined "90 percent of
Kwangju citizens support abolition of the 'Security Law'". According to the
newspaper, the Kwangju district federation of university student councils
conducted a "street opinion poll on the abrogation of the 'Security Law'" in
different places of the city for two days from December 30 last year. 1,454
of 1,603 respondents agreed to the abolition of the "Security Law."
    This means that nine of every ten citizens demanded the repeal of the
    The federation said that the evil law should be abrogated at an early
date as the opinion of citizens was unanimous.


Film show on 45th anniversary of Sudanese Independence
     Pyongyang, January 6 (KCNA) -- A film show was held here yesterday
under the sponsorship of the DPRK-Sudan Friendship Association on the
occasion of the 45th anniversary of Sudanese Independence. Present there
were vice-Minister of Culture Song Sok Hwan who is chairman of the
DPRK-Sudan Friendship Association, members of the association and working
people in the city.
    The participants saw a documentary film of Sudan.


Annual meeting of Juche idea study organizations and friendly organizations
in Nepal
     Pyongyang, January 6 (KCNA) -- A joint annual meeting of the
Nepal-Korea Friendship Association, the Nepal Institute for Juche Studies,
the International Study Center for Juche- Oriented Mass Media in Nepal, the
Kabre Society for the Study of Self-Reliance and the Nepalese Woman
Committee for the Study of the Juche Idea was held in Kathmandu on December
29 last year. At the meeting, speakers referred to the great achievements
made by the Korean people in building a powerful socialist country and in
foreign relations last year under the wise guidance of leader Kim Jong Il.
    Especially they said that the north-south joint declaration was adopted
and there was a dramatic change in the situation of the Korean peninsula
thanks to Kim Jong Il's firm will for national reunification and definite
    They vowed to conduct an extensive movement for solidarity with the
Korean people and carry on the study and dissemination of the Juche idea in
depth from the first year of the new century.


National reunification is sure to come true
     Pyongyang, January 6 (KCNA) -- All the Koreans in the north, south and
abroad should join a nationwide struggle to implement the June 15
north-south joint declaration, transcending differences in ideology, social
system, political view and religious belief as demanded by the joint new
year editorial. Rodong Sinmun today says this in a signed article. The
article goes on: 
    In order to implement the declaration to the letter, all the Korean
people responsible for the issue of the country's reunification should pool
their efforts for its independent settlement.
    All the fellow countrymen at home and abroad supporting the declaration
should push ahead with the struggle to carry it into practice in firm unity.
    The developments in the wake of the historic Pyongyang meeting and the
adoption of the declaration prove that when the Koreans join hands to pool
their efforts, they can do anything and achieve the national reconciliation
and unity and reunify the country by themselves.
    We will honor the declaration, handle it in good faith and invariably
work hard to implement it until the country is reunified.
    We will join hands with those who support the declaration and want to
implement it, be they in authority or civilians or politicians or
businessmen or men of culture and in the north, or in the south, or
overseas, to open the door of reunification.


For Spanish-speaking people


los coreanos deben unirse para lograr reunificacion
     pyongyang, 6 de enero (atcc) -- el diario "rodong sinmun" inserto en el
numero de hoy un articulo senalando que todos los coreanos en el norte, el
sur y en el ultramar segun la exhortacion del editorial conjunto de este ano
deben incorporarse a la lucha nacional por materializar la declaracion
conjunta norte-sur por encima de las diferencias de idea, regimen, criterio
politico y creencia religiosa. el articulo continua:
    a fin de ejecutar cabalmente la declaracion conjunta norte-sur del 15 de
junio es preciso mantener con firmeza el principio de lograr de manera
independiente la reunificacion del pais con las fuerzas unidas de los
coreanos que son duenos de este problema.
    todos los coreanos en el pais y el extranjero que apoyan la declaracion
conjunta deben unirse firmemente para desplegar con energia en un movimiento
de toda la nacion la lucha por cumplirla.
    la evolucion de la situacion posterior al historico encuentro de
pyongyang y la publicacion de la declaracion conjunta norte-sur demuestra
que la nacion coreana al juntar sus fuerzas no tendra nada irrealizable sino
con toda seguridad por cuenta propia podra lograr reconciliacion y unidad y
realizar la reunificacion de la patria.
    trataremos con respeto y lealtad la declaracion conjunta y nos
esforzaremos invariablemente por ejecutarla, hasta aquel dia en que se
realice la reunificacion de la patira, senala el articulo.
    para abrir la puerta de la reunificacion de la patria nos uniremos
firmemente con todas las personas quienes apoyan la declaracion conjunta
norte-sur y aspiran a llevarla a la practica independientemente de que sean
las autoridades, los civiles, los politicos, los economistas y los hombres
de cultura y no importa donde residan:
   en el norte o el sur de corea o en el ultramar.


vana ilusion de japon
     pyongyang, 6 de enero (atcc) -- el diario "rodong sinmun" en un
comentario de hoy advierte que llegan a la etapa muy temeraria las
maquinaciones de los reaccionarios japoneses encaminadas a realizar su
antiguo sueno de la "esfera de coprosperidad de la gran asia oriental". el
comentario senala: 
    recientemente la reunion de la seguridad estatal y la sesion del
gabinete del gobierno japones aprobaron oficialmente el "plan de arreglo del
poderio defensivo de medio plazo" para los 5 anos a partir del 2001 y
decidieron destinar para ello 25 billones 160 mil millones de yenes, es
decir 930 mil millones de yenes mas que el plan anterior.
    durante el periodo del nuevo plan el gobierno japones se propone
emplazar los aviones nodriza, cazas "f-2" y otros armamentos de tipo nuevo,
formar las nuevas divisiones de las "fuerzas de autodefensa" terrestres,
crear las fuerzas armadas especiales y poseer la capacidad de cumplir la
guerra bioquimica. 
    el japon acelera su armamento nuclear y se entrega febrilmente al
complot dirigido a establecer el peligroso sistema "teatro de defensa
anti-misil", en contubernio con los estados unidos.
    todo esto demuestra que los reaccionarios japoneses dan espuelas a sus
preparativos de nueva agresion a fin de realizar su antiguo sueno de la
"esfera de coprosperidad de la gran asia oriental".
    el japon cumplio varios planes de aumento de fuerzas armadas agresivas.
ahora las fuerzas militares de este pais ocupan uno de los puestos
delanteros a nivel mundial.
    los reaccionarios japoneses ya preparados en lo militar, economico y
politico para la guerra acechan codiciosamente la oportunidad de iniciar
accion militar para nueva agresion al ultramar. con esto tiene que ver su
vociferacion del "enfrentamiento al caso de emergencia en el contorno del
    con este rotulo ellos pretenden ejercer sus fuerzas armadas en la
extensa region de asia para establecer la esfera de control militar y la
esfera de dominio. 
    para ello la peninsula coreana constituye un blanco real.
    pero los reaccionarios japoneses aproximaran solo su autodestruccion al
tomar el camino de nueva agresion para resucitar su antiguo imperio.

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