From: Press Agency Ozgurluk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thu, 1 Feb 2001 10:33:33 +0100
Subject: "[Ozgurluk.Org]" TDN on ongoing hungerstrike/torture in Turkish

1 February  2001, Copyright © Turkish Daily News

While the days in the death fasts are counted in the hundreds, the reign of
silence continues It has been stated that the situation of eight people at
the Edirne, Kandira and Sincan F type prisons and that of another eight
people at the Ataturk Egitim and Ankara Numune Hospitals is crucial FP
deputy Bekaroglu said "The government tries to keep the issue at a distance
from the public by exerting pressure"

Inci Hekimoglu 

Istanbul - Turkish Daily News

While the deep silence over the death fasts, which began in protest to the
F-type prisons and that have entered their 104th day continues, it has been
stated that the condition of 16 prisoners is grave.  Ismet Unver, Kadir
Kaya, Ayhan Koc and Recep Cingitas are at the Edirne Prison, Hulya Tumgan
and Sevinc Sahingoz at the Ankara Numune Hospital, Mesut Avci, Abdullah
Bozdag, Serhat Karadumanli, Baris Yildirim and Umit KHasan Pinar at the
Kandira Prison and Murat Kirsay at the Sincan prison.

The ministry is insisting

Mehmet Bekaroglu, member of the parliamentary human rights commission and
member of the Virtue Party (FP), said that the ministry of justice followed
a policy of silencing and intimidating people, and that it tried to focus
the attention of the public on other issues.  Bekaroglu said, "I wrote a
letter to Prime Minister Bulent Ecevit and said that people cannot be left
to their fates and a solution should be sought.  Now I am contacting
Democratic Left Party (DSP) members and trying to involve them in a
solution." Bekaroglu also said that there had been some demands from the
families of prisoners which involved the restoration of F-type prisons in a
way that would prevent isolation, the treatment of the injured, and the
formation of monitoring committees comprised of members of civic

Noting that despite the reasonable demands of the prisoners, t and insisted
that the prisoners had to leave the death fast first, Bekaroglu said the
following:  "They try to silence everyone who opposes the F-type prison
project.  Investigations are started about a number of civic associations
including the Human Rights Association (IHD), the prison officers' union
and the Istanbul bar."

Custody for the disabled child

According to the families of the prisoners, the pre-condition for ending
the death fast is;  'an end to isolation,' and a 'discussion can ensue only
afterwards.' It is also stated that the meetings could not start before the
arrested and convicted individuals came together and could make joint

According to the information obtained from the relatives of the prisoners
in F-type prisons, it is said that violent events are continuing in prisons
and that even some of the relatives who had come to see the prisoners had
been beaten.  It is also noted that the people who are beaten and injured
during the operations are not treated.  Besides the claims of torture and
isolation, it is also pointed out that Hatice Saklayici, who had gone to
Manisa Prison to visit her daughter, and Eren Saklayici, who is autistic,
were detained and that the families who went to visit their children in the
same prison were beaten en masse.

Statement by the Ankara Chamber of Physicians

Following the prison operations on Dec.14, 2000, some of the prisoners
asked to be brought to the Ankara Numune Hospital and received permission
from the ministry of justice and the public prosecutor.  Meantime, the
Ankara Chamber of Physicians organized a total of 14 visits to the Ankara
Ulucanlar, Cankiri E-type, Sincan F-type and Ankara Numune Hospital.

The Chamber made its views regarding the death fasts public for the first
time before the operations, on Dec.  14, 2000.  It paid three visits to the
Sincan F-type prison and eight to the Ankara Numune Hospital, and the last
visit took place on Jan.  17, 2001.

Here are the finds from the visits of the Chamber of Physicians to the
prisons and the Ankara hospital:

1- There is total isolation in the cells designed for one person or three
people.  The meetings with lawyers and the families, which are the most
important way of communication for the prisoners, is limited;  and if the
prisoners are somehow punished, they are barred from seeing their families

2- There is difficulty in the provision of the medicine and medical
material that is recommended by the doctors or the prison administration

3- There are a number of prisoners who took part in the death fasts in
1996.  Seven individuals among this group accepted treatment, and the
following symptoms were observed:  memory lapses reminiscent of the
Korsakoff syndrome, amnesiac psychosis, cerebral imbalance, ataxia and
limitation in eye movement.  It has also been found out that one of the
prisoners had been treated for psychosis before.

Many of them have fractures and internal bleeding in the head, body and
joints, they suffer from breathing and speech difficulties resulting from
exposure to gas, and some of them suffer from such strong bleeding in the
eyes that they are unable to open them.  Some people suffer from fractures
and one finger of one person was amputated.

4- Most of them have scars in the head that have not been sutured, there
are abrasions and bleedings and lesion in the wrist resulting from long use
of handcuffs and there are lesions in the eyes.

Press Agency Ozgurluk
In Support of the Revolutionary Peoples Liberation Struggle in Turkey

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