Date: Fri, 13 Apr 2001 15:16:43 EDT
Subject: [pttp] Quebec Speaker blasts region's `elected monarchs'

[I think the correct term would be Oligarchs']

Subj:    Quebec Speaker blasts region's `elected monarchs'
Date:   4/13/01 11:19:00 AM Mountain Daylight Time
From:   [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Gary Morton)

- We won't be fooled by summit PR: Activists
- Quebec Speaker blasts region's `elected monarchs'

We won't be fooled by summit PR: Activists
Protesters say people know free trade pact is for corporate gain
Allan Thompson

OTTAWA - People won't be fooled by a government public relations
offensive just days before the Quebec city Summit of the Americas,
organizers of the alternative People's Summit said yesterday.

The bottom line is that a proposed Free Trade Area of the Americas would
still put corporate interests ahead of human rights, the environment,
labour standards and other vital issues, the activists told a news

And more and more Canadians are joining the movement to oppose
government efforts to negotiate a hemispheric free trade pact, they

``There has been so much interest and so much concern across the country
and within the hemisphere about these negotiations . . . I find it hard
to see that trying to manage the issue by press release is going to
(make it) evaporate tomorrow,'' said Rieky Stuart, Oxfam Canada
executive director.

Hassan Yusuf, executive vice-president of the Canadian Labour Congress,
said governments are ``playing to the media to try and assert that they
are concerned about other issues than free trade in the Americas.''

Yusuf said there is still no sign that a free trade deal would help to
fight poverty, improve working conditions or help people take control of
their lives.

International Co-operation Minister Maria Minna yesterday announced
Canada would contribute $25 million to support ``fragile''
democratization efforts in Latin America.

Marc Lortie, senior Canadian organizer for the Quebec city summit, told
reporters earlier this week that promoting democracy in the hemisphere
will be the summit centrepiece.

Draft communiqué makes democracy essential to summit

Leaders might spend as little as 15 minutes talking about the trade pact
itself and a ``democratic clause'' being drafted for approval by the 34
leaders would say only democracies can join the summit process, Lortie

According to a draft copy of the summit's final declaration obtained by
Reuters yesterday, democracy is an ``essential condition'' of a
country's presence at this month's and future summits. Cuba has been
excluded from the Quebec meeting.

``Any unconstitutional alteration or interruption of the democratic
order in a state of the hemisphere constitutes a fundamental obstacle to
the participation of the state's government in the Summit of the
Americas process,'' the draft states.

The 48-page declaration and plan of action, dated March 26, also calls
for a stronger Organization of American States and an anti-poverty
initiative to reduce by half the number of people living in poverty in
the Americas by 2015. It does not refer to the free trade pact itself,
which is expected to run as long as 900 pages.

International Trade Minister Pierre Pettigrew has heralded the decision
to make public a draft text of the proposed pact as a sign of
unprecedented openness, even though it won't be available before next
week's summit.

Activists call it window dressing.

``Our government is engaged in a major PR offensive against the citizens
of Canada,'' said Maude Barlow of the Council of Canadians.

``I think we've become the new Soviet Union. We're the target of the
biggest police security operation in modern Canadian history and it's an
offence,'' she said, of the mounting police and security presence in
Quebec city.

``We're jaded about this now . . . only the words of the text matter.
Not the preamble, not all the nice meetings we have, not all the nice
things that governments say to us.''

Quebec Speaker blasts region's `elected monarchs'
Robert McKenzie

QUEBEC - The Speaker of the Quebec National Assembly is in hot water for
publicly accusing the 34 leaders expected here April 20-22 for the
Summit of the Americas of behaving like ``elected monarchs at the head
of politico-technocratic oligarchies.''

Both the Parti Quebecois government and the Liberal opposition
disassociated themselves from the stand taken by Speaker Jean-Pierre
Charbonneau in a text on the proposed Free Trade Area of the Americas
that he published yesterday.

Charbonneau is a journalist, author and founder of the Parliamentary
Conference of the Americas, a group of parliamentarians from North,
South and Central America frequently critical of the way the free trade
agreement is being prepared.

Putting his job on the line, the judo black belt wounded by a Mafia
gunman in his crime-reporting days said: ``If I am to be blamed, there
is only one way to do it. Let them question my credibility in the
National Assembly because I am ready to face the music.''

In the text he penned himself, Charbonneau accused the leaders of
failing to deliver the open democratic process promised in 1994 at the
first summit of the Americas in Miami.

``By acting as if they were elected monarchs at the head of
politico-technocratic oligarchies, the heads of state . . . not only
contradict their own virtuous commitment of the beginning but accentuate
the general, world-wide trend towards the marginalization of parliaments
by the executive powers (governments).

``What prevails everywhere is not a democratic life and political
practises but rather authoritarian and absolutist behaviour. There is
nothing to inspire populations with the democratic ideal.''

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