Lao Party extends greetings to new Party General Secretary Nong Duc
ManhChairman of the Lao People's Revolutionary Party (LPRP) Khamtay
Siphandon has sent a message of congratulations to newly-elected General
Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) Nong Duc Manh.

In his message, Chairman Siphandon said Nong Duc Manh's election as general
secretary of the CPV showed the Party's confidence in his ability and

The Lao Party leader also said he believed the Vietnamese people under the
leadership of the CPV and General Secretary Manh would obtain greater
achievements in the renovation, industrialisation and modernisation process
for the goal of a prosperous people, a strong country, and an equitable,
democratic and civilised society, thus contributing to the common struggle
for peace, national independence, democracy and social progress, for
friendship, co-operation and development in the region and the world.

He wished for further development of the friendship, solidarity and
comprehensive co-operation between the two countries. (VNA)


Chinese Party leader congratulates
new General SecretaryCommunist Party of China General Secretary Jiang Zemin
has sent his congratulations to newly-elected general secretary of the
Communist Party of Vietnam Nong Duc Manh.

In his message, Mr Jiang said: "We are pleased to see that since the eighth
CPV congress, Vietnam's renovation and socialist construction have continued
to develop vigorously, thus bringing new and big changes to the country.

"On the principle of building long-term, stable, future-oriented,
good-neighbourly and all-round co-operative relations, the China-Vietnam
friendship and co-operation have made new and great steps of development and
are entering a new period.

"We are firmly confident that in the new century, under the CPV's correct
leadership, Vietnam's renovation and socialist construction will be further
developed. With joint efforts, the traditional friendly and co-operative
ties between our two Parties, governments and peoples will be unceasingly
consolidated and strengthened." (VNA)


Special friendship with Laos to be developed:
Party leader 

Newly-elected General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) Nong
Duc Manh expressed his belief that the special friendship and solidarity and
comprehensive co-operation between the Parties and peoples of Vietnam and
Laos would be constantly consolidated and developed.

This was at the reception extended to Mr Khamtay Siphandon who led the
delegation of the Lao People's Revolutionary Party (LPRP) to attend the
just-ended Ninth CPV Congress on April 23 he also wished the Lao people,
under the clear-sighted leadership of the LPRP headed by Chairman Khamtay
Siphandon, ever greater successes in implementing the resolution passed by
the LPRP's seventh congress in order to build Laos into a prosperous country
and bring a happy life to the Lao people.

Mr Khamtay Siphandon, who is Chairman of the LPRP and President of the Lao
People's Democratic Republic, congratulated Nong Duc Manh on being elected
as the CPV general secretary and said he believed that the CPV would record
ever bigger achievements in the renovation process and socialist
construction in the early years of the 21st century. (VNA)


Party leader pledges to boost Vietnam-China tiesNewly-elected Communist
Party of Vietnam (CPV) General Secretary Nong Duc Manh has affirmed that
Vietnam will try its best to strengthen the friendship and co-operation
between Vietnam and China, while receiving Mr Hu Jintao, head of the
Communist Party of China (CPC) delegation to the Ninth CPV congress, in
Hanoi yesterday April 23.

"Now as before, Vietnam will do its best to consolidate and develop the
Vietnamese-Chinese traditional friendship and co-operation on the principle
of building long-term, stable, future-oriented, good-neighbourly and
all-round co-operative ties in the 21st century for the benefit of each
nation as well as for peace, stability and development in the region and the
world at large," Mr Manh said.

Mr Hu Jintao, who is member of the Standing Board of the CPC Politburo and
vice-president of the People's Republic of China, reiterated that China's
Communist Party, government and people attach importance to strengthening
their friendly and co-operative relations with Vietnam's Communist Party,
government and people.

He also wished the Party and people of Vietnam further successes in carrying
out the resolution adopted by the just-ended CPV congress. (VNA)


Party Congress's success welcomed nationwide

Cultural activities in Ho Chi Minh City mark the success of Ninth Party

People throughout the country held marches and cultural activities to
welcome the success of the Ninth National Party Congress which ended on
April 22. 

Nhan Dan (the People) daily newspaper held a meeting yesterday afternoon to
welcome the success of the Ninth National Party Congress and launch an
emulation movement to better implement its task of dissemination of
information in a bid to bring the congress's Resolution into life.

People in Quang Tri central province went to the streets to acclaim the
success of the congress. They marched along main streets and gathered in
cultural rallying points in residential areas.

Meanwhile, Bac Giang northern province displayed panels and posters and held
artistic performances and sport contests on the event.

Meetings to welcome the success of the congress were also held in many
cities and provinces, ministries and organisations nationwide.


Safety ensured during Party Congress

Police units in localities nationwide ensured complete safety during the
Ninth National Party Congress of the Communist Party of Vietnam.

All security-related activities were addressed in a timely manner. In Hanoi,
Ho Chi Minh City and other big cities, the peoplešs police co-ordinated
closely with the local Fatherland Fronts and other relevant organisations to
ensure social order, traffic order and safety, and public order.

All activities of the Party and State leaders, international delegates, and
delegates to the Ninth National Party Congress were ensured.

The Peoplešs Police force were praised for their high sense of


Students donate blood

Can Tho University has recently launched a blood donation movement. More
than 200 students have registered to donate blood. Each will donate 200
millilitres of blood.

Blood will be tested at the provincial General Hospital.


World opinions welcome success of Party CongressMass media agencies and
foreigners around the world have extended congratulations to the success of
the ninth National Congress of the Communist Party of Vietnam, CPV, which
closed in Hanoi on April 22.

In an exclusive interview to a Vietnam News Agency (VNA) correspondent in
Beograd, member of the New Communist Party of Yoguslavia (NKPYu) Leadership
Board Branco Ivanovich affirmed his party's high valuation of the
achievements, particularly those in politics and socio-economic development,
recorded by the Vietnamese people during the course of national renovation
under the leadership of the CPV.

The NKPYu official wished the CPV to bring the country to successfully build
a socialist-regulated market economy and to become prosperous, capable of
struggling against schemes and pressure by the US and imperialism.

He said he hoped that relations between the CPV and the NKPYu and other
communist and workers' parties in the world would be further consolidated
and strengthened. 

Branco Ivanovich also took this occasion to thank the CPV and the Vietnamese
people for strongly supporting Yugoslavia in the struggle against the US and
NATO's aggression in 1999.

In another interview to a VNA correspondent in Brussels, Mme Hoang Thi Huyen
Thu, President of the Vietnamese People Association in Belgium, said: "I
hope that the congress will bring in a new breeze, encouraging Vietnamese
people at home and abroad to make more human and material contributions to
turning Vietnam into a prosperous people, a strong country and an equitable,
democratic and civilised society."

She also took this occasion to ask the Party and government of Vietnam to
conduct more cultural exchange activities between local artists and
Vietnamese communities abroad to help the latter, particular the younger
generations, understand more about the homeland.

Mme Bui Kim Hai, president of the Belgium-Vietnam Co-operation and
Development Association, said: "The Ninth CPV Congress is of great
significance as it maps out the ways for the country to advance along the
renovation path initiated by the Communist Party of Vietnam." She added that
Vietnamese nationals residing abroad always look toward to the Fatherland
and her organisation has been carrying out activities to serve as a bridge
between the Vietnamese community in Belgium and the people at home.

Australian Broadcasting Corp (ABC) on April 21 commented that Vietnam has
been exerting efforts on resolving two major issues: accelerating economic
reform and taking preventive measures against political instability.

The Estrella Electronic (Electronic Star) of Spain commented that the Ninth
CPV Congress is the most important one since 1986 when Vietnam launched the
process of national renovation, adding the Congress approved the Strategy
for Socio-Economic Development for 2001-2010 with the goals of eliminating
hunger and building Vietnam into an industrialised nation. (VNA)


Vietnamese communities abroad - a valuable resource of the country

The Vietnamese communities abroad serve as a valuable human resource of the
country, Nguyen Dinh Bin said in his report to the Ninth National Congress
of the Communist Party of Vietnam, which closed in Hanoi on April 22.

Mr Bin, a delegate from the Party organisation of the sector of central
foreign affairs agencies, affirmed the Overseas Vietnamese communities are
young but dynamic and developed. They are a precious internal strength of
the country in terms of capital sources and human resource, particularly
their intellect. 

He went on to say that hundreds of thousands of foreign-trained
intellectuals, scientists, engineers, economics and business people have
been working in developed nations to equip themselves with knowledge and
advanced experience. They, including a new generation of foreigners of
Vietnamese origin, have become stronger and been gradually replacing older
generations. The younger generations have a more objective view on the
country's situation and will become potential partners of Vietnam in the
near future. 

In order to make a major and fundamental change in mobilising the Vietnamese
communities abroad, fully tap potential and make use of advantages of the
communities in service of national industrialisation and modernisation, the
official proposed the followings:

- Party committees at all levels should widely disseminate information on
the Party's basic viewpoint on mobilising overseas Vietnamese to help Party
officials and members and ordinary people clearly understand the political
significance of the issue;

- Future policies related to the Vietnamese communities abroad should
reflect the Party's stance of considering the communities an integral part
and a source of strength of the Vietnamese nation. It is necessary to
eliminate all forms of discrimination on benefits to people at home and
Overseas Vietnamese, gradually create favourable conditions for the
Vietnamese communities abroad to exercise their obligations to the country.
Policies should be attractive enough to encourage overseas communities to
return to do business in their homeland, thus contributing to implementing
of the national great unity policy of closing the past and looking toward a
bright future; and 

- To conduct a closer co-ordination among relevant ministries and agencies,
both at the central and local levels, pertinent offices at home and abroad,
state management agencies and the Vietnam Fatherland Front and other mass
organisations to effectively carry out promulgated policies on the
Vietnamese communities abroad.

Mr Bin told the Congress that there are more than 2.5 million Vietnamese
people living in all parts of the world, mostly in western countries while a
smaller group lives in Eastern Europe and Vietnam's neighbouring countries.

He noted that, despite many upheavals in the world, the Vietnamese
communities abroad have continued to develop, gradually settled down in and
adapted themselves in their residing countries. At the same time, they
maintain fine cultural identity and patriotism of the nation. (VNA)

Israeli ambassador wishes better ties with VietnamIsrael has great potential
to co-operate with Vietnam, Israeli Ambassador to Vietnam Walid Mansour told
the Club for International Economic and Cultural Exchange in Hanoi on April

He cited telecommunications, agriculture, health care and education as the
most promising areas and stressed that the most important co-operative ties
between the two countries are that in education and training.

Nearly 240 Vietnamese students are studying in Israel and more than 800
Vietnamese cadres have attended on-the-spot training courses lectured by
Israeli experts and professors.

Two projects on building a computerised education system and a
European-standard coffee processing system are to be built in Vietnam by
members of the Israeli Producers' Association. In addition, an irrigation
model project built with the assistance of Israel has been commissioned in
Hanoi and is expected to be expanded to other localities in Vietnam.

Israel is working with the Trade Ministry of Vietnam to create favourable
conditions for the development of bilateral trade relations because
Vietnam's exports to Israel reduced 6.2% in 2000 and Israel's exports to
Vietnam, 47.5%. Vietnam's opening of a trade representative office in Israel
and the signing of a trade agreement between the two countries were
solutions to the declining trend, stressed the Ambassador.

Vietnam received 1,080 Israeli visitors last year and expects to have the
figure rising to between 5,000 and 7,000 this year. (VNA)

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