TODAY'S NEWS (May.14.2001 Juche 90)



Kim Jong Il visits artillery company

Kim Jong Il visits Kwail county, South Hwanghae Province

U.S. forces' pullback from S. Korea demanded

Wreath laid before CPV martyrs' tomb

Anti-DPRK sabre-rattling blasted

Cultivation of medicinal herbs brisk in Korea

KCNA slams U.S. religious organization's annual report

Full-length novel comes off press

Japan's approval of distorted history textbook under fire

For Spanish-speaking people


kim hyon hui, jugadora de ping-pong de corea

ee.uu. debe actuar con prudencia

comandante supremo kim jong il inspecciona compania de unidad no. 243 de epc

Kim Jong Il visits artillery company
     Pyongyang, May 14 (KCNA) - Leader Kim Jong Il yesterday visited an
artillery company under KPA unit no. 243. He was accompanied by KPA generals
Hyon Chol Hae and Pak Jae Gyong.
    After receiving a salute, he mounted a forward observation post to
acquaint himself with the performance of the unit's duty.
    He was greatly satisfied to see all the servicemen of the company
trained to be one-match-for-a-hundred fighters through their strenuous
efforts to thoroughly implement the party's military line of self-defence
and firmly defending the country's defence line with intense loyalty and
    Then he went round an education room, bedroom, mess, bathroom, provision
store and other places of the company.
    He earnestly instructed all the officers to always pay primary attention
to the supply service for the dear soldiers with warm love for them and thus
provide the best living conditions to them.
    He gave a pair of binoculars and an automatic rifle to the company as
gifts and had a picture taken with its servicemen.
    The next leg of his inspection that day was a catfish factory built by
KPA unit no. 534. 
    Expressing great satisfaction at the modern factory of world standard
successfully built by the unit in a short span of time, he highly praised
its feat. 
    After looking round the factory he advanced important tasks to be
fulfilled to put fish breeding on a scientific and intensive basis and
thereby sharply increase the production of freshwater fishes.
    Underscoring the need to widely introduce the latest science and
technology in order to steadily increase the productivity of fish breeding,
he called for further intensifying the researches into the fish breeding
ranging from breed to fish culture.


Kim Jong Il visits Kwail county, South Hwanghae Province
     Pyongyang, May 14 (KCNA) -- Leader Kim Jong Il yesterday gave on-site
guidance to Kwail county, South Hwanghae Province. He was accompanied by
secretary Kim Kuk Thae, first vice department directors Ri Yong Chol and
Jang Song Thaek of the Central Committee of the WPK and generals of the
Korean People's Army Hyon Chol Hae and Pak Jae Gyong.
    He first went to the Sindae Farm of the Kwail county integrated fruit
    He looked round a monument to the on-site guidance of President Kim Il
Sung and historical relics in the farm and mounted an observation platform
to take a bird's eye view of the orchard stretching 40 km on the west coast.
    Looking down over modern houses standing in rows between orchards and at
the foot of hills, he learned in detail about the fruit production and fruit
growing on the farm.
    He expressed great satisfaction with achievements made by all the
agricultural workers of the farm in the fruit production in hearty response
to the on-site teachings given by the president and praised their feats.
    He said that in order to increase the yield of fruit per hectare it is
necessary to apply a lot of good quality manure to the orchards and put
manuring and cultivation of fruit trees on a scientific and technical basis.
He called for effectively conducting researches into high-yielding fruit
    He laid stress on providing the farm with a sufficient number of
tractors, trucks and other vehicles, sprayers and various types of farm
    Noting that the county is literally a county of fruits, he said that the
precious wealth should be effectively used to positively contribute to
improving the standard of the people's living.
    Then he moved on to the Phogu Farm where the land realignment project
was completed. 
    Feasting his eyes on the straight roads between fields, water channels
and a vast expanse of paddy fields, he praised county officials and
agricultural workers for having completed the vast project by themselves.
    Saying it is very gratifying to see realigned land in the county which
presents a beautiful landscape, clad in various kinds of fruit trees, he
stressed that this is the true picture of the Korean socialist agricultural
system based on collectivism.
    He also went to the Ryongsupho Beach in the seaside of the county.
    After hearing a report on the use of the beach from leading officials of
the county, he acquainted himself in detail with the beach including the
depth of water, the sea bed and saltiness.
    He proposed a task to spruce up the beach, saying that the beach is very
nice for swimming because water is very clear and sand is good.
    He said that there should be a sufficient number of hotels and other
service and catering facilities and ample conditions for transport so that a
large number of people may take a rest and enjoy swimming there.


U.S. forces' pullback from S. Korea demanded
     Pyongyang, May 14 (KCNA) -- If the peace and peaceful reunification of
the country are to be achieved in conformity with the desire and demand of
the Korean nation, the U.S. imperialist aggressor forces should quit South
Korea, first of all, says Rodong Sinmun today in a signed commentary. The
commentary goes on:
    Tens of thousands of U.S. imperialist aggressor forces equipped with the
latest type weapons are now present in South Korea.
    Slamming the U.S. bellicose forces for seeking to justify their military
presence there, the commentary observes:
    "Threat from the north" they are citing as a pretext for their continued
military presence in South Korea is a sheer fabrication and lie.
    That is a sinister artifice intended to seek the U.S. forces' permanent
presence in South Korea by painting them as a "war deterrent" and a
"guardian of peace" and dominate the whole of Korea and, furthermore,
northeast Asia. 
    The U.S. imperialists' military presence in South Korea is chiefly aimed
to protect their aggressive interests and establish their hegemonistic
position in the Asia-Pacific region, not to defend the South Korean people's
    The U.S. forces are not a "friend" of the South Korean people but their
sworn enemy. 
    The U.S. imperialists have no justification to stay in South Korea and
they can never cover up the criminal history of their occupation of South
Korea stained with Koreans' blood.
    The U.S. is well advised to behave itself, properly judging the Korean
nation's will for independent reunification and immediately withdraw its
forces from South Korea as unanimously demanded by the Korean nation.


Wreath laid before CPV martyrs' tomb
     Pyongyang, May 14 (KCNA) -- The visiting goodwill delegation of the
general political department of the Chinese People's Liberation Army headed
by major general Fan Yinhwa yesterday laid a wreath before the martyrs' tomb
of the Chinese People's Volunteers in Hoechang county, South Phyongan
Province. A bunch of flowers was laid before the grave of Mao Anying there.
    Present there were officers of the Korean People's Army and the military
attache of the Chinese embassy here.
    The participants observed a moment's silence in memory of the CPV
fighters who fell in action during the Korean War (June 1950-july 1953).
    The head of the delegation said that the Chinese people's volunteers,
who rushed to the Korean front under the banner of "Resisting America and
Aiding Korea, safeguarding the home and defending the motherland," forged
deep friendship, fighting shoulder to shoulder with the army and people of
    He stressed that the friendship between the two governments, peoples and
armies of China and Korea would be everlasting as the Amnok River flows.


Anti-DPRK sabre-rattling blasted
     Pyongyang, May 14 (KCNA) -- The forces of the second division of the
U.S. imperialist forces in South Korea launched a "large-scale maneuver" in
the areas of Phaju, Uijongbu and Dongduchon of Kyonggi Province on May 8. In
this regard Rodong Sinmun today in a signed commentary says:
    The another anti-DPRK war exercise launched by the U.S. imperialist
warhawks is a blatant challenge and provocation to the DPRK which has made
every sincere effort for the peace and peaceful reunification of the
    The bellicose Bush administration has threatened the DPRK by "force"
from the very day it came to power, more frantically pursuing its hostile
policy towards the DPRK.
    It was prompted by its criminal intention to push the situation on the
Korean peninsula turning favourable for national reconciliation, unity and
reunification back to the state of confrontation before the publication of
the north-south joint declaration in a bid to justify its military presence
in South Korea and stifle the DPRK by force of arms.
    Confrontation and war cannot go with reconciliation and peace.
    The DPRK will never allow the U.S. imperialist aggressors to bring
nuclear disasters to the Korean nation.
    The United States should drop its anachronistic hardline policy to
stifle the DPRK, halt its anti-DPRK war drill and withdraw its aggression
troops from South Korea without delay.


Cultivation of medicinal herbs brisk in Korea
     Pyongyang, May 14 (KCNA) -- April and May, September and October have
annually been marked in the DPRK as months for cultivating medicinal herbs
since Juche 69 (1980). A mass drive is now under way to create resources of
medicinal herbs and gather in them.
    According to Pak Yong Jin, department chief of the Koryo medicine
production management bureau under the Ministry of Public Health, medicinal
herbs and trees for medicinal use will be planted in areas covering
thousands of hectares in the April-May period.
    Medicinal herb offices and stations for conserving and propagating
medicinal herbs across the country are planting crataegus pinnatifida,
gingko, dogberry, and other trees for medicinal use, in areas of hundreds of
hectares. a work is also going on to collect barks, flowers and roots of
medicinal herbs needed for the production of drugs to suit the seasonal
    Bases for cultivating medicinal herbs are found everywhere and
foundations for their production gaining in scope.
    Recently medicinal herb farms produced foxglove, salvia miltriorrhiza,
job's tears, etc. and supplied them to hospitals and pharmaceutical
factories across the country.
    Some of them are exported to different countries.


KCNA slams U.S. religious organization's annual report
     Pyongyang, May 14 (KCNA) -- The "International Association of Religious
Freedom" in the United States in its recent "annual report" cited sheer lies
that "The North Korean government suppresses all religious activities" and
"People are tortured and persecuted for believing in religion." This is a
base falsification of truth and an intolerable interference in the internal
affairs of a sovereign state, all intended to tarnish the image of the DPRK
and invent a pretext for increasing international pressure upon it.
    This association may issue an "annual report" every year which is its
own business. but, it is intolerable that styling itself an organization
leading world religion it does not bother to slander other countries and
reels off a spate of sophism grossly misrepresenting the truth in the DPRK,
in particular. 
    The association's arrogant and brazen-faced behaviour cannot but cast a
doubt as to whether it is an organization active for the genuine "freedom of
religion" or a religion-veiled plot-breeding body.
    If it is the former, then its gospel must be "equality and charity."
    Then, why does it falsify the reality in the DPRK and carry on a
groundless smear campaign against it although prominent religious men from
several countries including the U.S. praised it as a "society full of human
love where all people enjoy equality?"
    The association should face up to the reality in the U.S. before
decrying the system in the DPRK.
    The U.S. society they describe as a "heaven" for religious activities,
talking about "equality and charity," is one where prevail such abnormal
human psychology which paradoxically asserts that "Your happiness means my
misfortune" and the jungle law that "I can survive only when I swallow up
    It is quite clear that there can be no "equality and charity" in such
socio-economic and politico-moral environment.
    All these facts compel the KCNA to comment that the association spread
lies at the political instigation of anti-DPRK hostile forces or itself has
been reduced to a plot-breeding organization.


Full-length novel comes off press
     Pyongyang, May 14 (KCNA) -- Full-length novel "Square Where Military
Parade Took Place" was recently published by the literature and art press
group. It is one of the cycle of novels "immortal history" dealing with the
glorious revolutionary history of President Kim Il Sung which are being
created by the April 15 Literary Production Unit of Korea.
    The germ of idea in the novel is that a revolution is carried out by an
army and it represents the destiny of the nation.
    Based on moving historical facts, the novel deals with the tireless
efforts made by the president to build regular revolutionary armed forces
soon after the liberation of the country on August 15, Juche 34 (1945).
    It tells how wisely he led the struggle to found the Workers' Party of
Korea, establish the people's power and build the regular armed forces of
the nation right after the liberation.
    The novel recounts stories about how leading centres for building
regular armed forces such as the Pyongyang Institute, a Parent Center for
Training Military and Political Cadres, appeared one after another and
ordinary people were trained to be commanding officers of the revolutionary
    The book also deals with the fact that the president saw to it that the
Korean people helped the Chinese people in their revolutionary war
materially and morally and at the cost of blood.
    In a matter of two years the core units for building a regular army were
founded and their ranks rapidly expanded.
    A military parade of elite units of the Korean revolutionary armed
forces took place on the square on February 8, Juche 37 (1948).
    The novel also impressively depicts energetic efforts made by the great
communist revolutionary fighter Kim Jong Suk to build the revolutionary
armed forces. 


Japan's approval of distorted history textbook under fire
    Pyongyang, May 14 (KCNA) -- The History Society of the DPRK today issued
a statement assailing the Japanese authorities for their extremely insolent
attitude towards the issue of distorted middle school history textbook after
officially approving them at a state examination. The statement recalled
that the Japanese authorities approved the distorted history textbook whose
author again wrote about the story about "mimanamiyake" whose falsity has
long proven and made profound confusion of the right and wrong describing
that "Japan's colonial rule helped Korea in its modernization." the author
completely deleted such stark a historical fact as the crimes related to the
"comfort women for the army," the statement said, and continued:
    The Japanese authorities, chiming in with the reactionary historians'
sophism that representing crime-woven history of Japan as it was would mean
"self-maltreating view on history," are taking an irresponsible attitude
towards the issue, saying "the government is not in a position to rewrite
the textbook as the writing was supervised by an individual organization or
a company." 
    This reflects the Japanese authorities' stand to justify Japan's past
crimes to the last and reveals their intention to infuse the idea of
aggression into the young Japanese in a bid to realise the old dream of
"Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere."
    The Japanese authorities' connivance at the distortion of history is not
only a serious insult to the noble idea of education in history but a grave
crime as it destroys the foundation of international relations.
    The history society of the DPRK strongly demands the Japanese
authorities immediately cancel their "approval" of the above-mentioned
history textbook and take a decisive measure to teach objective historical
facts to the young Japanese.


For Spanish-speaking people

kim hyon hui, jugadora de ping-pong de corea
     pyongyang, 14 de marzo (atcc) -- la jugadora de la rpdc kim hyon hui de
21 anos de edad gano el primer lugar en el partido simple del torneo abierto
de tenis de mesa de 2001 que tuvo lugar recientemente en katar. con
anterioridad, logro sobresalientes exitos en los partidos doble e individual
en el torneo abierto efectuado en gran bretana.
    es reconocida como jugadora prometedora en el pais y el extranjero.
    comenzo a jugar a ping-pong desde cuando tenia 10 anos de edad y ha
adiestrado su tecnica en el equipo de deporte especializado.
    por sus sentidos agudos del movimiento y perseverancia se destaco desde
cuando tenia 15 anos de edad en los torneos internacionales.
    en el 44 campeonato mundial, el 14 campeonato asiatico, el 13 torneo
asiatico, de tenis de mesa y otros contribuyo mucho a que el equipo de la
rpdc (f) ganara buenas notas.
    en el 86 (1997) de la era juche ella recibio el titulo de deportista
    ahora se entrega febrilmente al entrenamiento para el 46 campeonato
mundial de tenis de mesa que tendra lugar en abril.


ee.uu. debe actuar con prudencia
     pyongyang, 14 de marzo (atcc) -- el diario "rodong sinmun" en el numero
de hoy inserto un comentario denunciando a ee.uu. que en el nuevo siglo
atenta contra la dignidad de la rpdc. el comantarista senala en particular:
    llama atencion la reciente creacion por ee.uu. de la comandancia de
destacamento de desminado de las aguas en su base en sasebo del japon. este
ano ee.uu. al reforzar sus fuerzas armadas y levantar alborotos militares en
el contorno de la peninsula coreana expone abiertamente la intencion de
aplastar con las fuerzas a la rpdc.
    ee.uu. impulsa el establecimiento del sistema de defensa antimisil
pretextando la "amenaza de misil" de la rpdc. es un abuso de la palabra y un
abierto desafio a esta.
    no se puede justificar ni perdonar jamas la intencion de ee.uu. de
impulsar el establecimiento de este nuevo sistema de armas teledirigidas de
punta so pretexto de la "amenaza " de la rpdc.
    de hecho, hemos observado la actitud de ee.uu. con respecto a corea,
despues de la aparicion de la administracion de bush. sin embargo esta nos
trata con una actitud desafiadora. ee.uu. vocifera de la "amenaza" y el
"problema del derecho humano" y se junta al japon en el alboroto de
"secuestro" para calificar a la rpdc de "un pais de apoyo a terrorismo".
    de esta manera intensifica sus provocativos y temerarios actos contra la
    esto refleja la intencion de ee.uu. de intensificar su politica hostil y
complot de aislamiento y aplastamiento a la rpdc en detrimento de la mejora
de sus relaciones con esta.
    no perdonaremos jamas tal acto de atentar nuestra dignidad y de desafiar
a la rpdc. 
    nuestro principio revolucionario y modo de accion es responder con la
buena voluntad a la buena voluntad y con resuelto enfrentamiento al desafio.
mientras ee.uu. nos trate intransigentemente no podremos menos que
responderle de igual manera.
    si los imperialistas norteamericanos toman el camino del enfrentamiento
con la rpdc el ejercito y el pueblo de esta le infligiran una represalia mil
veces mayor. 


comandante supremo kim jong il inspecciona compania de unidad no. 243 de epc
     pyongyang, 14 de mayo (atcc) -- el dirigente kim jong il,secretario
general del partido del trabajo de corea, presidente del comite de defensa
nacional de la republica popular democratica de corea y comandante supremo
del ejercito popular de corea inspecciono ayer la compania de artilleria de
la unidad no. 243 del epc. le acompanaron los generales de ejercito del epc,
hyon chol hae y pak jae gyong.
    el dirigente kim jong il tras recibir el saludo mediante la guardia de
honor subio al puesto avanzado de vigilancia donde se entero del estado de
cumplimiento del deber de la unidad.
    se mostro muy satisfecho de que todos los militares de la compania al
desplegar una dinamica lucha por ejecutar estrictamente la linea militar
autodefensiva de nuestro partido hicieron de la compania una fila combativa
capaz de pelear uno contra cien enemigos y defienden fidedignamente con la
ardiente fidelidad y el entusiasmo patriotico la linea de defensa de la
    recorrio la sala de educacion, dormitorio, comedor, bano, deposito
diario y otros lugares de la compania.
    enseno encarecidamente que todos los miembros directivos siempre con el
cordial afecto a los queridos soldados deben prestar primordial atencion a
la labor de intendencia para ofrecerles las mejores condiciones de vida.
    dejo como recuerdo binoculos y fusil automatico para los militares de la
compania y se fotografio junto a ellos. el dirigente kim jong il dirigio el
mismo dia sobre el terreno la fabrica de siluro construida por la unidad
no.534 del epc. 
    se mostro muy regocijado de que los militares de la unidad construyeron
excelentemente en un corto espacio de tiempo la fabrica de siluro de talla
mundial y evaluo altamente sus hazanas laborales.
    luego de recorrerla presento las tareas programaticas de hacer
cientifica e intensiva la acuicultura para incrementar trascendentalmente la
produccion de peces de agua dulce.
    el dirigente kim jong il dijo que a fin de aumentar sin cesar la
productividad de la acuicultura es preciso introducir los adelantos de la
ciencia y tecnica y enseno la necesidad de fortalecer la investigacion de la
acuicultura desde el problema del reproductor hasta la cria y cuidado de

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