
China's Stance on NMD Will Not Change, FM Spokesman
China's opposition to the U.S. NMD (national missile defense) program is
consistent and will not change, Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesman Sun Yuxi
said here Tuesday. 
Sun made the remark when asked to comment on the discussion between James
Kelly, U.S. assistant secretary of state for East Asian and Pacific Affairs
and his Chinese counterpart.
Sun said that the U.S. plan to develop NMD is a matter that " harms others
without benefiting the United States itself," and if it continues with the
program, it will "lift a stone only to drop it on its own toes."
He warned that the deployment of NMD will break the global strategic balance
and stability, undermine the mutual trust and cooperation between big
nations, hinder the process of international disarmament and the
anti-proliferation efforts, and trigger a new round of arms race.
China hopes to urge the United States to give up its NMD program through
diplomatic consultations, he said.
The spokesman said that every country has the right to take necessary
measures to enhance its national security, but not at the expense of the
security of other countries.
The United States should follow the advice of the international community
and consult with other countries on the issue of NMD.
We hope the United States acts with great care and continues to adhere to
the Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM) treaty and other treaties on disarmament
and arms control, he said.
Sun said that in a sense China objects more to the TMD (theater missle
defense), because such a program aims to enhance military alliance, exceeds
the needs of a justifiable defense, poses a threat to surrounding countries,
and undermines the peace and stability of the Asia-Pacific Region in
And the intention of including Taiwan in TMD constitutes direct interference
in China's internal affairs, he added.


China to Continue Efforts for Mideast Peace: Vice-President Hu

China to Continue Efforts for Mideast Peace: Vice-President Hu

China will, as always, continue to make its due efforts along with the
international community for the realization of an early resolution to the
Middle East issue. 

Chinese Vice-President Hu Jintao
<http://english.peopledaily.com.cn/data/people/hujintao.shtml>  made this
remark Monday afternoon in talks with Vice-President Abdul Halim Khaddam of
the Syria <http://english.peopledaily.com.cn/data/Syria.html> n Arab
Republic, who is here on an official visit as Hu's guest.

Touching upon the Mideast peace process, Hu said that the situation in the
Middle East has been strained since September last year, and the peace
process is severely stagnant, adding that China is deeply concerned over

China condemns Israel <http://english.peopledaily.com.cn/data/israel.html>
for its use of force against Palestine and its infringement upon Lebanon
<http://www.peopledaily.com.cn/english/data/lebanon.html> 's sovereignty, Hu
pointed out, voicing his hope that the parties concerned can stop conflicts
and resume peace talks at an early date.

He noted that China, as a sincere friend of the Arab states, has always
supported the restoration of the legitimate rights of the Palestinian
people, the just cause of the Arab people, and the just demand of Syria for
the recovery of the Golan Heights.

Khaddam briefed Hu on the latest developments in the situation in the Middle
East, saying that Syria is keen to realize peace in the region on the basis
of relevant resolutions of the United Nations on the Mideast issue.

He voiced his appreciation for the Chinese government and people's
consistent support for the just cause of the Arab people, adding his hope
that China can play a bigger role in this process.

Bilateral ties
China values its long-term friendship with Syria, and is willing to make
unremitting efforts with that Mideast country to expand cooperation and push
ahead their bilateral cooperative relations in the new century, Hu said.

Hu recalled his visit to Syria earlier this year, and expressed thanks for
the hospitality of the Syrian government and people.

"This year marks the 45th anniversary of the forging of Sino- Syrian
diplomatic ties," Hu said, adding that such ties have withstood the test of
time as well as changes in the international arena.

The past 45 years have witnessed frequent contacts between high- level
officials of the two countries as well as fruitful bilateral cooperation in
all sectors, Hu said. "China and Syria have supported each other and shown
sincerity in all-round cooperation, " he added.

Sino-Syrian ties have maintained a good momentum for development in the new
century, as a result of the ceaseless efforts of the two governments as well
as the two peoples, Hu said.

"The Chinese government appreciates the Syrian government's adherence to the
'one China' policy and the support it renders for China's reunification," Hu

He also expressed thanks for Syria's firm support for China on human rights
and other issues. 

Khaddam said relations between Syria and China have experienced constant
growth since the two countries forged diplomatic ties in 1956. The frequent
exchanges of visits between leaders of the two countries in recent years
have strongly enhanced bilateral cooperation, he said.

He spoke highly of China's achievements in its economic development, and
expressed willingness to further cooperation with China in diverse sectors.

Regarding Sino-Syrian trade relations, Hu said economic and trade
cooperation between the two countries has recorded significant growth in
recent years, thanks to the joint efforts of the two sides. Bilateral trade
is on the rise, and there are more areas for cooperation.

Hu stressed that economic and trade cooperation between China and Syria has
great potential, as the two countries are highly complementary in this
regard. China is willing to explore with Syria new modes, new areas and new
ways for expanding bilateral trade cooperation on the principle of equality,
reciprocity and efficiency, he said.

Khaddam expressed satisfaction at the growth of bilateral trade and economic
relations, saying that the sound political relations between Syria and China
have laid a solid foundation for the two countries to expand cooperation in
the economic and trade sectors. Syria wishes to further its cooperation with
China in the industrial, agricultural and water conservancy sectors for the
benefits of the two peoples, he said.

Prior to their talks, Hu presided over a welcoming ceremony for Khaddam, who
arrived here Sunday afternoon on a five-day official visit as Hu's guest.


India Air Force Head to Lead Goodwill Trip to China
India <http://www.peopledaily.com.cn/english/data/india.html> n Air Force
chief Anil Y. Tipnis starts a trip to China at the weekend, the
highest-ranking military visit since ties were strained by New Delhi's
nuclear tests three years ago.

An air force spokesman told reporters on Monday Tipnis would be on a
goodwill mission to China as part of ongoing dialogue between the armed
forces of the two Asian giants, which went to war in 1962.

Tipnis will spend a week in China with a delegation of air force officials
beginning May 19. 

India said regional threat perceptions had prompted its surprise underground
nuclear explosions in May 1998, triggering protest from China.

Since then, the world's two most populous nations have worked to heal ties
through a series of confidence-building visits. including a dialogue on
nuclear proliferation.

"Essentially the aim of the military visits is to keep the India-China
relationship stable, despite the many differences and unresolved problems,"
said Sujit Dutta, a China specialist at the Institute for Defence Studies
and Analyses in New Delhi.

India and China have made slow progress in resolving a 40-year-old border
dispute that is considered central to relations.

Diplomats and military officials of the countries have had several rounds of
talks in recent years to determine where precisely the 4,500-km (2,800-mile)
Himalayan border lies.

"There seems to be a general agreement to maintain stability...these visits
underline the resolve to avoid misunderstanding, avoid a conflict or crisis
from emerging," said Dutta.

The military visit takes places just as Chinese Prime Minister Zhu Rongji
<http://english.peopledaily.com.cn/data/people/zhurongji.shtml>  is on a
tour that includes long-time ally Pakistan
<http://english.peopledaily.com.cn/data/pakistan.html> , Sri Lanka
<http://www.peopledaily.com.cn/english/data/sriLanka.html> , Nepal
<http://english.peopledaily.com.cn/data/nepal.html> , Maldives and continues
to Thailand <http://english.peopledaily.com.cn/data/thailand.html> .


Chinese President Raises Five-point Proposal on Human Capacity Building
Chinese President Jiang Zemin
<http://english.peopledaily.com.cn/data/people/jiangzemin.shtml>  Tuesday
called for joint efforts of the international community to advance human
capacity building at an APEC high-level meeting in Beijing
<http://english.peopledaily.com.cn/data/province/beijing.html> .

In his speech at the APEC High Level Meeting on Human Capacity Building,
Jiang proposed five points on human capacity building for the Asia-Pacific
Economic Cooperation organization.

-- APEC members should adopt a new concept of development and step up human
capacity building. 

Human resources building should be taken as an important field in APEC
exchanges and cooperation and an important measure to assist developing
members in their economic growth, narrow North- South gap and simulate
coordinated development, Jiang said.

-- APEC members should set up a life-long education system and create a
learning society. Efforts should be made to speed up the establishment of a
society-wise life-long education system, vigorously develop vocational
education and set up an extensive and multi-tiered education and training

-- APEC members should popularize information network and optimize methods
of learning and self-improvement.

More people should be encouraged to log onto the Internet, and that the
disadvantaged groups should be assisted in acquiring better capabilities for
development, so that more people will benefit from information and network
technology, Jiang stated.

The developed members of the international community should provide
assistance to the developing ones to narrow the "digital divide" and make
efforts to speed up the IT infrastructure construction of the latter, carry
out related training programs for them, share knowledge resources with them
and help improve their labor quality.

-- APEC member should carry forward the spirit of innovation and cultivate
young talents. 

-- APEC members should intensify exchanges and cooperation under the
principle of mutual benefit and reciprocity.

He said that within the framework of APEC, to increase personnel exchanges,
enhance information flow and foster a multi- level, multi-form cooperation
mechanism to the benefit of all sides should become part of the
organization's substantive cooperation.

The developing members should play their part. But at the same time, it is
highly necessary for them to carry out cooperation under the principle of
mutual benefit, reciprocity and common development.

"We hope that the developed members will render financial, material and
technological support to the developing ones to speed up their human
capacity building," he said, adding that this will contribute not only to
the economic and social development of the developing members, but also to
the early attainment of common prosperity in the region.

Vital for All
President Jiang said that to develop human resources and strengthen human
capacity building has become a vital issue bearing on the development of all

He said that the convention of the APEC high-level meeting in Beijing is of
great significance to promoting human capacity building in the Asia-Pacific

"How should the cause of human development advance in the new century? This
is a major subject facing the people of all countries," Jiang said, adding
that mankind now faces new challenges and also new development

He said that for centuries, mankind has been exploring resources on earth
for its survival and development. He pointed out that the development and
utilization of material resources provide the foundation for the progress of
human society, while the development of human wisdom and capacity determines
the depth and width of the exploration of material resources.

"In today's world, personnel training and human capacity building are of
increasingly decisive significance in the competition of overall national
strength," he said.

He said that the unlimited wisdom and creativity of mankind serve as an
inexhaustible source of motive force behind civilization and progress.

The continuous social development has opened up broad vista for tapping
fully human capacity, according to Jiang. He said that the dynamic
revolution of new science and technology is exerting a profound and
extensive impact on the development of mankind itself. He said that to
strengthen human resources development and human capacity building never
looked so important and so urgent as it does today.

At the same time, it must be noted that human resources are not
automatically generated as population increases to a certain number, he
pointed out, adding that rather, they need to be developed and nurtured.

He said that in recent years, many countries have taken positive steps to
boost human resources development and capacity building and have achieved
tangible results. However, he noted that human capacity building, on the
whole, lags far behind the requirement of development, pointing to such
problems as scarcity in professionals, irrational and unjust phenomena in
international competition for talents and the widening gap in human capacity
building between developing and developed countries.

"Failure to address these problems effectively is bound to hinder the
development of countries, the developing countries in particular," Jiang

"We shoulder a common responsibility for the world's future," he said.

He expressed the belief that "as long as we all act in a spirit of mutual
respect and common development, seek common ground while shelving
differences, and increase cooperation, we will be able to build a splendid

Government Values Talented People
The Chinese Government attaches great importance to the training of talented
people, Jiang said Tuesday.

He said that the Chinese Government has initiated and is energetically
implementing the strategy of rejuvenating the nation through science and
education. The Chinese Government advocates respect for knowledge and
talents and takes the development of human resources as an important means
to boost sustained economic and social development.

It is the first time that China plays host to an APEC high- level meeting on
human resources. 

China is persistent in giving priority to developing science and education,
facilitating the integral development of human resources, reforming the
personnel system and labor and employment system. And the country is working
hard to create conditions and environment for all kinds of talented people
to play their role, continuously improve the ethical, scientific and
cultural qualities of the whole nation and upgrade the knowledge and
technical skills of the laborers.

Noting that China is still a developing country, Jiang said that in terms of
human resources development, China has yet to meet the requirement of its
economic and social development and still trails far behind APEC members at
advanced level. 

However, China is doing much to implement its talents strategy, develop its
human resources, improve the all-round quality of the laborers and gain an
edge in respect of human resources so as to give forceful support to the
reform and opening-up endeavor and modernization drive, he stated.

"We stand ready to have closer exchanges and cooperation with other APEC
members and work hard to contribute our share to human capacity building in
the Asia-Pacific region," he said.


China Opposes Taiwan Authority Leader's Transit Visit to US
China firmly opposes any country, including the United States, permitting
the Taiwan authority leader to conduct a transit visit under any excuse,
said Foreign Ministry Spokesman Sun Yuxi Tuesday.
Sun said that the Chinese government has expressed through diplomatic
channels its strong resentment with and opposition to the U.S. government
permitting such a transit visit by the Taiwan authority leader. China hopes
that the United States will act in accordance with the principles enshrined
in concerned bilateral documents, and will not interfere in China's internal
affairs regarding the Taiwan issue.


China Urges Rich Countries to Adjust Policies toward Poor Nations
China has urged developed countries to adjust their policies in an
international effort to support the poorest nations to narrow the widening
gap of living standards in the world of globalization.
"We would like to appeal to the international community, in particular the
developed countries, who benefit the most from globalization, to reevaluate
relevant policies, undertake more international obligations and transform
their concerns on the least developed countries (LDCs) into forceful and
effective actions," Sun Guangxiang, vice minister of China's foreign trade
and economic cooperation ministry, said in Brussels Tuesday.
Developing countries should also make every endeavor to provide support and
aid to the LDCs in whatever forms through the channel of South-South
Cooperation, said Sun at the third United Nations Conference on the LDCs,
which is being held here on May 14-20.
When addressing the current situation in the southern hemisphere, the
Chinese official said the globalization process has failed to bring the LDCs
the benefit they once anticipated, but only made them more vulnerable to
further marginalization.
"At the same time, the social problems of the LDCs have been piling up,
issues such as poverty, unemployment, low education level, political unrest
and natural disasters have become the bottleneck in the development of the
LDCs," Sun said. 
Recalling the international efforts for the poorest countries in recent
years, Sun said there came out a series of plans and measures after
mountainous dialogue and negotiations in the international community.
However, those plans always ended up with little action, he said.
"It is fair to say that the implementation of the Program of Action for the
Least Developed Countries for the 1990s is not satisfactory, with not many
goals being fulfilled," the Chinese trade official told heads of state and
representatives from 49 poorest countries around the world and officials
from both developed and developing countries as well as international
organizations, social groups and companies.
"However, we still place our hopes on the conference. We hope that it could
create a new Program of Action, which is of profound political significance
and high feasibility, so as to inject new vitality into the international
cooperation for the LDCs," he said.
Two previous U.N. conferences on the LDCs -- in Paris in 1981 and 1990 --
produced programs of action intended to improve the living conditions of the
world's poor. The 1990 conference called on rich countries to step up aid.
However, the number of desperately poor countries has almost doubled during
the past 30 years from 25 to 49. In inflation- adjusted per capita terms,
net official development aid to the poorest countries dropped by 45 percent
during the 1990s, according to U.N. statistics.

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