From: "Jim Yarker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

----- Original Message -----
From: "Action Center" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, May 16, 2001 5:52 PM

> International Action Center
> 39 West 14th St, #206
> NY, NY 10011
> 212-633-6646
> By Richard Becker
> May 14 was a day of unprecedented Israeli violence against
> the Palestinian people in the illegally occupied West Bank
> and Gaza.
> Elements of the U.S.-armed Israeli Army, Navy and Air Force
> launched heavy assaults on residential areas and Palestinian
> Authority facilities in several areas. At least seven
> Palestinians were killed. Many more were seriously wounded.
> Densely populated Gaza was rocketed from Navy gunboats, Air
> Force helicopters and by surface-to-surface Army missiles.
> The heaviest death toll was in the West Bank town of
> Beitunia. There the Israeli Army, in a surprise attack,
> massacred five Palestinian security officers inside and
> outside their small checkpoint post.
> Two of the Palestinian officers were reportedly sleeping and
> two others preparing food when the daytime attack took
> place. A sixth officer was seriously wounded.
> PA President Yasir Arafat denounced the Israeli attack as
> "assassinations." He said, "Israel must know that it will be
> harshly judged over this crime."
> U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell refused to comment on
> the massacre of the Palestinians. Instead, Powell brazenly
> attacked Arafat, saying, "That kind of language I don't
> think is very helpful, especially during the time Israel is
> celebrating its anniversary."
> May 15 was the 53rd anniversary of Israel's declaration of
> "independence." But the Palestinians commemorate the date as
> Al-Nakba, or "the Catastrophe," for when they were
> dispossessed and driven from their homeland.
> Massive actions took place in the West Bank, Gaza, in
> Palestinian areas within the 1948 borders of the Israeli
> state and elsewhere.
> Israeli soldiers firing live ammunition killed at least four
> Palestinians, and wounded more than 130 people, several of
> them critically. More than 30,000 marched in both Gaza and
> the West Bank, and tens of thousands more in Ramallah,
> Hebron (al-Khalil), Bethlehem and other cities. Many of the
> participants were refugees or their descendants, who have
> lived in impoverished camps for the past half-century. Many
> older participants in the Gaza protest waved the keys of
> their stolen homes.
> In Lebanon, 10,000 people marched through the Ain al-Hilweh
> refugee camp near Sidon in a demonstration organized by the
> three main parties of the Palestine Liberation Organization:
> Fatah-Palestine National Liberation Movement, the Popular
> Front for the Liberation of Palestine and the Democratic
> Front for the Liberation of Palestine. Demonstrators
> chanted: "Let us throw away the olive branch and carry our
> rifles to return to our land." The Ain al-Hilweh marchers
> submitted a petition to a UN official calling for Israeli
> prime minister Ariel Sharon to be tried as a war criminal.
> In 1982, Sharon oversaw the massacre of more than 2,000
> Palestinian refugees in Lebanon's Sabra and Shatila camps.
> Mass demonstrations in Jordan were repressed by the pro-U.S.
> government on May 11, with more than 50 people arrested.
> Israel escalates war against Palestinians
> Israeli attacks on Palestinian areas have been escalating
> for weeks, especially in the days leading up to May 15.
> On May 7, Israeli tank fire killed a 4-month-old Palestinian
> girl and severely wounded several members of her family in
> their home in Khan Younis, Gaza.
> On May 11, Israeli forces bulldozed at least five homes in
> the Deir El-Balah refugee camp in southern Gaza, leaving one
> dead, two wounded and more than 30 people homeless.
> Altogether, Israel destroyed 60 houses and hundreds of acres
> of orchards, groves and farmland in Palestinian areas in the
> previous week.
> The death toll since the beginning of the second Intifada,
> or Uprising, now stands at more than 440 Palestinians and 77
> Israelis.
> More than 13,000 Palestiniansover 95 percent of the
> injuredhave been wounded. At least 1,000 of the wounded
> Palestinians will suffer lifelong disability, many of them
> paralyzed or missing eyes.
> A May 1 article in the Guardian of London reported: "The
> Nobel prize-winning U.S. group Physicians for Human Rights
> blames the widespread use of the M-16 automatic rifle for
> the high rate of crippling Palestinian injuries." The
> U.S.-designed weapon is standard issue for Israeli troops.
> Yet most U.S. media attention--and condemnation--was
> reserved for the killing of two Israeli settler teenagers
> near Tekoa settlement in the West Bank.
> Seth Mandel, the father of one of the boys, brought his
> family to Tekoa from College Park, Md. less than five years
> ago. According to Menachem Froman, the Tekoa rabbi, Mandel
> aspired to be a "spearhead" among the settlers. "They are
> pioneers of pioneers," Froman said of the Mandel family.
> In other words, Mandel was among the most aggressive and
> extreme of the 200,000 settlers, many recently arrived from
> the United States. These "spearheads" of the settler
> movement, armed with automatic weapons and backed by the
> Israeli military, are determined to drive the Palestinians
> out of the West Bank and all of Palestine.
> Resistance intensifies
> The Israeli government headed by notorious war criminal
> Ariel Sharon has vowed to keep building new settlements and
> expanding the existing ones. The settlements' purpose is to
> establish "facts on the ground"Israeli possession of wide
> swaths of the West Bank and Gaza.
> These "facts" are intended to create a situation where, the
> Israeli leaders hope, it will be practicably impossible for
> a real Palestinian state to come into existence.
> It is not just the right-wing Likud governments that have
> pursued this end, but the Labor party regimes as well. Since
> 1993, when the Oslo "peace process" began, the population of
> the settlements has increased by 72 percent. The biggest
> percentage increase came under the Labor government of Ehud
> Barak.
> Sharon has rejected any limit to Israeli settlements in the
> West Bank and Gaza. This is despite the undeniable fact that
> they blatantly violate international law that prohibits
> annexing and settling militarily occupied lands.
> Sharon has begun denying that the West Bank and Gaza are
> occupied at all. He referred to them in recent
> pronouncements as "disputed areas." Two weeks ago, the
> government allocated an additional $375 million to
> settlement expansion.
> Contrary to the image deliberately created by U.S. officials
> and their official media, nearly all the fighting and dying
> goes on inside the tiny fraction of Palestine that is under
> tenuous Palestinian control. The relentless Israeli
> aggression is relentlessly termed "retaliation" by the
> corporate media.
> Although it faces overwhelming fire-power and what appear to
> be insurmountable odds, the Palestinian resistance is
> intensifying and deepening. After all, the Palestinians have
> long confronted what appear to be impossible obstacles.
> While they lack helicopters, gunboats, tanks, missiles and
> machine guns, the Palestinians are fighting back heroically
> with everything at their disposal. Tens of thousands
> reportedly marched militantly through Ramallah at the
> funeral of the five Palestinian security officers.
> What the Palestinian people need in this critical hour is
> intensified international solidarity.
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