May.19.2001 Juche 90



Kim Jong Il inspects KPA units

U.S.-Japan military nexus under fire

International fact-finding group interviewed

Ri Song Bok passes away

Anniversary of Kim Jong Il's work marked

International fact-finding group sojourns in Pyongyang

Japan's moves to tamper with history censured

Stronger singlehearted unity called for

U.S. moves for arms race slammed

U.S. hostile policy toward DPRK under fire

Kim Jong Il inspects KPA units
     Pyongyang, May 19 (KCNA) -Leader Kim Jong Il inspected units nos. 1129
and 851 of the Korean People's Army (KPA) on Friday. Accompanying him were
KPA generals Ri Myong Su and Hyon Chol Hae.
    Kim Jong Il first visited unit no.1129.
    He mounted a post on a height to acquaint himself in detail with the
performance of the unit's duty.
    He was greatly satisfied to see the servicemen of the unit firmly armed
with the Juche-based military tactics of the wpk and creditably defending
the defence line of the country with noble patriotism.
    He personally met soldiers on guard duties on the height and gave them a
warm pep-talk. 
    He dropped in at a technical lecture room to know how technical lessons
are given to servicemen and set forth important tasks to be fulfilled to
further increase the combat capacity of the unit.
    He took warm care of their living with his paternal affection, looking
round an education room, bedroom, mess, food supplies store and other
    He stressed the need to conduct effective ideological education in
diverse ways with a view to preparing them as staunch revolutionaries of
Juche type. 
    He gave a pair of binoculars and an automatic rifle to the unit as gifts
and posed for a photograph with them, expressing the belief that they would
firmly defend our revolution and the socialist country.
    The next leg of his inspection was KPA unit no. 851. In the servicemen's
hall he saw records of proud victories won by the unit and listened to a
briefing on its history.
    He dropped in at the unit's operation command room to acquaint himself
with the performance of its duty before watching soldiers in military
    Greatly satisfied to learn that all the servicemen have grown to be
a-match-for-a hundred combatants, he advanced highly important tasks that
would serve as a guideline in increasing the combat capacity of the unit in
every way. 
    Then he went round an education room, bedroom, mess, bathroom, provision
store and other places, deeply pleased to see all facilities built well to
the servicemen's conveniences.
    He instructed the unit to make a more effective use of sideline plots so
as to supply a variety of subsidiary food and more milk products to its
    He gave the unit an automatic rifle as a gift and posed for a picture
with its officers and men.


U.S.-Japan military nexus under fire
    Pyongyang, May 19 (KCNA) -- The attempt of the U.S. and Japan to
escalate joint military exercises of their forces is mainly aimed to
increase joint military operation capability and provoke a war of
aggression, says Rodong Sinmun today in a signed commentary. It goes on:
    The chairmen of the joint chiefs of staff of the United States and the
Japan "Self-Defense Forces" at their talks agreed to strengthen the military
cooperation between the two countries through the escalated joint military
exercises in Asia and the Pacific.
    This is aimed at nothing but harassing peace and stability in the
    Given that no other country seeks to benefit from a war in the
Asia-Pacific except the U.S. and Japan, it is clear to everyone that their
plan is not aimed to ensure peace.
    A "draft framework for mutual cooperation" agreed between the U.S. and
Japanese military bosses at the talks is a plan which specifies operations
to be jointly conducted by the U.S. and Japan and combat procedures in a
Korean War of aggression.
    The U.S. imperialists and the Japanese reactionaries are closely
cooperating to put into practice the new Korean war scenario jointly worked
out by them long ago.
    After the emergence of the Bush administration, the bellicose forces in
the U.S. have gone more reckless in pursuance of the policy to stifle the
DPRK and reinforced its troops of aggression in and around the Korean
peninsula and put them in a posture to attack the DPRK. Meanwhile, the
Japanese reactionaries seek to hurl SDF into the Korean front and use it as
a main force under the pretext of "joint counteraction" in case of
"emergency" on the peninsula in a bid to realise its ambition to stage a
comeback to Korea. 
    The Korean people will deal a thousand-fold retaliatory blow to the U.S.
and Japanese aggression forces if they ignite a war.


International fact-finding group interviewed
    Pyongyang, May 19 (KCNA) -- The members of the international group to
probe the truth behind GIs' war crimes headed by former U.S. attorney
general Ramsey Clark were interviewed by mediamen at Pyongyang Koryo Hotel
on Friday. The head of the group said that it is faced with the urgent task
to let people know about the misfortune and sufferings the Korean people
have undergone since the U.S. forces occupied South Korea in 1945.
    He pointed out that GIs killed many civilians and bombed peaceable
buildings during the last Korean War.
    The U.S. is still imposing vicious blockade and sanctions upon the DPRK
and posing a military threat to it and is attempting to bring the Korean
nation to its knees, he noted, and continued:
    The U.S. is persistently engaged in the false propaganda against the
DPRK and the Korean people. It is designed to tarnish the image of the
Korean people who have advanced along the road of victory despite
difficulties and trials.
    While visiting various places, the group realized that the DPRK is the
superior and peculiar state in the world as its people are carving out their
destiny by themselves.
    We will strive to let the world people have a correct understanding of
Korea and war crimes committed by the GIs.
    The DPRK-U.S. relations are growing tense since the emergence of the
Bush administration.
    The U.S. is aggravating the U.S.-DPRK relations because the Korean
peninsula is situated in an important region.
    We feel the need to put strong pressure upon the U.S. to stop at once
the aggression and blockade against the DPRK, a great country, and
discontinue meddling in the Korean issue.
    The U.S. should withdraw its forces and nuclear weapons from South
    Brian Becker, chairman of the U.S. Get Out of Korea Committee, who is a
member of the group, briefed media on the issues and the collected materials
to be handled by the participants in the international war crimes tribunal
to be held to try GIs' mass killings of civilians during the last Korean
    Rev. Jong Ki Ryol, director of the joint secretariat of the national ad
hoc committee for probing the truth behind GIs' mass killings who is also
member of the group, briefed media on the scale, composition and agenda of
the international war crimes tribunal to be held in the U.S.
    Answers were given to questions raised by press men.


Ri Song Bok passes away
    Pyongyang, May 19 (KCNA) -- Ri Song Bok, alternate member and chief of
the secretarial office of the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of
Korea, died of an incurable disease at the age of 67 on May 15, Juche 90
(2001). The C.C., WPK issued an obituary on Tuesday.
    According to the obituary he, born into the family of a hired worker
during the colonial rule of the Japanese imperialists, grew to be a
competent official under the loving care of President Kim Il Sung after the
liberation of the country and devoted himself to the development and
strengthening of the wpk and socialist construction. At an important post of
the press during socialist construction he dedicated all his energies and
wisdom to propagandizing of the party's line of independent national
    And he conducted energetic activities at a responsible post of the C.C.,
WPK for years to thoroughly establish the system of the party's leadership
and firmly arm party members and other working people with the party's
revolutionary idea.


Anniversary of Kim Jong Il's work marked
    Pyongyang, May 19 (KCNA) -- A symposium was held here on Friday to mark
the 10th anniversary of leader Kim Jong Il's famous work "Theory of
Architectural Art." In the work, the program of socialist architecture, Kim
Jong Il gave comprehensive and perfect solutions to the theoretical and
practical matters in creating and developing architecture to suit the era of
    Speakers at the symposium proved that the work serves as a theory of
architecture of encyclopedic value as it made an immortal contribution to
the development of human idea of architecture.
    They noted that the work is distinguishable from all the preceding
theories of architecture because its overall system, content and principles
are based on and consistent with the Juche idea.
    The work raised the relations between architecture and man and between
architecture and society as key issues of the theory of architecture and
clarified from a new angle the Juche-oriented viewpoint and attitude towards


International fact-finding group sojourns in Pyongyang
    Pyongyang, May 19 (KCNA) -- The international fact-finding group to
probe the truth behind GIs' war crimes led by former U.S. attorney general
Ramsey Clark visited Mangyongdae yesterday. At the end of the visit the head
of the group said that touring this place, they could feel what an arduous
road President Kim Il Sung covered.
    Then the group went to several places including the Tower of the Juche
Idea, the victorious Fatherland Liberation War Museum, the Pyongyang
Maternity Hospital, the Pyongyang Metro, the Mangyongdae Schoolchildren's
Palace and enjoyed an acrobatic performance.
    They also met former unconverted long-term prisoners, strong in faith
and will, who returned to the north last September.
    Yun Yong Gi, Hong Kyong Son and Ham Se Hwan, when meeting with the
group, noted that they saw for themselves brutalities committed by GIs after
the liberation of Korea, during the past Korean War and after their release
from prison. they also spoke in detail of cruel tortures and sufferings they
underwent in prison.
    The head of the group said that the transparent stand whereby former
unconverted long-term prisoners fought to remain true to their idea and
faith was proved through ordeals beyond imagination.
    He expressed the belief that the Korean people would wage a vigorous
struggle to achieve national reunification, learning from this faith.


Japan's moves to tamper with history censured
    Pyongyang, May 19 (KCNA) -- The world public is urging the Japanese
authorities to immediately stop its anachronistic moves to distort history.
The Maurice bishop patriotic movement of Grenada in a statement denounced
Japan for trying to whitewash its past history of aggression, noting it is
the historical fact that Japan brought unspeakable misfortune and sufferings
to the Koreans for over 40 years.
    The national chairman of the youth and student movement of Guyana
released a statement in which he said that Japan can never redeem the crimes
it committed against the Korean people in the past although it apologizes to
them a hundred times and offers its whole territory to them. The central
committee of the Communist Party of Malta in a statement noted that
humankind will never forget those unprecedented crimes Japan committed
against the Koreans no matter how desperately the Japanese authorities may
try to evade responsibility for them.
    The Latin American Institute of the Juche Idea and the Costa Rican
Committee for Supporting Korea's Reunification in a joint statement held
that the Japanese government should own all the legal and moral
responsibilities for Japan's past crimes and make an apology to the Korean
and other Asian people.
    The All-India Agricultural Workers' Union and the All-India Peasants'
Union in a joint statement strongly denounced the Japanese authorities'
insolent moves to evade to the last the apology, repentance and
responsibility for Japan's past crimes and teach distorted history to the
young Japanese. 
    The Peruvian Committee for Supporting the Independent and Peaceful
Reunification of Korea in a statement urged the Japanese authorities to
immediately stop its moves to tamper with history and revive militarism.


Stronger singlehearted unity called for
    Pyongyang, May 19 (KCNA) -- Singlehearted unity, which is most important
for revolution and a revolutionary philosophy of the Workers' Party of
Korea, is very instrumental in building a powerful nation, says Minju Joson
today in a signed article. The article goes on:
    The Korean revolution is the great revolution which has always emerged
victorious thanks to the singlehearted unity.
    It is a firm guarantee for building an ideologically powerful socialist
nation, a military power and a socialist economic power.
    The singlehearted unity means the perfect unity of the leader, the party
and the people in thinking and purpose.
    When the might of the singlehearted unity is given fuller play in the
society the DPRK will emerge as an ideologically strong socialist nation.
    the singledhearted unity is essential for the building of a military
    No force on earth can match the invincible might of the politically and
ideologically united army and people.
    Thanks to the army and people singleheartedly united around invincible
and iron-willed commander Kim Jong Il the achievements of the Korean
revolution and the national dignity and sovereignty are being firmly


U.S. moves for arms race slammed
    Pyongyang, May 19 (KCNA) -- Recently the United States has spread the
rumour about the DPRK's "transfer" of technology of "nuclear and other
weapons of mass destruction" to other countries and worked hard to garner
international "support" to its "missile defense initiative" on that pretext.
In this regard, Minju Joson today in a signed commentary observes:
    This goes to fully prove how keen the Bush administration is to
establish MD. 
    The Bush administration emerged with the strong backing of U.S.
munitions monopolies. one of the chief aims of MD is to bring more profits
to them. 
    The world trend toward peace cannot but be a hard blow to them which are
used to raking up huge profits from the sale of military hardware. That's
why the Bush administration is going ahead with MD in a bid to spark a
global arms race which will offer the munitions monopolies an opportunity of
business boom and help save the U.S. economy from recess.
    No matter how the U.S. may try to justify MD on the pretext of "threat"
from the DPRK, it will bring the U.S. to nowhere.
    This will only make the U.S. stand further isolated in the international


U.S. hostile policy toward DPRK under fire
    Pyongyang, May 19 (KCNA) -- The Nepal-Korea Friendship Association
issued a statement on May 15 denouncing the U.S. for its undisguised hostile
policy toward the DPRK. The statement said that owing to the new U.S.
administration's "hard-line policy" U.S. hostile actions against the DPRK
persist, throwing big obstacles to the DPRK-U.S. relations as well as the
implementation of the June 15 North-South Joint Declaration.
    It urged the bush administration to stop its reckless threat to DPRK at
once and discontinue hindering the north and south of Korea from achieving
reconciliation, cooperation and national reunification.

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