From: Colombian Labor Monitor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Tue, 22 May 2001 08:11:28 -0500 (CDT)
Subject: AI: Urgent Action UA 125/01 on Colombia


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Urgent Action Network
Amnesty International USA
PO Box 1270
Nederland CO 80466-1270
Phone: 303 258 1170
Fax:     303 258 7881

21 May 2001

UA 125/01 Fear for Safety/Possible 'disappearance'

               Civilian inhabitants of El Paraiso, municipality
        of San Pablo, department of Bolivar

               Killed: Uriel ARRIETA

Victoria Delgado was reportedly abducted by army-backed
paramilitaries on 16 May, in Bolivar department. Her whereabouts are
now unknown, and Amnesty International believes she is in grave
danger. The civilian population of the area are also under threat.

Paramilitaries reportedly entered the community of El Paraiso, in the
municipality of San Pablo, on 16 May, and burned down 20 houses.
They threatened the inhabitants and abducted Victoria Delgado.
Following the attack many of the inhabitants fled their homes and
have sought shelter in neighbouring communities. A peasant farmer
from El Paraiso, Uriel Arrieta, had reportedly been abducted by
paramilitaries on 10 May, and was later killed.

Victoria Delgado's son, Gildardo Fuentes, was abducted by
paramilitaries in November 1999, together with peasant farmer leader
Edgar Quiroga. Their whereabouts are now unknown. Their
'disappearance' has been widely condemned at national and
international level. Relatives and others campaigning for justice in
such cases, of human rights violations committed by the security
forces or their paramilitary allies, have frequently been the victim of
serious human rights violations themselves.

Edgar Quiroga and Gildardo Fuentes had travelled to the capital,
Bogota, to meet with state and government officials and denounce
the serious human rights violations and violations of international
humanitarian law taking place in the department of Bolivar. These
included the forced displacement of thousands of peasant farmers as
a result of paramilitary attacks in October 1999. They returned on 27
November 1999, and were abducted the following day.

Edgar Quiroga had been involved in negotiations with the
government in 1998 on behalf of displaced peasant farming
communities from the department of Bolivar and neighbouring areas.
These had resulted in the government signing an agreement to
guarantee their safety and take action to combat the paramilitary
groups responsible for their displacement. The government, however,
has failed to take any effective action and several of the
representatives of the communities have reportedly since been killed
or threatened by paramilitary forces in the region. Edgar Quiroga and
other leaders had called on the Inter-American Commission on
Human Rights of the Organization of American States to take
measures to guarantee their safety.

Members of the Colombian army and security forces and their
paramilitary allies commit serious human rights violations with virtual
impunity. In the last five years, several thousand civilians have been
killed by paramilitary groups. By the 19 January 2001, the United
Nations Human Rights Office in Colombia had been informed of 26
massacres committed in 11 departments, and of more than 170
killings, most of them carried out by paramilitary groups.

In 1989 the Colombian government suspended the constitutional
legal base for the formation of paramilitary organizations, and issued
directives to the armed forces to combat and disband such groups.
However, they continue to operate with the support of the security
forces in many areas of the country.

telegrams/telexes/faxes/express/airmail letters:
- expressing concern for the safety of Victoria Delgado, who was
reportedly abducted by paramilitaries on 16 May and whose
whereabouts are now unknown;
- urging the authorities to do everything possible to find out where she
is and guarantee her safety;
- expressing concern for the safety of inhabitants of El Paraiso,
municipality of San Pablo, and urging the authorities to take all
measures deemed appropriate by the community themselves to
guarantee their safety;
- calling for full and impartial investigations into the paramilitary
incursion and threats against the inhabitants of El Paraiso, the killing
of Uriel Arrieta, and the abduction of Victoria Delgado;
- calling for a full and impartial investigation into links between the
security forces and paramilitary groups operating in Bolivar
Department, urging that the results are made public and those found
responsible for supporting and participating in such groups are
brought to justice;
- urging the authorities to take immediate action to dismantle
paramilitary groups, in line with stated government commitments and
United Nations recommendations.

President of the Republic
Senor Presidente Andres Pastrana Arango
Presidente de la Republica
Palacio de Narino
Carrera 8 No.7-26
Santafe de Bogota
Faxes:         011 57 1 336 2109 / 337 1351/286 74 34/ 286 68
42/284 21 86
Salutation:    Dear President / Excmo. Sr. Presidente

Minister of Defence
Dr. Luis Fernando Ramirez Acuna
Ministro de Defensa Nacional
Ministerio de Defensa Nacional
Avenida Eldorado CAN - Carrera 52
Santafe de Bogota, Colombia
Telegram:      Ministro de Defensa, Bogota, Colombia
Telex:         396 42411 INPRE CO; 44561 CFAC CO
Fax:           011 57 1 222 1874/288 4906
Salutation: Dear Minister / Sr. Ministro

Commander of the V Brigade
Comandante de la V Brigada
General Martin Orlando Carreno Sandoval
Calle 14, Carrera 33
Bucaramanga, Santander,
Faxes:    011 57 76 359 189 / 334 390
Salutation:    Dear Commander / Sr. Commandante


National Advocate for the People
Sr. Defensor del Pueblo
Eduardo Cifuentes Munoz
Defensoria del Pueblo
Calle 55, N010-32/46
Santafe de Bogota

Ambassador Luis Alberto Moreno
Embassy of Colombia
2118 Leroy Pl. NW
Washington DC 20008

Please send appeals immediately. Check with the Colorado office between 9:00
am and 6:00 pm, Mountain Time, weekdays
only, if sending appeals after July 2, 2001.

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