From: "james.carroll" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Subject: [Peoples War] Support for the PFLP Sorry if this has been posted anywhere previously. JC 24 October 2001 IRSP: Support for the PFLP A spokesperson for the Irish Republican Socialist Party's International Department congratulated the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine for its successful military action against of one of the Israeli Zionists most extreme racists, Minister Rehavam Ze'evi. Referring to a comminque issued by the PFLP, the IRSP representative noted that Ze'evi's death was a responsible response to "the continuation of the occupation of the West Bank and Gaza Strip, and the rejection of the Israeli government to recognize the legitimate rights of the Palestinian people as formulated by international conventions; the criminal siege over Palestinian cities, towns, and villages; the destruction of homes and lands (by the Zionists); the military bombardment of a civilian population; and the policy of assassination, and the humiliation to which the entire Palestinian population is subject." The IRSP representative said: We in the Irish Republican Socialist Party are very much aware that in this past year, over 700 Palestinians have been killed and another 16,000 have been injured in sustained attacks on Palestinian civilians. The Israelis have no basis for accusing the PFLP of acts of terrorism as a result of Ze'evi being killed, when they themselves have carried on with a policy of political assassination that has claimed the lives of more than 70 Palestinians, including PFLP General Secretary Abu Ali Mustafa, reflecting a policy of state terrorism." The PFLP's military wing assassinated Ze'evi, shooting him in the head last Wednesday. PLFP spokesman Ahmed Maher, in an interview on Al-Jazeera television, said that his organization would continue its actions against Israel. The new leader of the PFLP, Ahmed Sadat, has been a consistent critic of accommodation with the Palestinian Authority and the Oslo process. The IRSP spokesperson continued: "The Palestinian liberation struggle has the full support of the IRSP, as well as most other anti-imperialist organisations around the world. The Israeli minister Rehavam Ze'evi, who had openly advocated the genocidal annihilation of the Palestinians, is clearly a blow struck for liberation in Palestine. "We in the Irish Republican Socialist Movement reject the recent characterisation by the United States state department of the PFLP to be among the world's most dangerous terrorist organisations. The reason why the US and Israel single out the PFLP for attack is that they well know that the PFLP represents the most revolutionary section of the Palestinian people, struggling for the national liberation of their homeland, as well as the social emancipation of Palestinian working people. "The worst form of terrorism in the world today is the state terrorism carried out by imperialists such as the Israeli and US governments. It is imperative that revolutionaries not turn away from support of the many just struggles against imperialism being waged today, simply because of the actions of arch reactionary Osama bin Laden's supporters against civilians in the US. The PFLP are heroic fighters for the liberation of their people and deserve the support of all those opposed to the continued crimes of imperialism throughout the world. The IRSP representative concluded: "If Britain and the US want to end terrorism throughout the world, they could make an excellent start by ending the military occupations of Ireland and Puerto Rico, ending support for vicious repressive regimes like the Israeli government or that of Turkey, and taking care that homes and hospitals in Afghanistan are not bombed and innocent civilians there are not wounded or killed." ENDS Irish Republican Socialist Party P.O. Box 1981, Derry, BT48 8GX, Ireland. Tel: 028 90 321024 Fax: 028 90 330786 Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Web site: Yahoo! Groups Sponsor ADVERTISEMENT _________________________________________________ KOMINFORM P.O. Box 66 00841 Helsinki Phone +358-40-7177941 Fax +358-9-7591081 General class struggle news: [EMAIL PROTECTED] subscribe mails to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Geopolitical news: [EMAIL PROTECTED] subscribe: [EMAIL PROTECTED] __________________________________________________