Subject: The Bogus War on Terrorism - Pilger

The Bogus War on Terrorism - Pilger

Via NY Transfer News * All the News That Doesn't Fit

source - Sanjoy Mahajan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

New Statesman (London) 29 October 2001

The Bogus War on Terrorism

by John Pilger

  There is no war on terrorism. If there was,
  the SAS would be storming the beaches of Florida.

If people were not being killed and beginning to starve, the
American attack on Afghanistan might seem farcical. But there is a
logic to what they are doing. Read between the lines and it is clear
that they are not bombing large numbers of the Taliban's front-line
troops. Why?

Because they want to preserve what the US secretary of state,
Colin Powell, calls the "moderate" Taliban, who will join a "loose
federation" of "nation builders" once the war is over. The moderate
Taliban will unite with "elements of the resistance" in the Northern
Alliance, the bomb-planters, rapists and heroin dealers, who were
trained by the SAS and paid by Washington.

This is known as divide and rule, a strategy as old as imperialism.
It will allow the Americans - they hope - to reassert control over a
region they "lost". Other countries, such as Pakistan and the
neighbouring former Soviet republics, are being bribed into
submission. The "war on terrorism", with its Rambo raids, is merely
a circus for the folks back home and the media.

It takes me back to the 1980s when Margaret Thatcher announced
there were "reasonable" Khmer Rouge. The aim was to bolster a Khmer
Rouge-led coalition, in exile, which Washington wanted to run
Cambodia and so keep out its recent humiliator, Vietnam, and the
influence of the Soviet Union. The SAS were sent to train Pol Pot's
killers in Thailand, teaching them how more effectively to blow
people up with landmines. They got on so well together that when the
United Nations finally turned up, the Khmer Rouge asked for their old
British comrades to join them in the zones they controlled. The same
thing may happen in Afghanistan when the UN turns up as the
facilitator for America "building" an obedient regime.

Among the international relations academics who provide the jargon
and apologetics for Anglo-American foreign policy, divide and rule is
known as "containment". The aim is to destroy the capacity of nations
to challenge US dominance while allowing their regimes to maintain
internal order. The nature of the regime is irrelevant. Thus, people
all over the world have been divided, ruled and "contained", often
violently: the destruction of Yugoslavia is a recent example; the
territory administered by the Palestinian Authority is another.

Real reasons for the actions of great power are seldom reported.
A morality play is preferred. When George Bush Senior attacked Panama
in 1990, he was reportedly "smoking out" General Noriega, "a drug
runner and a child pornographer". The real reason was not news. The
Panama Canal was about to revert to the government of Panama, and the
US wanted a less uppity, more compliant thug than Noriega to look
after its interests once the canal was no longer officially theirs.

Likewise, the real reason for attacking Iraq in 1991 had little to
do with defending the territorial sanctity of the Kuwaiti sheikhs and
everything to do with crippling, or "containing", increasingly
powerful, modern Iraq. The Americans had no intention of allowing
Saddam Hussein, a former "friend" who had developed ideas above his
imperial station, to get in the way of their plans for a vast oil
protectorate stretching from Turkey to the Caucasus.

Undoubtedly, a primary reason for the attack on Afghanistan is
the installation of a regime that will oversee an American-owned
pipeline bringing oil and gas from the Caspian Basin, the greatest
source of untapped fossil fuel on earth and enough, according to one
estimate, to meet America's voracious energy needs for 30 years. Such
a pipeline can run through Russia, Iran or Afghanistan. Only in
Afghanistan can the Americans control it.

Also, stricken Afghanistan is an easy target, an ideal place for
a "demonstration war" - a show of what America is prepared to do
"where required", as the US ambassador to the United Nations said

The racism is implicit. Who cares about Afghan peasants? No
Paul McCartney concert for them. Moreover, people can be sprayed
with bomblets that blow the heads off children, and we in the west
are spared, or denied, the evidence. It is clear that most of the
media are suppressing horrific images, as was done in the Gulf

With honourable exceptions, the coverage is, as ever, the opposite
of Claud Cockburn's truism: "Never believe anything until it is
officially denied." The Sunday papers carry little more than fables
straight from the Pentagon and the Ministry of Defence. Talking up a
land invasion is an important media task, as it was in the Gulf and
Yugoslavia. Talking up Iraq as a source of the anthrax scare, and
the next target, is another. Mark Urban, Newsnight's diplomatic
correspondent, told Jeremy Paxman recently that the Americans were
studying "secret information" that Saddam Hussein was about to "fire
off a missile". Evidence? Urban said nothing; Paxman did not press

There is no "war on terrorism". If there was, the SAS would
be storming the beaches of Florida, where more terrorists, tyrants
and torturers are given refuge than anywhere in the world. If the
precocious Blair was really hostile to terrorism, he would do
everything in his power to pursue policies that lifted the threat of
violent death from people in his own country and third world
countries alike, instead of escalating terrorism, as he and Bush are
doing. But these are violent men, regardless of their distance from
the mayhem they initiate. Blair's enthusiastic part in the cluster
bombing of civilians in Iraq and Serbia, and the killing of tens of
thousands of children in Iraq, is documented. The Bush family's
violence, from Nicaragua to Panama, the Gulf to the death rows of
Texas, is a matter of record. Their war on terrorism is no more than
the continuing war of the powerful against the powerless, with new
excuses, new hidden imperatives, new lies.

The problem for people in the west who do not see the violence of
Bush and Blair and their predecessors is that they cannot appreciate
the reaction. "We have sown the wind; he is the whirlwind," wrote
Jean-Paul Sartre in his preface to Frantz Fanon's The Wretched of the
Earth, "and all that is stirred up in them is a volcanic fury whose
force is equal to that of the pressure upon them [and] the same
violence is thrown back upon us as when our reflection comes forward
to meet us when we go towards a mirror."

The great people's historian Howard Zinn, Boston University
professor and former Second World War bomber pilot, helps us to
understand this in his new book, Howard Zinn on War. The attack on
the twin towers in New York, he writes, has a moral relation to
American and Israeli attacks on the Arab Middle East. If the actions
of the west's official enemies receive enormous attention as
terrorist atrocities while the terrorist atrocities of the US and its
allies and clients are starved of political and press attention, "it
is impossible to make a balanced moral judgement", to find solutions
to the cycle of revenge and reprisal and to address the underlying
issue of global economic inequality and oppression.

Propaganda is the enemy within. "By volume and repetition", a
barrage of selective, limited information is turned out by tame
media, information isolated from political context (such as the
bloody record of the superpower throughout the world). In the absence
of alternative views, it is no surprise that people's "reasonable
reaction" is that "we must do something". This leads to the quick
conclusion that "we" must bomb "them". And when it is over, and the
corpses are piled high, "only Milosevic stands in the dock, not
Clinton. Only Saddam Hussein is outlawed, not Bush Senior. Only Bin
Laden has a $50m price on his head, not Bush Junior and his
predecessors." It is, says Zinn, "a tribute to the humanity of
ordinary people that horrible acts must be camouflaged [with words]
like security, peace, freedom, democracy, the 'national interest'."

One of Bush and Blair's oft-repeated lies is that "world opinion
is with us". No, it is not. Out of 30 countries surveyed by Gallup
International, only in Israel and the United States does a majority
of people agree that military attacks are preferable to pursuing
justice non-violently through international law, however long it
takes. That is the good news.

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