From: Barry Stoller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Subject: [L-I] WWIII update - Rumsfeld threatens Iraq

BBC. 28 October 2001. Rumsfeld: Iraq may be target.

US Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld says he cannot rule out military
action against Iraq in the US-led war on terrorism.

He was speaking after the Iraqi Deputy Prime Minister, Tariq Aziz, said
he believed the US planned to attack 300 Iraqi targets with 1,000

Mr Rumsfeld, also interviewed by ABC, said: "There is no question but
that Iraq is a state that has committed terrorist acts and has sponsored
terrorist acts."

He said that Iraqi President Saddam Hussein was a threat to other
countries including the US and that many people -- in and out of
government -- wished he were not there, adding: "And certainly, I'm one
of them."

Last Wednesday, US Secretary of State Colin Powell and Jack Straw said
Iraq could become a target if evidence was found linking it to specific
acts of terrorism.

Asked if the US planned to target the Iraqi leader in the next phase of
its war on terror, Mr Rumsfeld said that President George Bush had said
the fight was against all terrorist networks.

"There are many more than just al-Qaeda," he said.

"They are in many more countries beyond Afghanistan. It is something
that we as a country and the many countries assisting us are currently

In a rare interview with a western newspaper, Mr Aziz told the Sunday
Telegraph that an attack on Iraq would inflame Arab opinion and cause
the US-led coalition to fall apart.

Mr Aziz said the war on terrorism would only be a pretext, since Iraq
had nothing to do with the events of 11 September or the anthrax attacks
in the US.

What Washington really wanted, he said, was to crush an independent
nation that will not bow to Western pressure.

BBC correspondent Stephen Cviic says there is no doubt some US officials
would like to make Iraq a target in the war on terrorism. Their main
objective would be to depose President Saddam Hussein.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Barry Stoller
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