TODAY'S NEWS (November.01.2001 Juche 90) [CONTENTS] * Pen is mighty ideological instrument of WPK * S. Korean authorities' suppression of press condemned * National championships close * U.S. aerial espionage committed * Campaign for return of U.S. military base in S. Korea * Mt. Chilbo in autumn * Congratulations to Polish prime minister * Greetings to Algerian prime minister * Greetings to Algerian President For Spanish-speaking people * editorial conjunto por 90 (2001) de era juche ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Pen is mighty ideological instrument of WPK Pyongyang, November 1 (KCNA) -- The pen is a mighty ideological instrument of the Workers' Party of Korea. Rodong Sinmun , organ of the central committee of the WPK, today says this in a signed article dedicated to its foundation anniversary (November 1). The article says: President Kim Il Sung, who established "Saenal," "Monthly Samil" and many other revolutionary media during the anti-Japanese revolution, founded the newspaper Rodong Sinmun and other publications of the party on the basis of the glorious traditions of the revolutionary media after the liberation of the country. He had since paid deep concern to enhancing their militant function and role. The sacred footmarks of the great communist revolutionary fighter Kim Jong Suk are vividly left in the history of Rodong Sinmun and other publications of the party. Leader Kim Jong Il has paid deep attention to the press from the first period of his revolutionary activities. He has intensified his guidance to the newspaper and other publications of the party in particular, from the early 1970s when our revolution was entering a great turning and developed the media of our party into a mighty ideological instrument conducive to modeling the whole society on the Juche idea. He said: "I attach great importance to the pen as well as arms." The basic mission of the pen held by our journalists and other pressmen is to defend him politically and ideologically at the risk of their lives. Under his deep concern and wise leadership they have grown up as staunch fighters who have the spirit of devotedly defending the leader. It is their proud trait that they are devotedly defending his ideas and theories, line, authority and exploits, regarding the pen as an ideological weapon for defending him politically and ideologically at the risk of their lives. They are guided by his idea and theory on the press media. The traditions and exploits of the revolution in the press media established by him are carried forward by them in the new century. It is thanks to the large contingent of such faithful journalists and pressmen armed with the spirit of devotedly defending the leader that the revolutionary character of our party's media as his media is being firmly defended, our ideological position of socialism is invulnerable and the single-hearted unity of our party and revolutionary ranks with the people's army as the core is being cemented as firm as an iron wall. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ S. Korean authorities' suppression of press condemned Pyongyang, November 1 (KCNA) -- The South Headquarters of the National Alliance for the Country's Reunification (Pomminryon) and the South Headquarters of the National Alliance of Youth and Students for the Country's Reunification (Pomchonghakryon) reportedly released statements denouncing the South Korean authorities for suppression of the Jaju Minbo. The south headquarters of Pomminryon in its statement issued on Oct. 23 said it is an anti-reunification, anti-democracy act of going against the expectation of the times and the people that the authorities ransacked this press institution, which has conducted normal activities, and arrested its pressmen. The organization urged the "intelligence service" to immediately stop such repression of the press and release the arrested people. The statement released by the south headquarters of Pomchonghakryon on Oct 24 said: It is the mission of press organs to support the June 15 joint declaration. In order to fulfil this mission Jaju Minbo has made efforts to create public atmosphere for the implementation of the joint declaration and ensure solidarity and unity among youth and student organizations in particular. The repression of this press institution makes the people doubtful about the authorities' will to implement the declaration. The statement condemned the "security" authorities for their gag on the press and urged the abrogation of the "Security Law" contrary to the June 15 joint declaration and dissolution of the "is". ------------------------------------------------------------------------ National championships close Pyongyang, November 1 (KCNA) -- The national championships, which opened here on September 20, closed. In the championships records were renewed in shooting, weightlifting and other events. And many heavyweight and new players distinguished themselves in judo, wrestling and other heavy games. A ceremony of closing the championships was held at the weightlifting gymnasium in Chongchun street on October 31. Present there was Pak Myong Chol, chairman of the physical culture and sports guidance commission. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ U.S. aerial espionage committed Pyongyang, November 1 (KCNA) -- The U.S. imperialists committed over 140 cases of aerial espionage on the DPRK in October with strategic and tactical reconnaissance planes on various missions, military sources reported. Cases of espionage by "U-2" and "RC-135" strategic reconnaissance planes in October numbered more than 30. Meanwhile, they frantically conducted air war exercises against the DPRK in the skies above South Korea. They had exercises of air battle, striking ground targets and aiming air targets one after another in the skies above Paeka islet, Wonju, Phyongchang and Ryoju from Oct. 24 to 27 with more than 600 fighter-bombers, assault planes, training planes and helicopter gunships involved. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Campaign for return of U.S. military base in S. Korea Pyongyang, November 1 (KCNA) -- 33 citizens' organizations in Inchon including the Inchon solidarity for autonomy on Oct. 28 launched a people's signature campaign over the transfer of the U.S. military base in Puphyong, according to the South Korean newspaper Nodong Ilbo. The secretary general of the solidarity, addressing a social gathering with residents of Inchon and other meetings, said that "the signature campaign is likely to be finished before December". The Puphyong headquarters of the movement for declaring rights have been on a sit-in strike in tents in front of the U.S. military base in Puphyong for over 500 days as of Oct.28 demanding its total return, not transfer. The organization decided to hold an open hearing on Nov. 9 to expose the injustice of the "plan for the joint management of land" aimed at the redeployment of forces, pursuant to the establishment of the U.S. Missile Defence System, not at the return of the military base and demand its total revision and, at the same time, seek ways of waging a mass movement for the return of the U.S. military base in Puphyong. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mt. Chilbo in autumn Pyongyang, November 1 (KCNA) -- Mt. Chilbo located in the northeastern part of Korea is presenting a fantastic scenery. The mountain has peaks around 1,000m above the sea level, Sangmae peak rising 1,103m above the sea level being a main peak. Its valleys and ridges are all red in autumnal tints. The mountain is divided into inner Chilbo representing the beauty of mountains, outer Chilbo showing the beauty of valleys and sea Chilbo boasting the seashore scenery. Wonderfully-shaped cliffs and rocks weathered by rain and wind and sea waves for a long time, clear water flowing down from the valleys, many waterfalls and ponds are autumn-tinted, reminiscent of a huge beautiful picture. Fresh air and fine weather make visitors and mountaineers more pleasant. Fauna and flora on Mt. Chilbo called "Mt. Kumgang in North Hamgyong Province" are diverse and rich. There are scores of species of animals and birds including bear, roe deer, eagle-owl and turdus fuscata, more than 800 species of plants including pine tree and maple tree and at least 70 species of medicinal plants such as wild insam (ginseng) and schizandra chinensis and edible grass. Songi mushroom on Mt. Chilbo is widely known for its good taste and peculiar smell. There are many historic relics there. a lot of legends are told about the mountain. Tourist accommodations and facilities for recreation are available and various safety facilities for mountaineering have been built for Korean and foreign visitors. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Congratulations to Polish prime minister Pyongyang, November 1 (KCNA) -- Hong Song Nam, premier of the DPRK cabinet, on October 29 sent a congratulatory message to Leszek Miller upon his appointment as prime minister of the Polish cabinet. The message extended warm congratulations to him and wished him success in his responsible work for the prosperity of the country. Foreign minister Paek Nam Sun also sent a congratulatory message to Wlodzimierz Cimoszewicz upon his appointment as foreign minister of Poland. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Greetings to Algerian prime minister Pyongyang, November 1 (KCNA) -- Hong Song Nam, premier of the DPRK cabinet, sent a message of greetings to Algerian prime minister Ali Benflis on the occasion of the 47th anniversary of the start of the Algerian revolution. Extending warm congratulations to him on the occasion, Hong wished him greater success in his work for the stability and economic development of the country, foreign minister Paek Nam Sun also sent greetings to Abdelaziz Belkhadem, minister of state and foreign minister of Algeria. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Greetings to Algerian President Pyongyang, November 1 (KCNA) -- Kim Yong Nam, President of the Presidium of the DPRK Supreme People's Assembly, today sent a message of greetings to Algerian President Abdelaziz Bouteflika on the occasion of the 47th anniversary of the start of the Algerian revolution. The message extended warm congratulations to the President, government and people of Algeria on the occasion. It wished him greater success in his responsible work for national unity and for progress and prosperity of the country, expressing conviction that the friendly and cooperative relations between the two countries would develop on good terms in the future, too. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ For Spanish-speaking people ------------------------------------------------------------------------ editorial conjunto por 90 (2001) de era juche pyongyang, el primero de enero (atcc) -- los periodicos "rodong sinmun", "joson inmingun" y "chongnyon jonwi" publicaron hoy el editorial conjunto de ano nuevo exhortando a abrir el camino del avance del nuevo siglo con aquel impetu con que logro la victoria en la "marcha penosa". el editorial hace balance de los eventos sorprendentes del 89 (2000) de la era juche y presenta las tareas del nuevo ano 90 (2001) de la era juche. el 89 (2000) de la era juche fue un ano de gran cambio en que ocurrieron eventos asombrosos ineditos en la historia de la nacion coreana y un ano historico que hizo balance con brillantez el siglo 20, senala el editorial y continua: el pueblo coreano con la bandera roja del socialismo en alto ha logrado victoria tras victoria de ano en ano en la revolucion. el siglo 20 es el glorioso en que corea que otrora perdio brillo exalto su dignidad de patria de la idea juche, pais heroico y de chollima y el de alto orgullo en que el socialismo coreano salio siempre victorioso. es un orgullo del partido del trabajo y el pueblo de corea el haber finalizado bien el siglo 20 al defender hasta el fin el credo, el regimen y la causa de corea con la ejecucion de la "marcha penosa". el ano pasado fue manifestado patentemente el poderio de la unidad monolitica. el acto por el 55 aniversario de la fundacion del partido del trabajo de corea fue un gran festival de esta unidad repleto del espiritu de la adoracion y la defensa decisiva al lider. ademas las filas revolucionarias se hicieron mas indestructibles. el ano expirado el pueblo coreano dio brillante conclusion al ultimo combate ofensivo de la "marcha penosa" al trabajar con la inflexible voluntad. el ano expirado fue un ano de gran significado en que se abrio una nueva coyuntura trascendental en la realizacion de la causa de la reunificacion de la patria. se preparo el historico encuentro de pyongyang y se publico la declaracion conjunta de 15 de junio norte-sur. la realizacion de las tareas historicas para la reintegracion nacional inedita en un periodo de mas 50 anos es un evento historico nacional. el haber preparado un nuevo programa de reunificacion abriendo una firme perspectiva para poner fin a la division nacional es la inmortal hazana del estimado dirigente kim jong il. mientras exista el dirigente kim jong il llegara sin falta el dia de la reunificacion de la patria. esto es un ferreo credo guardado en lo profundo del corazon de los 70 millones de coreanos. el ano expirado fue un ano orgulloso en que se exaltaron a todo el mundo la dignidad y el honor de corea socialista. al mantener con firmeza la bandera de la independencia la rpdc sirvio de foco de la politica mundial. por la lucha intransigente y de principios se frustraron las maquinaciones de los imperialistas encaminadas a aislarla y aplastarla. el fracaso de la "teoria de derrumbe" del socialismo portada por los enemigos y la invariable existencia de la rpdc como indestructible baluarte del socialismo sirven de gran estimulo a los pueblos que hacen la revolucion. establecer y desarrollar las relaciones de amistad y de buena vecindad con la rpdc es la indetenible corriente de la epoca. la gran victoria del ano pasado que dio termino brillante al siglo 20 es un valioso fruto de la destacada capacidad politica y de las dinamicas actividades del dirigente kim jong il. el 90 (2001) de la era juche es un ano de nuevo avance y de gran cambio para abrir un ancho camino de la construccion de potencia del siglo 21 bajo la direccion del gran partido del trabajo de corea. este ano, el primero del siglo 21 la rpdc debe desplegar mas plenamente la superioridad del socialismo en todos los sectores de la revolucion y la construccion y dar nuevo impulso a la construccion de potencia, a base de la victoria lograda en el proceso de la "marcha penosa". el ano proximo la rpdc celebrara el 90 aniversario del nacimiento del gran lider presidente kim il sung. defender y mantener eternamente las inmortales hazanas del presidente kim il sung, fundador de la corea socialista, logradas en la construccion del partido, el estado y el ejercito es la inconmovible voluntad del partido del trabajo de corea. " abramos el camino del avance del nuevo siglo con aquel impetu con que triunfamos en la 'marcha penosa' ", esto es la consigna combativa que este ano deben tomar firmemente todo el partido, todo el ejercito y todo el pueblo. el avance con la bandera roja del socialismo del siglo 21 es la sagrada lucha por materializar la politica de independencia, unidad y patriotismo del dirigente kim jong il. la potencia socialista de corea es aquella que ostenta alta dignidad con la independencia, que triunfa con la unidad y que prospera con el patriotismo. en pleno acato a la gran politica de independencia del ptc debemos solucionar todos los problemas de conformidad con la realidad de corea. debemos defender y mantener firmemente el ideal y el sistema politico de corea y modo coreano de hacer la revolucion. en el siglo 21 no deben ser tolerados por mas tiempo las arbitrariedades y los actos despoticos de los imperialistas y sus maquinaciones dominacionistas. rechazaremos resueltamente el desafio de los imperialistas y defenderemos firmemente la sagrada soberania de corea y la dignidad nacional conquistadas a costa de la sangre. el ptc mantiene la invariable posicion de abrir por iniciativa la nueva era del desarrollo de las relaciones internacionales basadas en la independencia. el ptc mejorara sus relaciones exteriores con cualesquier paises que respeten la soberania de la rpdc y contribuira activamente a la verificacion de la independencia en el mundo y la causa de la paz de la humanidad. se debe materializar brillantemente la poderosa politica de la unidad del ptc. el poderio de la unidad monolitica reside en la defensa a riesgo de vida al lider. se debe desplegar plenamente la noble politica patriotica del ptc. lo principal para acelerar la marcha con la bandera roja del socialismo del siglo 21 sosteniendo la gran politica del ptc es mantener firmemente la linea revolucionaria de dar prioridad al ejercito. esta es la eterna linea estrategica de la revolucion de nuestra epoca y arma universal de la construccion socialista. sera invariable eternamente tambien en el futuro el modo de la revolucion del ptc de solucionar todos los problemas de la revolucion y la construccion en adhesion al principio de la priorizacion militar y llevar adelante la causa del socialismo tomando por grueso el ejercito revolucionario. debemos hacer indestructibles nuestras fuerzas armadas conforme a la demanda de la epoca de la revolucion con el ejercito al frente. hoy en dia, el pueblo coreano no tiene otra tarea mas importante que la de consolidar el poderio economico del estado que corresponda al siglo 21. debemos dar gran impulso a la construccion socialista con la consigna " hagamos del presente un ano del nuevo avance de la construccion de potencia economica del siglo 21 " en alto. la tarea principal de la construccion economica de este ano es reajustar las bases economicas existentes, elevar al maximo su poderio y hacer con constancia la labor para reconstruir a base de la tecnica moderna el conjunto de economia nacional. el frente mas importante de la construccion economica socialista de este ano lo constituyen las industrias de electricidad, carbon y metalurugia y el transporte ferroviario. el editorial se refiere a las tareas de la industria ligera y la agricultura y a la necesidad de construir la mayor cantidad de instalaciones de cultura, servicio publico y salud publica y viviendas modernas. al respecto subraya: debemos acelerar el avance general al paraiso socialista para hacer del presente, el primero del siglo 21, un ano del nuevo salto y de la prosperidad general. este ano debemos lograr un avance decisivo en el cumplimiento de la causa de la reunificacion de la patria. el problema importante y de principios que se presenta en la actualidad para realizar la reunificacion de la patria es ejecutar estrictamente la declaracion conjunta norte-sur del 15 de junio. esta es la declaracion de la independencia, la reunificacion pacifica y la gran unidad nacional basada en los 3 principios de la reintegracion de la patria y un jalon de la reunificacion de la patria del siglo 21. de acuerdo con el espiritu de esta historica declaracion conjunta el norte y el sur deben lograr la reunificacion de la patria de manera independiente, por via pacifica y gran unidad nacional con las fuerzas unidas de la nacion coreana. la armonia y la unidad de todos los coreanos son precisamente la reunificacion a que aspiramos. todos los coreanos en el norte y el sur y en el extranjero deben incorporarse a la lucha pannacional para ejecutar la declaracion conjunta norte-sur del 15 de junio por encima de las diferencias de ideologia, regimen, criterio politico y creencia religiosa. el partido del trabajo de corea, el ejercito y el pueblo con una ideologia, un vaso sanguineo y un credo seguiran hasta el fin el unico camino de la revolucion sean cuales fueren las adversidades. _________________________________________________ KOMINFORM P.O. 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