From: "Mrs. Jela Jovanovic" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Subject: Fw: Anti NATO Protest in Sofia, Oct 5 [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

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----- Original Message -----
From: Blagovesta Doncheva <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, October 06, 2001 1:52 PM
Subject: Anti NATO Protest in Sofia, Oct 5

> took place in Bulgarian capital Sofia in the late afternoon of October 5, this
> Participants were not numerous for many reasons. Far not the least important
among them being the fear that is hanging these days upon the city, the
country, the continent, the world.
> It is noteworthy however that these far from numerous peacefully assembled
citizens have been confronted by a police force of nearly 5000 (five
thousand) that has hardly ever been seen in the city in its whole history.
> Heavily armored and specially trained policemen, mounted police and police
dogs, helicopters in the bright autumn sky of Sofia and... for the first
time in the life of several generations, armored combat cars were patrolling
downtown Sofia. For the first time in the DEMOCRATIC development of the
country expert police reinforcements of the US and Greece are also been
reported to be friendly hanging around and within the rally, definitely not
for the purpose of stopping gangster groups' gunfire that is practically
daily terrorizing Bulgarians all over the country. Things smell very much of
a kind of an undeclared martial-law situation if there can be any LAW in it,
of course.
> Also, for the first time in DEMOCRATIC Bulgaria obviously prepared secret
service agents were spread among the participants, trying to provoke some
kind of unconventional behavior on their side while numerous uniformed
policemen were near by willingly ready to intervene...
> Obviously all these are traits of the New Times Era that has been promised to
the people of Bulgaria by the King's Political coalition which has won the
early summer parliamentary elections.
> The police took special notice of some of the members of the Civic Protests
Group who have already been arrested during public protests in the days of
NATO's bombing of Yugoslavia, ex-president Clinton's Sofia visit, etc. They
were arbitrarily warned not to spread ANY activist leaflets and placards
among the protestors and were threatened with another arrest for no reason
whatsoever. For the first time during officially allowed protest a member of
the Civil Protests Group, Mrs. Madlen Kircheva, was given the floor. Mrs.
Kircheva, a former UDF activist, has recently won a judicial suit against
Sofia Mayor Mr. Sofianski and his police for illegal sanctions for
participating in anti Clinton Sofia visit protests in November 1999.
> At the same time, far away from any ordinary people, the heads of the vassal
European states elbowing one another for NATO membership, joined by NATO
Secretary General Robertson, Solana, NATO Commander Forces and others were
having good time in the beautiful Presidency Residence in the outskirts of
Vitosha Mountain.
> Obviously they needed the enormous police and army force to have their peace
and security ensured... from who? Perhaps from the several dozens of
protesters gathered around the monument of Vassil LEVSKI, the Bulgarian
Freedom Apostle and Martyr, hanged at that place for having organized the
Bulgarian armed resistance against the Turkish Yoke in the 19th century
> It is noteworthy that there were no reports even on the press conference of
NATO chiefs' and their vassals' Sofia gathering besides some brave
mainstream briefings telling poor mortals of the very right things they were
doing or intend of doing. All the time there was all barring information
> The absurdities of all these events have been very artistically TOPPED by
Bulgarian President Stoyanov awarding with one of the highest patriotic
decorations of Bulgaria...  a person who has always been and is currently
openly advocating the Slavic nations' physical annihilation and the
destruction of their traditional religion. This person is the notorious Mr.
Bzezinsky on whose support Stoyanov apparently relies for that fall's
Presidency Election in Bulgaria.
> Simultaneously with Bzezinsky's visit and award, the Bulgarian public has been
additionally shocked to hear that Stoyanov nomination for a President again
has been backed also... the Premier, ex-King, whose "National" Movement won
the last Parliamentary Election against. Stoyanov's ex-governing political
party, UDF!
> Obviously, alongside with the Infinite Justice we are going to face. Infinite
Democracy as well!
> Report by Ivan Angelov
> Sofia
> Oct. 5, 2001
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