
under http://www.communards.info we set-up the ability to post
information about your activities, articles etc. directly.

After the successful installation of http://redglobe.info as an online
mag with featured articles, we intent that communards now should work
as an redmedia info base. It will be dedicated to the marxist (lenist)
left. This can only work, if you help us to get it run.

Using it is quite easy: Go there, create an user account (or stay
anonymius) and post your message.

Post your anti-war actions, your statements and articles, inform about
the struggles you are in and do that in a surrounding of comrades,
which might not share your particulare view, but the basics of our and
your fight.

Reclaim the web!

Paul, Martin, Ole and Ilka.

Post your news and stories at http://www.communards.info
Read news for the radical left at http://www.redglobe.info
Get your space at http://placerouge.info


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