From: Miroslav Antic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] D Subject: Socialist Party Statement on Bombing of Afghanistan [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK] Visit our website: HTTP://WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK --------------------------------------------- The Socialist Party U.S.A. stands in complete outrage at the actions of the US Government to bomb Kabul and other cities and towns in Afghanistan. This retribution is not and cannot be just. Instead this military aggression will only lead to more violence; endless cycles of retribution and war will again be in all our lives; innocent people will die; and we will be no better than the September 11 hijackers. Never in history has peace been obtained through war. We are sorely disappointed, though hardly surprised, that the U.S. government's campaign of so-called "Infinite Justice" has not and probably will not be conducted in a court of international law. To do so would open the possibility of true justice, where all crimes against humanity - those conducted against the U.S.A. and those conducted by it - are prosecuted fairly. We join socialists, anti-war and peace organizations, labor unions and all others worldwide in declaring our firm and passionate opposition to policies and actions that lead to war. The people of Afghanistan have never been, and will never be, our enemy. 10/7/01 National Action Committee -- Socialist Party USA Announcement List Socialist Party USA 339 Lafayette Street, #303 New York, NY 10012 phone/fax: (212)982-4586 *************************************** *** Vote Socialist in 2001! *** *** *** ************************************** _________________________________________________ KOMINFORM P.O. Box 66 00841 Helsinki Phone +358-40-7177941 Fax +358-9-7591081 General class struggle news: [EMAIL PROTECTED] subscribe mails to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Geopolitical news: [EMAIL PROTECTED] subscribe: [EMAIL PROTECTED] __________________________________________________