From: "Macdonald Stainsby" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Subject: [R-G] Transcript: Bin Laden video excerpts

BBC. 27 December 2001. Transcript: Bin Laden video excerpts.

Three months after the blessed strikes against world atheism and its
leader, America, and around two months after the fierce crusade against
Islam, we must review the impact of these events.

The latest events have proved important truths.

It has become clear that the West in general and America in particular
have an unspeakable hatred for Islam.

Those who lived under continuous US raids for the past months are aware
of it.

How many villages have been destroyed and how many millions have been
pushed out in the freezing cold?

These men, women and children who have been damned and now live under
tents in Pakistan, have committed no sin.

They are innocent. But on a mere suspicion, the United States has
launched this fierce campaign.

We have witnessed the true crimes of those who call themselves humanists
and claim to be defenders of freedom.

Only seven grammes of explosives are needed to kill someone, but th
United States has used bombs weighing seven million grammes proving
their hatred of the Taleban and Muslims.

When the youths - may God receive them as martyrs - blew up (the US
embassy) in Nairobi, less than two tonnes were used.

The United States then said it was a terrorist act and a mass
destruction weapon, while they unscrupulously used two seven-tonne
bombs, of seven million grammes each.

After they [the Americans], for no reason, bombed entire villages to
scare the inhabitants, the defence secretary said it was the United
States' right to exterminate the peoples since they are Muslim and since
they are not American.

It is a blatant crime.

A few days ago, they bombed al-Qaeda positions in Khost (eastern
Afghanistan) and dropped - in what they said was a mistake - a
radio-guided bomb on a mosque where ulemas were praying.

They targeted the mosque, killing 150 Muslim worshippers.

It is the hatred of crusaders.

Terrorism against America deserves to be praised because it was a
response to injustice, aimed at forcing America to stop its support for
Israel, which kills our people.

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