N° 5 – 2/1/2002
Les nouvelles qui sont données dans ce bulletin le
sont à titre d'information.
Elle n'impliquent pas nécessairement l'adhésion du
en particulier quant aux informations provenant des
media occidentaux.
The news contained in this newsletter are given only
for information. 
PCN-NCP don't approve necessarly these news,
particularly when information come from western media.
Meilleurs voeux du PCN à tous nos lecteurs pour une
nouvelle année de combat contre l’impérialisme et
l’exploitation !
Best wishes from PCN-NCP to all our readers for a new
year of struggle against imperialism ans exploitation
In this number 5 / Dans ce numéro 5 :


Le leader palestinien Yasser Arafat a assuré lundi
devant quelque 5.000 Palestiniens rassemblés à
Ramallah qu'un drapeau palestinien flotterait un jour
sur Jérusalem. 
"En ce jour, dans ces circonstances difficiles (...)
malgré toutes les tentatives pour insulter notre
peuple et endommager des lieux saints chrétiens et
islamiques, je continue à croire qu'un enfant
palestinien fera flotter un drapeau palestinien au
dessus des églises, mosquées et murs de Jérusalem",
a-t-il lancé à la foule. 
Le rassemblement a été organisé par le mouvement du
président palestinien, le Fatah, principale composante
de l'Organisation de libération de la Palestine (OLP),
pour marquer le 37ème anniversaire du début des
opérations de guérilla du mouvement. 
Le Fatah a été créé à la fin des années 50 mais a
commencé ses opérations de guérilla en 1965. (Sources


GAZA, January 1 (Xinhuanet) -- The Palestinians in the
West Bank and Gaza celebrated Tuesday the 37th
anniversary of the Palestinian  revolution, which
coincided with the first day of the New Year, amid
hopes upon implementing the ceasefire deal with Israel
and establishing the independent Palestinians state.
Palestinian National Authority (PNA) Chairman Yasser
Arafat lit the flame in the center of the West Bank
town of Ramallah to mark  the anniversary before
thousands of his supporters, who chanted slogans to
show their full support to him. Meanwhile, PNA
officials sounded more optimistic over the return of
the U.S. Mideast peace envoy Anthony Zinni to the area
within the coming days to help implement the ceasefire
agreements between  Israel and the Palestinians. "We
were told by U.S. State Department officials that the
U.S. understands the Palestinian efforts to reinforce
the ceasefire deal," said Chief Palestinian negotiator
Saeb Erekat. However, Ahmed Abdel Rahman, PNA cabinet
secretary general, said that the Israeli government
would intensify its "escalated military  actions" on
the Palestinian territories to make Zinni's mission a
failure. "The main obstacle for Zinni to succeed in
his mission is the  repeated Israeli violations of any
ceasefire deal," said Abdel Rahman, adding that the
Palestinians from their side had halted all  armed and
suicide attacks against Israel
In his televised speech to the Palestinian people and
the world to mark the New Year and the revolution
anniversary on Monday, Arafat called upon the Israeli
and the Jewish people to reach  peace with the
Palestinians. "I call for a bright future for your
(Israelis) children and our children to live in peace,
forgiveness and coexistence on the holy  land and in
all the Middle East," said Arafat in the speech 
addressed from his office in Ramallah. Arafat said:
"We raise our hands to make the peace of the braves
and end the reality of occupation, settlements,
aggressive crimes and siege." 
Meanwhile, Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon has
turned down a plan for Israeli President Moshe Katzav
to appear before the Palestinian legislature and
propose a one-year "Hudna" or truce, a Muslim concept
of a ceasefire. Erekat told Xinhua that Sharon's
policy is becoming clear that he does not want peace
and does not want to implement the ceasefire deals,
but wants violence to continue. "This indicates that
Sharon does not have a plan for peace, the only plan
he has in his hands is a plan of war to destroy the
Palestinian (National) Authority," said Erekat. 
(New from Xinhua)

Plus d'une centaine de civils afghans ont été tués
lors d'un bombardement aérien américain dans les
montagnes de l'est du pays, rapportent des témoins,
dont un caméraman de Reuters.
Ce dernier raconte avoir vu des mares de sang et des
débris humains autour des ruines des habitations du
village de Qalaye Niazi touché dimanche matin par au
moins un chasseur, deux hélicoptères et un bombardier
B-52 américain. Un porte-parole militaire américain a
déclaré que cette nouvelle bavure de l'US Air Force
dans sa traque des activistes d'Al Qaïda, le réseau
d'Oussama ben Laden, avait entraîné l'ouverture d'une
Qalaye Niazi est situé à quatre kilomètres au nord de
Gardez, la capitale de la province orientale de
Paktia. "Il n'y a pourtant ni membre d'Al Qaïda, ni
taliban par ici", confie Janat Gul, un habitant du
village touché. Janat Gul affirme que les 24 autres
membres de sa famille ont trouvé la mort dans ce raid
qui s'est déroulé avant l'aube contre le village et
qu'il en est le seul rescapé. "Tout le monde est
bouleversé", dit-il. Une douzaine de maisons ont été
rasées. D'immenses cratères témoignent de la puissance
des bombes utilisées et des morceaux de chair
éparpillés confirment les "dommages collatéraux". Un
membre du conseil tribal local a précisé avoir demandé
aux autorités américaines de venir enquêter sur place
pour constater l'ampleur de cette bavure et élucider
les circonstances qui l'ont rendue possible.
"Nous sommes au courant de cet incident et nous menons
actuellement une enquête", a déclaré aux Etats-Unis le
commandant Pete Mitchell, porte-parole du commandement
central américain. Des correspondants de Reuters ont
croisé dans le défilé de Tira des 4x4 transportant des
militaires américains accompagnés de membres de
l'Alliance du Nord qui se dirigeaient apparemment vers
les lieux du drame.
Selon le Pentagone, ce qui reste du réseau d'Al Qaïda
et des taliban se terre dans cette région et plusieurs
raids y ont été lancés ces derniers jours, dont un,
particulièrement meurtrier, a fait 65 morts parmi un
convoi de notables se rendant à Kaboul pour la prise
de fonctions du nouveau gouvernement de Hamid Karzaï.
Ce dernier a assuré les chefs tribaux qu'il
demanderait aux Etats-Unis de réduire leurs opérations
dans la région. La bavure de Qalaye Niazi est de
nature à accentuer les divergences de vue au sein du
gouvernement sur l'opportunité de les poursuivre,
d'autant que Ben Laden, cible officielle des
Américains, reste insaisissable.
Le ministre de la Défense, le général Mohammad Fahim,
successeur de feu Ahmed Chah Massoud comme chef
militaire de l'Alliance du Nord, a souhaité que ces
raids, qui ont fait des centaines, voire des milliers
de morts parmi la population civile, cessent au plus
tôt. Mais Abdullah Abdullah, ministre des Affaires
étrangères du nouveau gouvernement et également membre
de l'Alliance du Nord, a affirmé que la campagne
militaire "se poursuivra le temps qu'il faudra pour
liquider les terroristes".
(Par Sayed Salahuddin – KABOUL - Reuters)


Yasser Arafat a proclamé l'année 2002 ''année de
l'indépendance et de la liberté''. Le président de
l'Autorité palestinienne s'est dit certain que la
nouvelle année verrait un enfant ''hisser le drapeau
palestinien au dessus des murs, des mosquées et des
églises de Jérusalem''. 
Dans son discours de fin d'année diffusé à la
télévision palestinienne, le dirigeant palestinien a
une nouvelle fois prédit que l'année à venir
apporterait la création d'un Etat palestinien
indépendant avec pour capitale Jérusalem. ''Il est
vrai qu'il y a certaines personnes en Israël qui (...)
croient encore que les chars, les hélicoptères et les
bulldozers sont les seuls moyens de traiter avec le
peuple palestinien'', a-t-il déclaré depuis son bureau
de Ramallah en Cisjordanie, un petit drapeau
palestinien à ses côtés. 
Mais, a-t-il ajouté, ''nous avons l'honneur de
décréter 2002 l'année de l'indépendance et de la
liberté. Et je suis sûr qu'un petit garçon ou une
petite fille hissera le drapeau palestinien au dessus
des murs, des mosquées et des églises de Jérusalem, la
capitale de notre Etat palestinien indépendant''. 
Auparavant Yasser Arafat avait été acclamé par 6.000
Palestiniens rassemblés à Ramallah pour célébrer le
37ème anniversaire du Fatah, la faction du dirigeant
palestinien, fondée le 1er janvier 1965. ''En ces
temps difficiles que nous vivons, notre peuple combat
toujours les défis israéliens'', a déclaré le
dirigeant palestinien. ''Nous sommes un peuple fort.
Le drapeau palestinien sera hissé au dessus des murs
de Jérusalem'', a-t-il promis. La foule scandait
''longue vie à Arafat'' en brandissant des portraits
du président de l'Autorité palestinienne. 
Après deux semaines de calme relatif dans les
territoires, les funérailles de six Palestiniens tués
la veille dans des affrontements avec l'armée
israélienne, ont par ailleurs été célébrées lundi dans
la Bande de Gaza. 
Dimanche soir, les troupes israéliennes avaient abattu
six Palestiniens lors de deux accrochages le long de
la bordure nord de la Bande de Gaza. Selon Israël, les
six hommes se préparaient à mener des attaques, même
si l'Etat hébreu a donné des informations
contradictoires sur l'une des fusillades. 
L'un des six tués était Abou al-Qumsan, un important
activiste membre de la direction du Comité de la
résistance populaire, qui regroupe diverses
organisations palestiniennes dont le Fatah de Yasser
Arafat. Lors des funérailles de trois des hommes tués
dimanche, la foule a scandé ''vengeance'' dans le camp
de réfugiés de Jebaliya, juste à la périphérie de
(Sources : AP, AFP, KOMINFORM)

(Caveat Lector , Sunday, December 30, 2001, By Amos
“ Several Israel Defense Forces officers who are
serving in the territories have, in recent months,
consulted with the army's advocate general with regard
to trips overseas. The officers are concerned that
host countries might initiate legal procedures against
them, stemming from their service in the territories.
The advice-seekers include high-ranking IDF men, along
with lower-level officers who are not on active duty
in the territories, yet whose assignments are
connected to the stand-off with the Palestinians, army
sources told Ha'aretz. The majority of the requests
for advice have involved scheduled trips to West
European countries such as Belgium and the
Netherlands. The sources believe that the officers are
not being warned by the IDF's legal  officials against
trips to such countries. The IDF Spokesman affirms
that the advocate general has not asked any officer to
refrain from visits to Holland or Belgium.
Measures adopted by the IDF during the months of
intifada violence, particularly assassinations of
terror suspects and closures imposed on Palestinian
communities, have been harshly criticized in Europe.
Litigation in Belgium against various figures
(including Prime Minister Ariel  Sharon) for alleged
human rights violations or war crimes has aroused
concern among Israeli security officials. They fear
that IDF officers who serve in the territories might
become targets in such legal proceedings abroad.
Spurring these concerns, family relations of six
Palestinian children killed in the intifada filed a
"genocide" complaint in Belgium last November against
twelve Israelis, including the prime minister, the 
defense minister, and IDF reserve officers”.


Ukraine Court Says Ban on Communists Illegal.
Ukraine's powerful communists won a historic victory
on Saturday December 29 when a high court rejected as
unconstitutional a blanket ban imposed on the
Soviet-era communist party a decade ago. Communists
were allowed to continue political activity in
independent Ukraine despite parliament's ban in 1991
and now represent the largest group in the 450-seat
assembly. But the revamped communist party had been
pressing for full legalization.
"Despite huge regret that we needed 10 years to come
to this natural and evident truth, this is a great
victory," Leonid Grach, a leader of the revamped
Communists and a speaker of the Crimean parliament,
was quoted by the Interfax-Ukraine news agency as
The ban was imposed on the Ukrainian communist party
in the aftermath  of the failed 1991 hard-line coup
against Soviet President Mikhail  Gorbachev. But in
its ruling on Saturday, the Ukrainian Constitutional
Court rejected calls for communist assets to be
returned to the party.
It said in a statement that the new Communist party
had no right to the vast amount of property amassed by
the communists in the Soviet era which include scores
of government buildings, rest homes and sanatoria.
(News from Barry Stoller – KOMINFORM)


(LIBERATION – Paris, 27 décembre 2001)
« Selon la commissaire européenne Loyola de Palacio :
«Galileo pourrait être enterré sous la pression
Les Etats-Unis ne veulent pas de Galileo, ce projet
européen de navigation par satellite, concurrent de
leur GPS. Le quotidien espagnol El Pais a révélé que
le numéro 2 de la Défense américaine, Paul Wolfowitz,
a écrit au début du mois à ses homologues européens
pour les mettre en garde contre les dangers que
représenterait Galileo pour la sécurité du GPS
américain. Selon lui, Galileo permettrait à des
«forces ennemies» d'avoir accès aux applications
militaires du GPS dans sa version modernisée prévue
pour 2011...
Libération s'est procuré un autre document émanant du
gouvernement américain et destiné aux Etats membres.
Dans ce rapport de 4 pages, Washington taille en
pièces une étude réalisée par un cabinet d'audit
anglo-saxon (PriceWaterhouseCoopers) à la demande de
la Commission européenne qui concluait, le 21
novembre, à la faisabilité et à la rentabilité de
Galileo. «Ce rapport est défectueux, contient des
erreurs fondamentales, des déclarations
contradictoires, des affirmations erronées, des
digressions imprécises et des conclusions confuses»,
estiment les Américains.
Le message a été bien reçu: les pays européens les
plus atlantistes (Grande-Bretagne, Allemagne, Pays-Bas
et Danemark, auxquels se sont ajoutés les neutres
(Suède et Autriche), ont quasiment torpillé, le 7
décembre, Galileo (Libération du 8/12). Jacques Chirac
a rappelé mardi que ce projet spatial permettrait à
l'Union d'échapper «à une vassalisation scientifique
et technique puis industrielle et économique». » 

(Thomas Fuller, International Herald Tribune,
Saturday, December 29, 2001)
“ Divisiveness Doomed Previous Continental Monetary
“PARIS "Brother, when you issue coins I would like you
to adopt the same valuations as in French money. In
this way there will be monetary uniformity all over
Europe, which will be a great advantage for trade." -
Letter from Napoleon to the King of Naples, May 6,
1807 Napoleon's efforts to create a common European
currency died with his defeat on the battlefield. But
the dream was kept alive by men like Victor Hugo, who
spoke of "one continental money which could drive the
activities of 200 million people instead of all the
absurd varieties of money we have  today." And by the
end of the 19th century, European leaders had
experimented with a half-dozen money- sharing
agreements, chief among them the Latin Monetary Union
of 1865 and the Scandinavian Monetary Union of 1874.
Economists who study the history of money say these
efforts to create common currencies were vastly more
modest than the euro, which will begin circulating as
notes and coins Tuesday among 300 million Europeans,
making it the largest monetary changeover in history.
But these previous attempts nonetheless offer lessons
for modern policymakers. The overriding lesson,
historians say, is that monetary unions were not
successful unless they were political unions as well.
The failures of both the Latin and Scandinavian unions
were due to a lack of central coordination and the
absence of political will when times got rough.
"Political unity is the glue that holds a monetary
union together," said Lars Jonung, a professor at the
Stockholm School of Economics and the author of a
widely circulated paper about the history of monetary
unions. "Once political unity has disappeared, then
monetary divorce follows, as a rule." Under the Latin
Union, which grouped France, Belgium, Switzerland,
Italy, Greece and Bulgaria, each member minted gold
and silver coins to a specified weight. The coins were
legal tender throughout the union, effectively setting
a common exchange rate for a significant portion of
Western Europe. The union lasted for several decades
but was undermined when the cash-strapped governments
of France and Italy issued paper money that was not
convertible to gold or silver. Italy also weakened the
union when it cheated the other members by
unilaterally reducing the percentage of silver in its
coins, which resulted in the flooding of the union
with cheap Italian coins. The Latin Monetary Union was
ultimately abandoned in the face of the soaring costs
related to World War I, when countries printed paper
money recklessly, thus making any money-sharing
agreement untenable.
Under the Scandinavian Monetary Union, which grouped
Sweden, Denmark and Norway, each country agreed to
exchange the others' gold coins and, eventually, paper
money. The Scandinavian Union, which was more
resilient than the Latin Union, also foundered under
the strains of World War I.
Yet, Europe can also draw on notable successes. Two
other monetary unions of the 19th century prospered -
and still exist today. It is a testament to their
success, economists say, that the most long-lasting
monetary unions of that era, Italy's lira and
Germany's mark, are no longer even considered
experiments. Yet, each country had many different 
types of money circulating within its borders during
the early years of political unity.
In 1815, the German Federation was composed of 39
independent states, each with its own standards for
coinage. In 1859, two years before the unification of
Italy, as many as 90 different metallic currencies
were legal tender within the borders of present-day
These unions have been successful for obvious reasons:
A strong central government controlled state spending,
and there was only one finger on the printing press
most of the time. The current euro experiment is
somewhat of a hybrid between the Latin Union and the
unions within Germany and Italy. Twelve euro-zone
countries have agreed to give up the power to decide
when to print money - and how much. But they have not
surrendered their tax collection powers and thus their
ability to direct spending through a central
government. The fact that the euro zone lacks this
ability to direct fiscal spending makes the union
vulnerable, according to some economists. "It seems to
me that it lacks several things that have proved
necessary for the sustainability of a monetary union
in the past," said Forrest Capie, a professor of
economic history at the City University Business
School in London. "The chief one is some central
fiscal arrangement that can help the territory
withstand a shock of some kind." If one part of the
union experiences a big shock, Mr. Capie asked, "How
does it cope with that?"
"If it's an independent country," he said, "all kinds
of things can come into play: The government can pay
tax to the affected area, the exchange rate can bounce
around. But if you're an area within a monetary union,
pretty much nothing can happen, except you bear the
Economic shocks that affect specific parts of the
union but not the rest are most worrisome because
ultimately they put pressure on the union as a whole
to bail out the weakened link. "Economic shocks" could
be anything from a natural disaster, the failure of a
large industry, a massive crop failure or the outbreak
of war. In the post-Sept. 11 world, the list might
also include a large-scale terrorist attack. Glyn
Davies, author of "A History of Money From Ancient
Times to the Present Day," said the greatest long-term
threat to monetary union in Europe would be wars or
"disputes regarding attitudes to countries that are at
war."  "It's the political aspect which will matter,"
he said. "If you have a strong political union, then
it can withstand many attacks. But if there are
political differences, it can weaken the monetary
union considerably." The monetary past offers insights
into the national "personalities" that may help decide
the course of the euro.
Since the days of Napoleon, France has seen European
monetary union as a way to spread its economic and
cultural influence throughout Europe. Britain was
always skeptical of monetary affairs on the Continent
and maintained a gold standard while much of the rest
of Europe had a bimetallic standard. Norway has
cherished its independence and was a reluctant partner
in the Scandinavian Monetary Union. Greece was
indecisive about membership of the Latin Monetary
There are other lessons. Monetary unions are
successful when there is a great mobility of people
within the union. The United States, which began its
monetary unity with the constitution of 1789, stands
as perhaps the best example of this. Finally, "you
can't talk too much about the future," said Mr.
Davies, who has dug up reams of documents on the
monetary past of the Continent, including the letter
from Napoleon and Victor Hugo. "History is full of the
unexpected," he said. Starting Tuesday, the euro will
circulate in Austria, Belgium, Finland, France,
Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, the
Netherlands, Portugal and Spain.
(Copyright © 2001 The International Herald Tribune)


BELGRADE, Yugoslavia, Dec. 28 (UPI) -- French troops
of the NATO-led international peacekeeping force KFOR
in Kosovo clashed with  several hundred Serbs in the
northern town of Mitrovica during a house-to-house
search for weapons, the Srna news agency reported. 
The troops used stun bombs and tear gas and fired in
the air to disperse demonstrators. KFOR issued no
statement by Friday morning and it was not clear if
there were casualties on either side. Srna said the
incident started at 10 p.m. Thursday when residents of
a block of flats gathered to protest against the way
the search was being carried out. They were joined by
hundreds of Serbs living in the northern part of
Mitrovica and confrontations lasted until early Friday
when the troops hurled tear gas canisters and stun
bombs at the crowd.  During the night, KFOR and
international police suspended all foot patrols and
vehicles from the Mitrovica streets. KFOR patrols
returned to the streets after daybreak. 
The town of Mitrovica is divided by the River Ibar
into predominantly Serb-populated northern part and
the mostly ethnic Albanian southern sector. There has
been sporadic violence between the two communities
since KFOR took control of Kosovo in June 1999. KFOR
officials believe that the Serbs have large quantities
of weapons hidden in the area. 


During the four long years that Jehadi criminals ruled
Kabul, tens of thousands of civilians, including this
woman's young son were martyred.  According to
international sources, fifty thousand civilians lost
their lives during these years in Kabul alone and tens
of thousands were injured and maimed.  Our sources
know the actual numbers are much higher. 
Different groups were fighting with each other in
different parts of the city. Kabul was bathed in blood
and burned to ashes during the Jehadi criminals rule.
Crimes committed by the fundamentalists were not 
limited to mass murders. They raped young girls and
women; tortured ethnic minorities; and pillaged
national assets and public property.  They crammed and
roasted prisoners in steel containers and drove nails
into their foreheads. Never in the history of
Afghanistan have such atrocities committed against
defenseless civilians been witnessed. Unfortunately,
the world tends to forget mass murders in a painful
silence and convenient amnesia.
The armed groups of Dustom, Gulboddin, Ahmed Shah
Masoud, Rabbani, Sayyaf and Khalili of the Hizbe
Wahdat [Unity Party] are the main criminals.  Today
the majority of these murderers have joined together
under the banner of the "Northern Alliance". The West
is treating them as allies. The people of Kabul will
never forget the years of atrocities. Some forces may
conveniently turn a blind eye to their evil actions,
but history is not blind. The leaders of the "Northern
Alliance" must be brought to justice for atrocious
crimes of war.
RAWA asked an Afghan mother to tell us her story, in
front of a video camera. She told us how she lost her
beloved son few months after the fundamentalists
seized the power in Kabul in April 28, 1992. The
following is the transcript from videotape of what she
related to us in her own dialect, without addition or
omission. The interview has been filmed by RAWA in


(Eduardo Galeano, GRANMA)
No sólo en la Argentina, no sólo en América latina, el
sistema está ciego. ¿Qué son las personas de carne y
hueso? Para los economistas más notorios, números.
Para los banqueros más poderosos, deudores. Para los
tecnócratas más eficientes, molestias. Y para los
políticos más exitosos, votos.
Ahora los invisibles han ocupado, cosa rara, el centro
de la escena. Son los que se niegan a seguir comiendo
promesas; los que han sido despojados de sus salarios
y de sus jubilaciones; los que han sido desvalijados
de sus ahorros de toda la vida; los jóvenes que se
sienten traicionados por el país que heredan.
En el río revuelto de la bronca colectiva, aparecen
también los pescadores: los provocadores, los
delincuentes, los violentos, los que quieren desviar
el justo torrente de la indignación popular, para que
todo acabe en una guerra de pobres contra pobres. Pero
eso no quita ni un poquito de valor a la pueblada que
volteó al gobierno de De la Rúa, ni a las caceroladas
de después, que son irrefutables pruebas de energía
De la Rúa había dicho, en su discurso, palabra más,
palabra menos: la realidad no existe, la gente no
existe. La democracia somos nosotros, le respondió la
gente, y nosotros estamos hartos. ¿O acaso la
democracia consiste solamente en el derecho de votar
cada cuatro años? ¿Derecho de elección o derecho de
traición? En la Argentina, como en tantos otros
países, la gente vota, pero no elige. Vota por uno,
gobierna otro: gobierna el clon.    
El clon hace, desde el gobierno, todo lo contrario de
lo que el candidato había prometido durante la campaña
electoral. Según la célebre definición de Oscar Wilde,
cínico es el que conoce el precio de todo y el valor
de nada. El cinismo se disfraza de realismo y así se
desprestigia la democracia.
Las encuestas indican que América latina es, hoy por
hoy, la región del mundo que menos cree en el sistema
democrático de gobierno. Una de esas encuestas,
publicada por la revista The Economist, reveló la
caída vertical de la fe de la opinión pública en la
democracia, en casi todos los países latinoamericanos:
hace medio año, sólo creían en ella seis de cada diez
argentinos, bolivianos, venezolanos, peruanos y
hondureños, menos de la mitad de los mexicanos, los
nicaragüenses y los chilenos, no más que un tercio de
los colombianos, los guatemaltecos, los panameños y
los paraguayos, menos de un tercio de los brasileños y
apenas uno de cada cuatro salvadoreños.
Triste panorama, caldo gordo para los demagogos y los
mesías de uniforme: mucha gente, y sobre todo mucha
gente joven, siente que el verdadero domicilio de los
políticos está en la cueva de Alí Babá y los cuarenta
Un recuerdo de infancia del narrador Héctor Tizón: en
la Avenida de Mayo, en Buenos Aires, su papá le señaló
a un señor que en la vereda, ante una mesita, vendía
pomadas y cepillos para lustrar zapatos:
–Ese señor se llama Elpidio González. Miralo bien. El
fue vicepresidente de la república.
Eran otros tiempos. Sesenta años después, en las
elecciones legislativas de 2001, hubo un aluvión de
votos en blanco o anulados, algo jamás visto, un
record mundial. Entre los votos anulados, el candidato
triunfante fue el pato Clemente, que no tiene manos
para robar.    
Quizá nunca América latina había sufrido un saqueo
político comparable con el de la década pasada. Con la
complicidad y el amparo del Fondo Monetario
Internacional y del Banco Mundial, siempre exigentes
de austeridad y transparencia, varios gobernantes
robaron hasta las herraduras de los caballos al
galope. En los años de las privatizaciones, rifaron
todo, hasta las baldosas de las veredas y los leones
de los zoológicos, y todo lo evaporaron. Los países
fueron entregados para pagar la deuda externa, según
mandaban los que de veras mandan, pero la deuda,
misteriosamente, se multiplicó entre los dedos ágiles
de Carlos Menem y muchos de sus colegas. Y los
ciudadanos, los invisibles, se han quedado sin países,
con una inmensa deuda que pagar, platos rotos de esa
fiesta ajena, y con gobiernos que no gobiernan, porque
están gobernados desde afuera.
Los gobiernos piden permiso, hacen sus deberes y
rinden examen: no ante los ciudadanos que los votan,
sino ante los banqueros que los vetan.    
Ahora que estamos todos en plena guerra contra el
terrorismo internacional, esta duda no está demás:
¿qué hacemos con el terrorismo del mercado, que está
castigando a la inmensa mayoría de la humanidad? ¿O no
son terroristas los métodos de los altos organismos
internacionales, que en escala planetaria dirigen las
finanzas, el comercio y todo lo demás? ¿Acaso no
practican la extorsión y el crimen, aunque maten por
asfixia y hambre y no por bomba? ¿No están haciendo
saltar en pedazos los derechos de los trabajadores?
¿No están asesinando la soberanía nacional, la
industria nacional, la cultura nacional?
La Argentina era la alumna más cumplida del Fondo
Monetario, del Banco Mundial y de la Organización
Mundial del Comercio. Así le fue.    
Damas y caballeros: los primeros son los banqueros. Y
donde manda capitán, no manda marinero. Palabras más,
palabras menos, éste fue el primer mensaje que el
presidente George W. Bush envió al presidente
Rodríguez Saá. Desde la ciudad de Washington, capital
de los Estados Unidos y no sólo de los Estados Unidos,
Bush indicó que la Argentina debe “proteger” a sus
acreedores y al Fondo Monetario Internacional y llevar
adelante una política de “más austeridad”.
Mientras tanto, en Buenos Aires, el nuevo Presidente
provisional metió la pata en su primera respuesta a la
prensa. Un periodista le preguntó qué iba a priorizar,
la deuda o la gente, y él contestó: “La deuda”. Don
Sigmund Freud sonrió desde su tumba, pero Rodríguez
Saá corrigió de inmediato su respuesta. Y poco
después, anunció que suspenderá los pagos de la deuda
y destinará ese dinero a crear fuentes de trabajo para
las legiones de desocupados.
La deuda o la gente, ésa es la cuestión. Y ahora la
gente, al son de sus tachos de cocina, suena y exige. 
Hace cosa de un siglo, don José Batlle y Ordóñez,
presidente del Uruguay, estaba presenciando un partido
de fútbol. Y comentó:
–¡Qué lindo sería si hubiera 22 espectadores y diez
mil jugadores!
Quizá se refería a la educación física, que él
promovió. O estaba hablando, más bien, de la
democracia que quería.
Un siglo después, en la orilla argentina del río,
muchos de los manifestantes llevaban la camiseta de su
selección nacional de fútbol, su entrañable señal de
identidad, su alegre certeza de patria: con la
camiseta puesta, tomaron las calles. La gente, harta
de ser espectadora de su propia humillación, ha
invadido la cancha.
No va a ser fácil desalojarla. 

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Consulter aussi – See also :
Website du Courant National-bolchevique du PCN :
Website du Courant National-Révolutionnaire du PCN :
Website EUROPE-ECOLOGIE (Earth first !) :
Website « Les communistes dans le Front
Communists in the Anti-imperialist Front » :
Website PCN Rete italiana :

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