From: "Magnus Bernhardsen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Subject: [Peoples War] Nepalis flee from army

As earlier discussed on this list, most of the news from Nepal is fairly
useless these days. Reading through the lines of this story one can see
that people flee from the army, not the revolutionaries.


Rukum youths flee home to escape conflict

Post Report

NEPALGUNJ, Jan 2 - A large number of youths have left their homes in Rukum
district to the plains of Nepalgunj not wanting to be caught in the
cross-fire between the RNA men and the Maoist rebels.

Rukum is a Maoist hot-bed, and ever since the declaration of emergency, the
security presence here has been very high. But as yet, no major encounter
between the security forces and the rebels has ensued in the last month or

But that has not stopped the people of Rukum, mostly youth, from leaving
their villages. "I fled my home and arrived here (Nepalgunj) fearing
impending army operations," says student Krishna Man Khatri of Machhini
village (Khalanga VDC-5). He says now he will continue with his studies in

Khatri’s Rukum is tense, and it is not easy there to sift the rumour from
the fact. Like the talk that the rebels in retaliation to the army presence
had planted landmines on all the major trails of the
district. When this news spread, a large number of young Rukumis made their
way to Nepalgunj, leaving the women and children behind. The security
forces in Rukum too have been wary of the landmine threat.

More Rukum young men and women left their homes and families after the
rebels in a mass meeting announced ‘war’ against the security forces.
The meeting was held last week at Chhinag Chautara, about 5 kilometres from
the district headquarters of Musikot.

RNA soldiers have been stationed at six of "the most sensitive areas" of
the district while the Nepal Police is providing security in the district

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