AP. 12 January 2002. Looting Reported on Zimbabwe Farms.

HARARE -- Government-backed militants embarked on a fresh looting
campaign of white-owned farms last week, forcing 23 landowners from
their homes, a farmers' organization said Saturday.

One farmer was given five minutes to vacate his property while another
had to barricade himself inside his house, said Jenni Williams, a
spokeswoman for the Commercial Farmers' Union.

Most of the reported incidents were in the Raffingora area, about 62
miles northeast of the capital, Harare, not far from a camp where
opposition politicians say the ruling party is training unemployed
youths as militia.

In one attack, a group of militants -- including a police officer --
stole 900 bags of corn and slaughtered five cattle, Williams said.

Militants have invaded hundreds of white-owned farms since early 2000
with the tacit support of President Robert Mugabe, who called their
actions a justified response to the legacy of inequitable land ownership
left by colonial rule.

Most of Zimbabwe's commercial farmland is owned by whites who make up
less than half a percent of the population.

Western governments have condemned the violence. America has imposed
sanctions, and the European Union has threatened to do the same.

Addressing journalists, Mugabe accused Britain of trying to re-colonize
his country and attempting to persuade the European Union to impose

"It's just Britain -- Britain is at war with us," Mugabe said. British
Prime Minister Tony Blair "has his own version of colonialism, and we
will resist that, I can assure you."

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Barry Stoller

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