
Seoul Hails Pyongyang's Call for Inter-Korean Dialogue.

Seoul Thursday welcomed Pyongyang's Tuesday call for inter-Korean
governmental dialogue.

Seoul Thursday welcomed Pyongyang's Tuesday call for inter-Korean
governmental dialogue.
In a statement issued Thursday morning, the South Korean Unificaiton
Ministry said South Korea will be sincere in implementing the June 2000
Joint Declaration and is willing to reopen inter-governmental dialogue to
discuss pending issues at any time without preconditions.
"Inter-Korean dialogue is indispensable for achieving a peaceful coexistence
and improved inter-Korean relations," the statement said.
South Korea hoped that the two sides of the Korean peninsula will be able to
"reopen suspended talks and implement the agreements as sincerely as
possible," the ministry said in the statement.
It added that Seoul also hoped the relationship between both sides "will
help settle reconciliation, cooperation and friendshipbetween the two parts
of the divided peninsula."
South Korea and the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK)issued the
joint declaration after a historic summit between SouthKorean President Kim
Dae-jung and DPRK leader Kim Jong Il in Pyongyang One June 13-15, 2000.
However, inter-Korean relations came into stalemate after the fifth
inter-Korean ministerial talks failed last October.
Early Thursday, former Unification Minister Park Jae-kyu said at a seminar
that inter-Korean relations are bound to improve soonbecause Pyongyang needs
to cooperate with Seoul to solve its economic troubles and wants to improve
its relationship with Washington.
In addition, South Korean Deputy Foreign Minister Yim Sung-joonmet Assistant
U.S. Secretary of State James Kelly here Thursday tocoordinate the
countries' policies toward the DPRK.
At the meeting, Yim expressed his positive evaluation of the call by
Pyongyang for inter-Korean talks, urging Washington to make concerted
efforts to reopen dialogue with Pyongyang.
On Tuesday, Pyongyang declared that it will actively seek dialogue with
Seoul at both the government and civil level, calling for thorough
implementation of the June 15 Declaration, the promotion of inter-Korean
relations and a unification campaign,and removing the obstacles to peace and
The declaration was made at a joint meeting of the DPRK government, party
and other organizations.


Sino-Vietnam Border Treaties Equal to Both Countries: Spokesperson.

The land border treaty between Vietnam and China and the agreement on the
delimitation of the Beibu Bay territorial sea are equal and
mutual-beneficial to both countries, a Vietnamese spokeswoman reaffirmed
Thursday in Hanoi. 

The land border treaty between Vietnam and China and the agreement on the
delimitation of the Beibu Bay territorial sea are equal and
mutual-beneficial to both countries, a Vietnamese spokeswoman reaffirmed
Thursday in Hanoi. 
Vietnamese Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Phan Thuy Thanh made the
reaffirmation when answering a relevant question at a regular press
conference here Thursday.
Thanh said "with regards to the treaties between Vietnam and China, we would
like to add that the conclusion of a land border treaty between Vietnam and
China and an agreement on the demarcation of the Beibu Bay resulted from
tremendous concerted efforts made by both sides over many years in the
spirit of frankness, mutual understanding and respect for each other's
The treaty and agreement were drafted on the basis of respect for
independence, sovereignty, territorial integrity, non-invasion,
non-interference into each other's internal affairs, equality, mutual
benefits, peaceful coexistence and conformity with international laws and
practices, the spokeswoman stressed.
The signing the Treaty on Vietnam-China Land Border and Agreement on
Demarcation of the Beibu Bay marked a new important step forward in building
a peaceful and stable environment in the region, creating favorable
conditions for the two countries to focus on national construction and
development, she added.
China and Vietnam signed the land border treaty and agreement on the
delimitation of the Beibu Bay territorial sea between the two countries in
December 1999 and December 2000, respectively.


Premier Zhu Meets Egyptian President Mubarak.

Through combined effort, the strategic cooperation between China and Egypt
will expand in the new century, Chinese Premier Zhu Rongji said on Thursday
in Beijing. 

Through combined effort, the strategic cooperation between China and Egypt
will expand in the new century, Chinese Premier Zhu Rongji said on Thursday
in Beijing. 
Zhu made the remarks when meeting with Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak, who
arrived here Wednesday on a state visit to China.
Mubarak, an old friend of three generations of Chinese leaders, has made
important contributions to Sino-Egypt and Sino-Arab friendship, said Zhu,
noting that Mubarak's previous meeting with Chinese President Jiang Zemin
was "fruitful." 
Since the 1950's, Zhu said, Egypt has made great achievements in economic
development as well as in safeguarding national sovereignty and
As a major Arabic and African country, Egypt has contributed significantly
to the peace and stability of the Middle East and the world at large, Zhu
"China speaks highly of Egypt's foreign policy of independence and
non-alliance and supports the constructive role of Egypt in the Middle East
and international affairs."
Despite twists and turns in the international arena, Zhu said, China and
Egypt always understand and support each other.
As major developing countries, he said, both China and Egypt face the tasks
of defending national independence and developing their national economy.
The two countries can learn from each other, especially in the field of
economic reform, he said.
In recent years, trade and economic cooperation between the two have been
developing rapidly, and there is still huge potential in tourism and
investment, said Zhu, expressing China's willingness to further tap these
The two countries enjoy bright prospects in further cooperation, and in a
bid to promote trade and economic ties both sides should explore new ways of
cooperation in line with respective national conditions, Zhu said.
Mubarak said his three meetings with Premier Zhu in recent years have
demonstrated the good relations between the two countries.
Both with a long history, the two countries share much common ground, he
He expressed his belief that the Egypt-China business council, established
several hours ago, will surely push forward the two countries' cooperation
in investment and trade.
Mubarak invited Zhu to visit Egypt again.


Russian Govt Slams US for Chechnya Position.

Russia's government slammed U.S. officials Thursday for meeting a rebel
Chechen envoy, and bristled at a Council of Europe resolution deploring
human rights abuses in the breakaway province.

Russia's government slammed U.S. officials Thursday for meeting a rebel
Chechen envoy, and bristled at a Council of Europe resolution deploring
human rights abuses in the breakaway province.

The unhappy Russian responses came amid revived international criticism of
Moscow's 2-year-old war in Chechnya, criticism that had subsided last fall
after Russia expressed strong support for the U.S.-led anti-terrorism

Russia's Foreign Ministry said in a statement that a recent meeting between
Ilyas Akhmadov, the Chechen separatists' chief international " diplomat ",
and U.S. State Department officials "runs counter to the spirit of
cooperation and partnership between the two countries in the fight against
international terrorism."

"The U.S. administration, which says it is necessary to fight any
manifestations of terrorism around the world, is actually encouraging
Chechen terrorists who continue bandit attacks against Russian servicemen,
representatives of the local administration and civilians," the statement

Akhmadov's meetings with U.S. officials have angered Russians before. U.S.
officials insist the meetings are part of several contacts in efforts to
promote a peaceful solution to the war.

Meanwhile, Russian officials also criticized a resolution by the Council of
Europe's parliamentary assembly urging Russia to boost political efforts to
end the war and denouncing a lack of Russian progress in improving human
rights for Chechen civilians.

Kremlin envoy Sergei Yastrzhembsky dismissed accusations of human rights
abuses. "This is evidently an echo of the discussion about how U.S.
servicemen treat Taliban and al-Qaida fighters," he was quoted by the
Interfax news agency as saying.

He and Russia's chief delegate to the parliamentary assembly, Leonid
Slutsky, protested the resolution's suggestion that crimes committed in
Chechnya be tackled under the Geneva Convention on protecting civilians in
war. They said the convention applies only to wars between states.

"This is a counter-terrorist operation being carried out by the federal
authorities on their own territory, not an interstate conflict,"
Yastrzhembsky was quoted as saying.


Cambodia Continues to Strengthen Relationship with China.

Cambodian Acting Head of State Chea Sim and Prime Minister Hun Sen on
Thursday said that Cambodia would continue to strengthen and develop the
traditional friendly relationship between Cambodia and China.

They made the remarks when they separately met with visiting Chinese State
Councilor and Secretary-General of the State Council Wang Zhongyu  on

Relationship of two countries enters new period
Chea Sim said that the traditional neighboring relationship between the two
countries has entered into a new development period since the successful
visit by Chinese President Jiang Zemin  to Cambodia   in November, 2000.

In recent years, the friendly cooperative relations between thetwo nations
have been further strengthened through frequent contacts and exchanges
between the top-level leaders of the two countries, he added.

Prime Minister Hun Sen told Wang Zhongyu that one of the important tasks of
the Royal government is to enhance and develop the friendly cooperative
relationship between Cambodia and China.

The premier stressed that the special friendly cooperative relationship
between the two nations, ushered by King Norodom Sihanouk and the three
generations of the Chinese leaders, are based on the solid foundations.

Wang Zhongyu first separately conveyed warm greetings of Chinese President
Jiang Zemin and Chairman of Chinese National People's Congress Li Peng  to
Chea Sim and good wishes of Chinese Premier Zhu Rongji  to Hun Sen.

He thanked the Cambodian leaders for their contributions to promotion of the
Sino-Cambodian relationship and appreciated theirstand of one-China.

Great potentials for further cooperation
He affirmed that there still have great potentials of developing the
cooperations between the two countries, in particular in the economic and
trade areas, adding that he is happy to see that more Chinese enterprises
have increased their investments in Cambodia.

The two Cambodian leaders highly appreciated the achievements and
experiences made by China in its reform and opening-up.

Wang said that his goodwill visit to Cambodia is to implement the consensus
and friendly cooperation reached by the two countries during the Jiang's
successful visit to Cambodia in 2000.

The Chinese government is willing to promote bilateral cooperation in
economic and trade areas, he added.

He also held a working talk with Sok An on Thursday at the Council of

Wang Zhongyu arrived in Cambodia for a 4-day goodwill visit on Wednesday
night at the invitation of Senior Minister and Cabinet Minister Sok An. He
is scheduled to leave Cambodia on Saturday.


A Falun Gong Cult Devotee's Contrition.

"The Falun Gong cult misled me into killing my beloved uncle," lamented Qiu
Defeng, convicted of murder in the capital of south China's Hainan Province.
Influenced by a speech delivered by Falun Gong leader Li Hongzhi, Qiu Defeng
started to practice Falun Gong in 1994 when he was following a course of
higher education in east China's Anhui Province.

Qiu Defeng killed uncle
On December 11, 2001, 29-year-old Qiu axed to death his uncle, Qiu Junxian,
who had brought him up and financed his university education.

Influenced by a speech delivered by Falun Gong leader Li Hongzhi, Qiu Defeng
started to practice Falun Gong in 1994 when he was following a course of
higher education in east China's Anhui
<http://english.peopledaily.com.cn/data/province/anhui.html>  Province.

Since then, Qiu's devotion to the Falun Gong cult never wavered until he was
arrested for murdering his uncle last year.

On the day of the crime, Qiu had accused his 68-year-old uncle of bewitching
him and raged over his uncle's failure to answer the accusation.

Qiu Defeng then hacked at his uncle with a kitchen knife and set his uncle's
house on fire. Police arrested Qiu on the site where he was preparing to
burn his uncle's body.

Qiu believed Falun Gong is good before repentance
"I suspected that my uncle was plotting to murder me and could not control
myself when thinking about a Falun Gong cult lecture which summons followers
to endure until there is no need to," said Qiu, recalling his crime.

Before committing the murder, Qiu would practice Falun Gong for four hours a
day and claimed to have opened the "heavenly eye," which can see what others
cannot see and which can distinguish people who want to cause harm.

As a practicing cult follower, Qiu had attempted to persuade people to
believe that Falun Gong is good for health and that the leader Li Hongzhi is
a good person, recalled Qiu Xinshi, murderer Qiu's neighbor. A large amount
of Falun Gong books, pictures, disks and items were found in Qiu's house
after the murder, according to police officer Yu Jianhua.

Qiu realized Falun Gong is an evil cult
"Falun Gong is definitely a cult which destroyed my trust in other people,
including my uncle, and led me to commit such an appalling act," said Qiu,
sobering up from his obsession with the Falun Gong cult.

"The cult propaganda said that people can go to heaven in a state of
transcendence after death. This is pure nonsense. I do not believe in the
cult any more," said Qiu, regretfully accusing the Falun Gong Cult for
duping him into carrying out a crime.

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