From: "Magnus Bernhardsen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Subject: [Peoples War] U.S. diplomatic papers shed light on Peru insurgency

U.S. diplomatic papers shed light on Peru insurgency

LIMA, Peru, Jan. 24 — A raft of declassified U.S. documents chronicling
Peru's bloody two-decade war against leftist insurgency could help the
Andean nation in its quest to heal past wounds but should not be taken as
gospel, Peru's truth board said on Thursday.
       Forty-one declassified papers were published by the U.S. National
Security Archive, a nongovernmental organization affiliated with George
Washington University in Washington, revealing U.S. officials' take on the
20 years of violence between leftist rebels and state security forces that
scarred Peru with bombings and blackouts and left some 30,000 people dead.
       The documents hit Peruvian papers as its Truth and Reconciliation
Commission, created last year to probe years of violence, this week
launched a campaign to exhume mass graves.
       ''They killed 300!'' proclaimed La Republica -- referring to one
document, which detailed how a police hit squad allegedly killed 300
suspected rebels in 1989-90.
       Newspaper front pages printed copies of dispatches from the U.S.
Embassy in Lima to Washington dating from 1983 to 1994, including one in
which U.S. officials in Lima said they were told in 1990 by a Peruvian
police sergeant about extrajudicial killings of 300 villagers suspected of
supporting rebels. 
       ''(The hit squad's) mission was to locate (Shining Path) terrorists
... and kill them,'' the officials reported. The name of the Peruvian
sergeant, like many other names and details in the documents, was blocked
before declassification.
       The papers gave graphic accounts of violence by Shining Path and
state security forces, including descriptions of villagers' throats being
slit before crowds of children or dozens of naked bodies tossed in mass
       Other documents reported on alleged military participation in
civilian massacres and allegations that senior political authorities were
linked to human rights crimes.
       The Truth Commission, which President Alejandro Toledo has said will
be key in healing the wounds of Peru's past, has until mid-2003 to present
its conclusions. 

       ''These documents provide valuable information and a few leads that
could become evidence ... but it is proof that needs to be corroborated by
the commission's investigations,'' said Truth Commission Executive
Secretary Javier Ciurlizza.
       ''It's a contribution, but just one contribution,'' he said.
       Shining Path wound down after 1992, when its legendary leader
Abimael Guzman was captured. The smaller leftist rebel group, the Tupac
Amaru Revolutionary Movement, remained more active until the late 1990s but
is also defunct. 
       Ousted President Alberto Fujimori, who fled in 2000 during a
corruption scandal, was praised for ending years of conflict. But the
declassified documents also cited reports his jailed spy chief, Vladimiro
Montesinos, was behind other human rights crimes, such as the 1991 massacre
of 15 partygoers in Lima.
       In the documents, U.S. officials also discussed a 1986 Lima prison
massacre, in which more than 200 suspected leftist prisoners were killed
when then President Alan Garcia ordered security forces to quell prison
       ''There is no doubt that (Garcia) must have authorized the original
counterattacks in the prison, and he could not have been under great
illusions about the manner in which the military or police would handle
this,'' one document said.
       Garcia, who heads the opposition American Popular Revolutionary
Party (APRA), lost out to Toledo in elections last year. Garcia has denied
wrongdoing in the jail killings.
       ''This is nothing new -- it was all subject of trials,'' said Jorge
del Castillo a senior APRA party official.

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