> Thanks!  I'm still trying to figure out what we should replace HTTP URLs and 
> the same-origin policy with.  I think retrieve-by-content-hash can take up 
> most of the load that HTTP carries right now.

Great! An excellent project! Brian Warner and I have written a few
notes about how to add per-URL authentication to the web in a
backwards-compatible way. Of course, your approach may be to forego
backwards compatibility in order to gain other values.

> I really want an alternative to Facebook and IRC, and I don't think Diaspora* 
> is it.

Hm, I'm not really sure if references with fine-grained
integrity/authentication/access-control integrated into them would
help with this. Would it? I know a lot of people have been working on,
or at least talking about, this sort of functionality for a couple of
years now, but I don't have a clear idea of what architecture would

One good way to think of the UX for this was suggested to me by my
brother N— a few years ago. He said he wanted something that looked at
behaved *exactly* like Facebook, but had no central server.

(Actually he said "Myspace", which just shows you how many years ago it was.)


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