This is a simple JavaScript unit testing library, written because the
existing JavaScript unit testing libraries were insufficiently
powerful and too hard to use.

Copyright in this email message is held by CommerceNet Consortium,
Inc.  However, copyright in the software contained in this message is
held entirely by Kragen Sitaker; pursuant to US law, California law,
and Kragen's employment contract with CommerceNet, this software
developed entirely on Kragen's time, with Kragen's equipment, not on
CommerceNet premises, and not related to CommerceNet's business, is
not owned by CommerceNet.

This software is licensed to the general public under the GNU General
Public License, version 2.0 (or later, at the option of the user).
This license permits the general public, including CommerceNet, to
use, copy, modify, and redistribute the software, with some minor

/* jstest: Simple JavaScript testing library, v1 */

/* Copyright Kragen Sitaker, 2005. Licensed under GNU GPL.  See end of
 * file for details.*/


   1. Include this file in your HTML:
       <script src="";></script>

   2. Add some tests --- look for "tests = " in this file for more examples:
       <script type="text/javascript">
           tests = { basic_arithmetic: function() { assert_equal(3 + 4, 7) } };

   3. Add an onLoad that calls "barebones_run_tests":
       <body onLoad="barebones_run_tests()">

   4. Load the page in Mozilla.  (Seems broken in Konqueror; dunno why.)

   This library uses the following function and variable names.
   Redefining them yourself will change its operation:

       textarea_output, test_output, set_test_output, current_test,
       current_result, run_tests, assert, eql_array, eql, eql_object,
       property_names, make_set, all_in_set, assert_equal, barebones_run_tests



tests -- you define this to point at your tests.  See example near
    bottom of this file.

Internal Testing Variables:
test_output -- the variable holding the current output object
current_test -- the name of the currently-executing test
current_result -- the results of the currently-executing test
    XXX hide these

Test-Suite Running Functions:
barebones_run_tests -- adds a textarea to the document and runs the test suite 
    at window.tests in it
textarea_output -- constructs an output object that outputs to a given textarea.
set_test_output -- redirects test output to a new place
run_tests -- runs a particular suite of tests

Test-Suite Construction Functions:
assert(condition, msg) -- fails a test if a condition is not true; msg optional
assert_equal(a, b) -- fails a test if two objects are not structurally the same
    XXX debug message?

Utility Functions:
eql(a, b) -- returns true if two objects are structurally the same
property_names -- returns an array of the names "for (x in obj)" iterates over
make_set -- turns an array of strings into an object for quick membership tests
all_in_set(aset, alist) -- returns true if all the items in alist are "in" aset
eql_object -- helper function for eql XXX hide
eql_array -- ditto XXX hide

Methods Test Objects Should Implement (textarea_output's return value,
   for example):
pass(name) -- test called "name" has passed
fail(name, why) -- test called "name" failed, for reason "why"
debugmsg(msg) -- someone can't figure out what's going on and wants printf
   XXX this needs fixing as there's no way to call it


function textarea_output(out_textarea) {
    return {
        debugmsg: function(str) { out_textarea.value += "<<" + str + ">>" },
        pass: function(name) { out_textarea.value += "passed: " + name + "\n" },
        fail: function(name, why) { out_textarea.value += "FAILED: " + name + " 
(" + why + ")\n" }

test_output = null;
function set_test_output(out_thingy) { test_output = out_thingy }

// If JavaScript were really prototype-oriented, we'd create an object
// inheriting from "suite" and set its output to test_output here,
// instead of using global variables like this.

current_test = null;
current_result = null;
function run_tests(suite) {
    for (current_test in suite) {
        var raised_exception = false;
        current_result = null;
        try {
        } catch (e) {
            raised_exception = e;
        if (raised_exception) {
  , "exception: " + raised_exception);
        } else if (current_result == null) {
  , "no assertions");
        } else if (current_result) {

function assert(truth, why) {
    if (truth) {
        if (current_result == null) current_result = true;
    } else {
        if (why == null) why = "assertion failed";, why);
        current_result = false;

function eql_array(a, b) {
    if (a.length != b.length) return false;
    for (var i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
        if (!eql(a[i], b[i])) return false;
    return true;

function property_names(obj) {
    // I can't believe this isn't a primitive in JavaScript
    var rv = [];
    for (var i in obj) rv.push(i);
    return rv;

function make_set(array) {
    var rv = {};
    for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++)
        rv[array[i]] = 1;
    return rv;

function all_in_set(set, items) {
    for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++)
        if (!set[items[i]]) return false;
    return true;

function eql_object(a, b) {
    if (a.constructor != b.constructor) return false;
    var anames = property_names(a);
    var bnames = property_names(b);
    if (!all_in_set(make_set(anames), bnames)) return false;
    if (!all_in_set(make_set(bnames), anames)) return false;
    for (var i in anames) {
        var name = anames[i];
        if (!eql(a[name], b[name])) return false;
    return true;

function eql(a, b) {
    if (a.constructor == Array && b.constructor == Array) {
        return eql_array(a, b);
    } else if (a.constructor == Number || a.constructor == String || 
               a.constructor == Function) {
        return (a == b);
    } else {
        return eql_object(a, b);

function assert_equal(a, b) {
    assert(eql(a, b), a.toSource() + " != " + b.toSource());

tests = {
    simple_pass: function() { assert(3 + 4 == 7) },
    double_pass: function() { assert(3 + 4 == 7); assert(3 + 4 == 7) },

    // these few tests fail, in order to test testing
    simple_fail: function() { assert(2 + 2 == 5) },
    fail_then_pass: function() { assert(2 + 2 == 5); assert(3 + 4 == 7) },
    simple_notests: function() { return; assert(3 + 4 == 7) },

    simple_equal: function() { assert(eql(1, 1)) },
    simple_unequal: function() { assert(!eql(1, 2)) },
    empty_list_equal: function() { assert(eql([], [])) },
    length_mismatch: function() { assert(!eql([1], [])) },
    item_mismatch: function() { assert(!eql([1], [2])) },
    nonempty_list_equal: function() { assert(eql([1], [1])) },

    nested_list_equal: function() { assert(eql([[[3]]], [[[3]]])) },
    nested_list_unequal: function() { assert(!eql([[[3]]], [[[4]]])) },

    string_equal: function() { assert(eql("yes", "yes")) },
    string_unequal: function() { assert(!eql("nes", "yes")) },

    property_names: function() { 
        assert_equal(property_names({}), []);
        assert_equal(property_names({x:1}), ['x']);
        assert_equal(property_names({x:[]}), ['x']);

    bare_object_equal: function() { assert(eql({}, {})) },
    bare_object_assert_equal: function() { assert_equal({}, {}) },
    bare_object_unequal: function() { assert(!eql({x:[]}, {})) },
    nonempty_object_equal: function() { assert(eql({x:[]}, {x:[]})) },

    constructors: function() {
        function Foo() { };
        function Boo() { };
        var x = new Foo();
        var y = new Boo();
        var yy = new Boo();
        assert_equal(y, y);
        assert_equal(y, yy);
        assert(!eql(x, y));
    mismatched_values: function() { assert(!eql({x:1}, {x:2})) },
    mismatched_orders: function() { assert_equal({a:1,b:1}, {b:1,a:1}) },
    matched_functions: function() { var x = function(){}; assert_equal(x, x) },
    mismatched_functions: function() { assert(!eql(function(){}, 
function(){1})) },
    // XXX: handling of null and undefined

function barebones_run_tests() {
    var textarea = document.createElement('textarea');
    textarea.rows = 60;
    textarea.cols = 80;
    textarea.value = "Barebones test results at " + new Date() + ":\n";

/* jstest -- a JavaScript unit testing program
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
 * Kragen Sitaker does not consider programs tested using this program
 * to be derivative works thereof, and therefore proprietary software
 * may be tested with it.  However, the test suites themselves might
 * be derivative works of this program.

// -->

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