
Having used all sorts of things as mold release (and having just made
a new nose bowl for my cowl), I have found polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) to
be very easy. Its basically a sprayable rubber. Spray on a few coats
as you would paint, wax it three times and nothing will stick to it.
No tape ripples and it cleans up with water.

You can typically find at at craft stores as its commonly used in sculpting.

Here is a brief write up on my blog:

For simple parts, its hard to beat plastic packing tape IMHO.

Jeff Lange

On 7/6/13, Mike Sylvester <shagster60 at hotmail.com> wrote:
> Hey guys, I'm in better spirits this weekend than the last. I'm making
> another attempt to build this cowl and this time she's coming together
> nicely. I know that electrical tape, duct tape and plastic are good release
> agents but what about shrink wrap ? The really thin stuff. Just thinking
> that it would be easier to shrink wrap this mail plug than to try and get
> duct tape to stick to it. Anybody tried it ?
> Mike Sylvester
> kr2s builder
> Birmingham,AL.
> Cell no.205-966-3854                                  
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