Pure-gas.org/    has  hundreds of gas stations by states with pure gas
....   !!!!
On Nov 16, 2013 8:04 PM, "smwood" <smwood at md.metrocast.net> wrote:

> Vinyl ester has slightly better durability for 100 LL aviation fuel.
>  Epoxy is satisfactory also for 100 LL.  Both resins will dissolve slowly
> in the Ethanol that our enlightened government requires to be added to
> automotive gasoline.  In the presence of water in the Ethanol laced fuel,
> the Ethanol is much more active and will dissolve Vinyl ester quite
> quickly.  (Been there, done that, got the aluminum tanks.)  The water is
> absorbed by the Ethanol that is stored in vented gas station and aircraft
> fuel tanks until it reaches 6% water at saturation.  All the chemistry
> experts I checked with refer to this condition as a super solvent for Vinyl
> ester.
> No mechanical filter will separate the dissolved water from the Ethanol.
> Rubber components in aircraft fuel systems are also attacked by Ethanol.
> Worst case is the hardening of the tiny rubber tip on the float needle for
> float carburetors.
> Recommend that Ethanol automotive fuel not be used in Vinyl ester and
> Epoxy aircraft fuel tanks.
> Sid Wood
> Tri-gear KR-2 N6242
> Mechanicsville, MD, USA
> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
> My M-19 is being constructed using the pink board and AeroPoxy laminating
>> resin, but the wet cell wing fuel tanks will use vinylester for fuel
>>> resistance.
>>> Oscar Zuniga
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