The prop clearance on my plans-built, KR-2 with Diehl tri-gear and Great 
Plains 2180 VW and 52x52 prop is 9-1/2 inches.  Tony Bengalese recommends 
9-inches in his book Firewall Forward.  I made a wheel-barrow landing on my 
first flight; I bent the nose strut and the swivel bolt plus trashed the 
nose wheel fairing.  Did not have a prop strike.  I taxied about half mile 
back to the hangar and shut down before I found I had bent something.  I 
still had 7 inches prop clearance.  I have since replaced the nose strut and 
the swivel bolt assembly and got back the 9-1/2 inches prop clearance.

Had I made that first flight starting out with 7 inches prop clearance, I am 
certain I would have had a prop strike and probably trashed the VW.  Tony 
has passed, but he is still helping me.

Sid Wood
Tri-gear KR-2 N6242
Mechanicsville, MD, USA

> Paul Visk wrote:
>> Can someone tell me the distance between the bottom of the firewall and
>> the center line of a corvair engine?   I might have a 56x60 prop. I need
>> to know how long the nose and main gear needs to be so I don't make
>> rumble strips down  the runway.
> See the image at the bottom of > Can someone tell me the distance between
> the bottom of the firewall and the center line of a corvair engine?   I
> might have a 56x60 prop. I need to know how long the nose and main gear
> needs to be so I don't make rumble strips down  the runway.  You need one
> more measurement to make to get your number, crank centerline to the
> bottom of the case, but that should be easy for you..  The 8.25" number is
> bottom of firewall to bottom of case.
> A 56" prop is pushing it, somewhat.  I started out with a 52" prop, then
> went to 54" props (and I killed one of those in a deliberate nose-low
> landing), and after a lot of experience went to a 56" prop, but you need
> to keep the tail low and be cognizant that there's not a lot of room for
> the prop clearance out front...
> Mark Langford

     Also I have heard that you need 4" prop clearance in a level
position. Put
     your engine up high enough to get that figure, Virg
     More is better! I will bet that someone will come up with facts rather
     than our supposition, Virg
     Ain't this a great forum ?

     On 1/3/2014 9:37 AM, Pat and Robin Russo wrote:
> I was under the impression that nine inches was recommended/required
> clearance. 

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