I /think /that the EAA losing it's way is just a symptom of this 
culture/society we've built (or evolved into?)
At work it's "Safety Safety" - everybody _says_ it's for concern about 
worker's health and well being, but
I think it's all about lawsuits and the possibility of bad publicity. A 
totally risk averse thing.
Experimental Aircraft building - heck flying! has risk.  I can't think 
of how to change that - why
suppose that the EAA has any good ideas?
I can't imagine what the kids are learning.  Is it any wonder that 
younger people aren't building?

On 1/3/2014 2:46 PM, Craig Williams wrote:
> Eaa has lost it's way and I hope someday it can get back to what it was 
> formed to do.  In the mean time...I keep trudging along without them.
> My .02

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