> "For what its worth, I bought a can of VHT Nite Shades to spray on the
inside of my canopy above my head."

I tried a can of Testor's translucent black tint on some scrap canopy
material (actually Lexan) when I was working on getting some shade in the
cockpit.  The VHT product might work better but my experience with my
spray can of Testor's was that it came out splotchy looking.  I think it
would have worked to darken the interior but I don't think it would have
looked very nice, plus I think (as Peter mentioned) the solvents would
probably have damaged the plastic.   

I've always liked the look of what Bill Clapp and others have done in
creating less glare in the cockpit.  One disadvantage of that route is
that you lose any ability to see out the top.  With my static cling film
it is still possible to see through the tint.  

The ideal solution would be to find some photosensitive material that
would darken in sunlight and become clear at night.  

I recall trying at least three different types of static cling material -
some for house windows, some for cars, before I decided on the one I
used.  I planned on re-doing the job, considering my first application to
be "practice", but I never re-did it and now, at least five years later,
it has required no attention at all and looks the same as the day I put
it on.  I cut it to shape and used soapy water to slide it into position
and to squeeze any bubbles out.  Considering there is no adhesive
involved, it's amazing that the film has never drooped or come off.  It
made a world of difference in cockpit comfort and reduced glare.  

I still have some extra rolls since I planned to do a more meticulous
application later, so I know what I used.  I didn't get it from Amazon,
but this is the product:  


Here's an RV owner who has had the same experience:

"I put the static cling film on the inside of my RV-6 tip up canopy about
7 yrs ago. We put it in as a temporary measure until I found a better
alternative. It's still there and has done a great job. I bought it at a
local auto supply store. Dave"

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