
I'm not sure what simulator or model you are using, but I've set up a KR2S
model for X-Plane.  There is a link on my web site to the files at

I will not argue about how effective these are for learning how to fly a KR,
but sometimes it's fun to do regardless.  You are welcome to take my model
and modify to your needs. 

The biggest issue with my KR2S model is on the drag. In order to get the
plane's top speed close to my airplane with only 75 hp, it is so slick she
will not slow down for a landing very well. I do not have either a belly
board or flaps on my airplane, neither does the model.  The model could
definitely use either a drag brake or flaps to make it more flyable in the
simulator.  However this does somewhat replicate real life in a KR - you can
float one forever on a landing if you got too much speed. 


Rob Schmitt

-----Original Message-----
From: KRnet [mailto:krnet-bounces at] On Behalf Of piney--- via
Sent: Sunday, October 19, 2014 9:17 AM
To: krnet at
Subject: KR> Flight Sim and real time

HI All;
 I am going to e setting up my flight sim for the winter and am wondering
how the Kr2  model works for anyone who may be using it.
Also, since there is nobody in my area that currently has a KR2 I am
wondering if there is a recommendation for some other type of airplane for
me to try and get some time in that would ay least give me an indication of
what flying a kR2 is like.
I know there is nothing exactly like them but just want to get a feel for
that speed, type of handling etc.
Next year I will certainly try to make it to the gathering so I can
hopefully get a ride in one.
Bob R

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