I finally finished up installation of the new axles, brakes, wheels, and 
tires on N891JF last night, and man does it now have brakes!  For the 
first time, a full-power runup is no problem at all. That was a real 
safety issue for me.  I owe Riley Collins for the great deal he gave me 
on these brakes, which are probably 30 years old, but unused until now.

I was able to nail the alignment at 0.58 degrees of toe-in, which is 
"close enough for KR work".  0.50 degrees was the goal, but I'm quite 
happy with 0.58.  The landings are far less exciting now.  And I love 
being able to lock one wheel and pivot about that wheel, which has been 
impossible in N891JF until now.  I got lazy regarding making shims, and 
just milled the mounting flanges of the axles to the correct angle.  I 
fretted over doing that for a while, but after a beer one night this 
week, I clamped them in them in the vise at the correct angle using a 
smart-level, and milled the matings flanges off to what I measured with 
no shims.  That was far easier and more accurate than making shims.  And 
rather than reinstalling the 6.5 ounce shims that were there, I removed 
some aluminum instead, saving almost a half a pound on shims alone.

Given that I haven't been able to fly it for 5 weeks, I flew up to Larry 
Flesner's place for a "hundred dollar BBQ sandwich" today.  Actually it 
was only $79 in fuel, and Larry bought the lunch, so I got off easy. 
The cool thing is crossing three states in under two hours just to go to 
lunch and visit with a buddy, and then getting back home in plenty of 
time for dinner.

I'd have gotten better fuel mileage, but the absence of wheel pants 
reminded me what a huge impact to performance and efficiency that is! 
Cruise speed at the same RPM dropped from about 148mph to about 135mph, 
and climbout was surprisingly handicapped.  Still, I shouldn't complain 
about 135mph at 3.4 gph, which is 39.7 mpg...far better than my GTI 
gets, twice as fast, and straight-line travel.

Lack of wheel pants has other ramifications, such as glide range.  I 
decided on the way back that I wasn't going to fly it anymore until I 
remedy that.  Tonight I played around with wheel pants, and discovered 
that there's a real possibility that Jim's "sexy wheel pants" will fit 
right back over these brakes!  That's a huge time-saver, and will ensure 
that I can fly to Sun-N-Fun in a month or so and not have to lumber all 
the way down and back.

I'll update this and document the latest progress shortly, but a 
beginning on the "new gear" story is at the bottom half of 

Mark Langford
ML at N56ML.com

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