My hangar lease agreement stipulates that fuel or combustibles outside the 
aircraft fuel tank(s) may not be stored in the hangar in any quantity.  It's 
not really to protect the nearby FBO who has a self-service avgas pump that has 
never pumped anything that costs less than $4/gallon, it's to protect the other 
hangar owners, most of whom have airplanes that are worth more than 15x what my 
little Pietenpol with an A75 and 16 gallon fuel tank are worth.

Directly behind me, for example, and only the thickness of one layer of 
corrugated sheet metal away, is a gorgeous Beech Duke.  In the row of hangars 
across from me are a couple of Cirrus's, an RV-8 whose instrument panel is 
probably worth more than my house, and directly next door to me is a Cessna 
Skylane that I would have to work all of my remaining lifespan to be able to 
afford after paying my own bills and the undertaker's bill.  A couple of 
5-gallon totes of $2/gallon mogas in my hangar could bring those differences in 
value to the immediate forefront if they were to spill and ignite.

Oscar Zuniga
Medford, OR

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