wjacobs at sparton.comThanks a lot,or..
email at work?Bill Jacobs Daytona Beach, Fl. 

     On Monday, October 26, 2015 6:00 AM, Richard Kaczmarek via KRnet <krnet at 
list.krnet.org> wrote:

 Well the time has come to clean out the hanger. Our business needs the
space to start production of a new kit plane. We no longer have the time
and space to complete all the projects we own as a company so here is the
first that needs to go. This was a once flying KR2 and started life as a
tricycle retract. We were going to convert to a fixed gear to save weight
and due to the fact it was needing to much to correct and make safe. The
airframe is complete and comes with everything including a GP2300 VW with
prop, GRT systems monitor and the basic flight instruments. The wings are
built with Diehl skins, it does have additional fuel in the wings at 5 gal
per side plus the header. This is a fantastic and fairly simple project you
can't buy the parts to build for our asking price of $5000

Fast Little Airplanes LLC
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