I had an old Cadillac with a computer display that would read out my
real-time fuel consumption.  I imagine most cars have such things these
days, althoiugh the Oldsmobile that I replaced my beloved Cadillac with
doesn't.  Whenever I would drive cross country and got into the mid-west
where ethanol is sold, my fuel mileage would always go down.  

I'm impressed by the statement "The fastest cars in the country use it."
so obviously I'm suffering form a misconception.  I inherently disliked
it because it decreased my fuel mileage and because government welfare to
all the farmers who grow corn for ethanol annoyes me too.  Plus, I've
never trusted it in my KR.  If I do ever use auto fuel in the KR
(GP-2180) I always use Chevron Supreme, which is what I always use in my
other vehicles.  Calling Chevron headquarters in San Francisco several
years ago, they told me Supreme has 7% ethanol in it.  It may be more
now, or less, but thinking I could avoid ethanol by buying top grade
gasoline was not correct.  I think it's all got ethanol in it, except for
boutique racing shops that sell ethanol-free gas for racing.  Why would
racing shops sell ethanol-free gas for racing if "the fastest cars in the
country use it."  I'm not arguing here since I'm not very smart, but just
relating my experiences.  

Steve Bennett said he always ran my engine on ethanol-free gas - which he
could get in Omaha.  Here in San Diego it's only available from
specialized racing shops.  From Steve's comments on operation of my
engine, I've tried to keep ethanol out of the tanks but I have
occasionally put some Chevron Supreme in.  It's always mixed with
whatever 100LL is already in the tank.  In my aux tank in the wing, made
from vinyl ester, I've been religious about never putting anything but
100LL in it.  I've heard too many stories about car gas wreaking havoc to
tanks and fuel components for me to use it more than very occasionally. 
Just my experience.  I'm still learning new things . . .hope we all are. 

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Why Do You Still Have An Old Fax Machine?

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