At 05:40 PM 6/25/2016, you wrote:
>     "Wanna sell it?
>Bill Jacobs"
>How about taking your private business propositions off net and also
>learning how to put a subject in the subject line and not re-posting the
>entire message you are referring/replying to?


I feel your frustration but using a firing squad to encourage change 
will only result in less participation.

How about something like:

Please people, learn to find the e-mail address of the individual you 
wish to respond to buried in the original post and don't reply to the 
600+ people on the net.  Change the subject if you intend to change 
the content.  Delete everything in the post that is not necessary 
like all the crap added at the end of the post.  A three word reply 
to an individual with all the original post really screws things 
up.  Remind everyone the web address for net rules gets posted once a 
month.  Please take the time to read and follow.  Diplomacy and a bit 
of tolerance is not a bad thing.  Just as some thought my post on 
Microsoft was not relevant I assumed everyone participating on the 
net does so with a computer and hours spent working on computer 
problems means less time to work on projects or, better yet, go flying.

This might be a good time for Mark to re-post  the net rules and 
everyone take a deep breath and "read and heed".

Larry Flesner 

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