Larry said, 

"I feel your frustration but using a firing squad to encourage change
will only result in less participation."

Being nice to these morons may very well reduce participation - as Martha
would say, "that's a good thing."  Mark rightly mentions it doesn't do
any good.   You can't improve intelligence by entertaining stupidity. 
You can only offend them sufficiently that they go away.  These
double-digits would last five minutes on Beechtalk.  Considering what
they contribute, less participation would be a positive, not a negative. 

Notice the quality of response of those offended by my "firing squad"
post - fat drunks who can't operate a keyboard or their smartphones, much
less an aircraft - what does their participation contribute?  

I'm out on this issue.  I thought a little shock therapy might work, but
since Mark is too nice a guy to send these guys back to the swamp, I
guess it's hopeless.  


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