I had one in my KR from Westach.  It was a 2 1/4 analog meter and worked
great.  I like analog meters better than just LED.  They normally stock
a 2" round automotive gauge, but for just a few day wait I had them make
me a 2 1/4 standard aircraft mounting type gauge.  I also had them
incorporate a mixture meter in one of their quad gauges with I think it
was CHT, EGT, and I can't remember the other one.  They are very good
about making custom gauges for low cost if you call and ask.

    -------- Original Message --------
    Subject: KR> Cyberdyne mixture meter
    From: Chris Gardiner via KRnet <krnet at list.krnet.org>
    Date: Sun, July 31, 2016 10:38 am
    To: KRnet <krnet at list.krnet.org>
    Cc: Chris Gardiner <cgardn628 at rogers.com>

    Does anyone know where I might still buy one of these cheap analog
type gauges in the USA.

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