I communicated in the background with others and this was the best solution. I 
would add that there have been complaints that people are being "banned" for 
being constructive. THIS IS NOT GOOD.

Note that the current approach is NOT WORKING.  "Banning" people will simply 
break the list community we all enjoy. It's just a way to double down on whats 
not working.

We need to solve this grammatically (automatically) and here is one way. It is 
slightly inelegant but it WILL work.


To get the thing accomplished?  He needs to add "some kind of code" to the 
signature that the mailing list adds to all of the outbound e-mails.  It could 
be as simple as "Remove this to reply: Qk3j#p"   And he needs to set the spam 
filter on the mail server to reject all incoming e-mail with that string in the 
e-mail.  [this will require people to delete in order to send to the list]

I absolutely can do that on the mail servers I run.  I hope he could do it on 
his.  If he were running majordomo instead of mailman, he could even do it 
within majordomo.


 I'd hate to see this list eventually fail because of inadequate problem 
solving when this is so easy.


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