At 07:22 PM 1/24/2017, you wrote:
What aircraft can I fly that will prepare me for flying a KR2? Joe NunleyÂ

An F86 would be ideal. If that's not available I'd go for one of the lower numbered RV's, i.e. 6,7,8. The 10 is too big and heavy. I've heard the Yankee might be good. If you haven't flown much lately I'd suggest you get 10 hours in 30 days in anything then go for a ride in something slick and light on the controls like the RV series. First flight in an experimental is not the way to get current again.

Biggest thing to remember is rest you arm on your leg or similar, fly with your wrist, relax, and fly it like any other airplane. It will be quick and lighter on the controls than most any other airplane but push the stick forward for down, back for up, left for left wing down, etc.. I can tell you got the idea already............

Larry Flesner

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