    Hope no one objects to the following; I would like to invite anyone near
enough to make the trip to our Annual Havelock Flying Club Family Barbeque
Fly-in.  It will be the weekend of July 31, August 1, & 2, (if bad weather)
at Havelock Airfield, Havelock NB, Canada.  The best little grass strip you
ever saw.(2700 feet)  Camping, Great food, a country & western band,
Satelite spotting, and comradery, friendly folks, flea market and auction.
All welcome if by air or by land come and see our neat little airport, and
have a fun time, one lady told us last year after her first fly in, "it was
just like being in the Great Gadsby."  Hope you will come.
Best regards
Jim Sellars
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "larry flesner" <>
To: "KRnet" <>
Sent: Sunday, July 11, 2004 3:23 PM
Subject: KR> Gathering info

> Some on the KRnet are not aware of or missed the post about the
>    web site.  If you haven't already checked it
> out please do so now and continue to check back for updates.
> If you intend to make the Gathering, please do the "pre-registration"
> form on the site to give me a better idea of how many will be
> attending.  Thanks.......
> "Woopie" for breakfast, fly the KR all morning, chili dogs for lunch!!!
> Man, I hope I don't do myself in before the Gathering!!!!!!!!!!
> Larry Flesner - 2004 KR Gathering host
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> please see other KRnet info at

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