>Behalf Of Joachim Saupe
>Sent: Tuesday, October 18, 2005 1:12 PM
>To: KRnet
>Subject: Re: KR> Steve Jones - Obituary

>Is anyone sending a card, e-card or other from the KR community?

This is what I have proposed we do for Steve. So far only nine people
have donated to this which really surprised me. I was also planning on
sending a letter to Steve's family letting them know what his KR Family
is proposing but I did not want to do that till I knew there would be
enough funds to cover the $350 minimum donation to EAA to have him
inducted on the Memorial Wall at Oshkosh. Here is the post I made

"Steve Jones was an inspiration to the KR Family and I would like to
recognize his dedication to the KR and the Corvair engine by honoring
him with a memorial on the EAA Memorial Wall in Oshkosh, WI. For those
of you unfamiliar with this, here is the link so you can understand what
I am talking about:
A lot of you are new to the KR Family and may not know but I did this
with donations from you for Ken Rand a few years ago. This gesture was
more than appreciated by the Rand family, as I am sure Steve Jones'
family would be honored to know we recognized Steve in such a manner. It
is my understanding that Steve has no wife or children which is a
blessing in itself, therefore, what better way could we remember Steve
than to have his memorial permanently placed in a location he so much
loved. If you would like to contribute to the Steve Jones EAA Memorial
Fund please do so one of two ways:

Send funds using PayPal  www.paypal.com account flyk...@wi.rr.com . (My
e-mail address is the PayPal account number).

or Mail to:

Mark Jones
615 Wexford Circle
Wales, WI 53183

The Memorial Wall dedication service will take place during AirVenture

Any amount over the required amount for the Memorial will be donated to
the KR Gathering Fund."

Mark Jones (N886MJ) 
Wales, WI 
Visit my web site: http://mywebpage.netscape.com/n886mj 
Email: flyk...@wi.rr.com 

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