On Fri, 23 Dec 2005 13:46:27 -0500 "patrusso" <patru...@sover.net>
> Anyone out there experiencing lots of condensation on the windscreen, 
> inside?  My arms are not long enough to wipe the screen. A defroster 
> looks 
> like a practical solution to the cab heat discussion.

Extended use of a defroster (like forgetting to shut it off once airborn)
will cause crazing of the canopy where the hot air hits it.  I mop the
inside of the canopy with a paper towel until takeoff.  Once airborn, the
condensation stops.

While NM isn't known for being particularly cold, high in the mountains
where I live it's as cold as the midwest where I grew up (Iowa).  I
didn't install a heat exchanger in my KR until the third winter I had it.
 Sunshine on the canopy was sufficient to keep me warm.  When I was
flying away from the sun, it got cold in a hurry, which is why I
eventually added the heat exchanger.  Kind of hard to always avoid flying
away from thge sun. :o)

Jeff Scott

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