>    Hey don't loose site of the prize by trying to keep the world 
> informed. The main reason for documenting is to prove to the 
> inspector that you built the plane and comply with the 51% rule. 
> Just keep a handwritten log right in your shop or near the door.
>Joe Horton

Also keep a photo album of some type.  Make sure you are in some of the
building photos, especially the early photos, to show at what point you
started or entered the building process.  Neither the photos or the writing
has to be of professional quality.  If you can match the quality of the
photo on your drivers license, that's good enough.  It is an official
government document and they accept that. :-)

If you keep your photos on the computer, make sure you have backup.
Burn a CD every few months or something.

Larry Flesner

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